Interface Annotator

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractAnnotator, ComposingAnnotator, WholeDocumentLanguageDispatchAnnotator

public interface Annotator
An Annotator annotates text with attributes. Typical annotations are tokens, script/language regions, morphological analyses, sentences, base noun phrases, and entities. A single annotator operates in one language; while the data model supports multi-language texts, this interface does not (yet) provide support.
  • Method Details

    • annotate

      AnnotatedText annotate(CharSequence input)
      Annotates raw text with attributes. For example, a base linguistics annotator may accept raw text and annotate it with token attributes.
      input - data to process
      annotated data
    • annotate

      AnnotatedText annotate(AnnotatedText input)
      Annotates an existing text object with additional attributes. For example, an entity annotator may take the output of a base linguistics annotator (which has token annotations) and add additional entities attributes.
      input - data to process
      annotated data