Class DefaultUsageFormatter

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void appendAllParametersDetails​(java.lang.StringBuilder out, int indentCount, java.lang.String indent, java.util.List<ParameterDescription> sortedParameters)
      Appends the details of all parameters in the given order to the argument string builder, indenting every line with indentCount-many indent<.
      void appendCommands​(java.lang.StringBuilder out, int indentCount, int descriptionIndent, java.lang.String indent)
      Appends the details of all commands to the argument string builder, indenting every line with indentCount-many indent.
      void appendMainLine​(java.lang.StringBuilder out, boolean hasOptions, boolean hasCommands, int indentCount, java.lang.String indent)
      Appends the main line segment of the usage to the argument string builder, indenting every line with indentCount-many indent.
      java.lang.String getCommandDescription​(java.lang.String commandName)
      Returns the description of the command corresponding to the argument command name.
      static java.lang.String getI18nString​(java.util.ResourceBundle bundle, java.lang.String key, java.lang.String def)
      Returns the internationalized version of the string if available, otherwise it returns def.
      static java.lang.String s​(int count)
      Returns count-many spaces.
      void usage​(java.lang.String commandName)
      Prints the usage to JCommander.getConsole() on the underlying commander instance.
      void usage​(java.lang.StringBuilder out)
      Store the usage in the argument string builder.
      void usage​(java.lang.StringBuilder out, java.lang.String indent)
      Stores the usage in the argument string builder, with the argument indentation.
      void usage​(java.lang.String commandName, java.lang.StringBuilder out)
      Store the usage for the argument command in the argument string builder.
      void usage​(java.lang.String commandName, java.lang.StringBuilder out, java.lang.String indent)
      Store the usage for the command in the argument string builder, indenting every line with the value of indent.
      void wrapDescription​(java.lang.StringBuilder out, int indent, int currentLineIndent, java.lang.String description)
      Wrap a potentially long line to the value obtained by calling JCommander.getColumnSize() on the underlying commander instance.
      void wrapDescription​(java.lang.StringBuilder out, int indent, java.lang.String description)
      Wrap a potentially long line to {@link #commander#getColumnSize()}.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultUsageFormatter

        public DefaultUsageFormatter​(JCommander commander)
    • Method Detail

      • usage

        public final void usage​(java.lang.String commandName,
                                java.lang.StringBuilder out)
        Store the usage for the argument command in the argument string builder.
        Specified by:
        usage in interface IUsageFormatter
      • usage

        public final void usage​(java.lang.StringBuilder out)
        Store the usage in the argument string builder.
        Specified by:
        usage in interface IUsageFormatter
      • usage

        public final void usage​(java.lang.String commandName,
                                java.lang.StringBuilder out,
                                java.lang.String indent)
        Store the usage for the command in the argument string builder, indenting every line with the value of indent.
        Specified by:
        usage in interface IUsageFormatter
      • appendMainLine

        public void appendMainLine​(java.lang.StringBuilder out,
                                   boolean hasOptions,
                                   boolean hasCommands,
                                   int indentCount,
                                   java.lang.String indent)
        Appends the main line segment of the usage to the argument string builder, indenting every line with indentCount-many indent.
        out - the builder to append to
        hasOptions - if the options section should be appended
        hasCommands - if the comments section should be appended
        indentCount - the amount of indentation to apply
        indent - the indentation
      • appendAllParametersDetails

        public void appendAllParametersDetails​(java.lang.StringBuilder out,
                                               int indentCount,
                                               java.lang.String indent,
                                               java.util.List<ParameterDescription> sortedParameters)
        Appends the details of all parameters in the given order to the argument string builder, indenting every line with indentCount-many indent<.
        out - the builder to append to
        indentCount - the amount of indentation to apply
        indent - the indentation
        sortedParameters - the parameters to append to the builder
      • appendCommands

        public void appendCommands​(java.lang.StringBuilder out,
                                   int indentCount,
                                   int descriptionIndent,
                                   java.lang.String indent)
        Appends the details of all commands to the argument string builder, indenting every line with indentCount-many indent. The commands are obtained from calling JCommander.getRawCommands() and the commands are resolved using JCommander.findCommandByAlias(String) on the underlying commander instance.
        out - the builder to append to
        indentCount - the amount of indentation to apply
        descriptionIndent - the indentation for the description
        indent - the indentation
      • getCommandDescription

        public java.lang.String getCommandDescription​(java.lang.String commandName)
        Returns the description of the command corresponding to the argument command name. The commands are resolved by calling JCommander.findCommandByAlias(String), and the default resource bundle used from JCommander.getBundle() on the underlying commander instance.
        Specified by:
        getCommandDescription in interface IUsageFormatter
        commandName - the name of the command to get the description for
        the description of the command.
      • wrapDescription

        public void wrapDescription​(java.lang.StringBuilder out,
                                    int indent,
                                    int currentLineIndent,
                                    java.lang.String description)
        Wrap a potentially long line to the value obtained by calling JCommander.getColumnSize() on the underlying commander instance.
        out - the output
        indent - the indentation in spaces for lines after the first line.
        currentLineIndent - the length of the indentation of the initial line
        description - the text to wrap. No extra spaces are inserted before description. If the first line needs to be indented prepend the correct number of spaces to description.
      • wrapDescription

        public void wrapDescription​(java.lang.StringBuilder out,
                                    int indent,
                                    java.lang.String description)
        Wrap a potentially long line to {@link #commander#getColumnSize()}.
        out - the output
        indent - the indentation in spaces for lines after the first line.
        description - the text to wrap. No extra spaces are inserted before description. If the first line needs to be indented prepend the correct number of spaces to description.
        See Also:
        wrapDescription(StringBuilder, int, int, String)
      • getI18nString

        public static java.lang.String getI18nString​(java.util.ResourceBundle bundle,
                                                     java.lang.String key,
                                                     java.lang.String def)
        Returns the internationalized version of the string if available, otherwise it returns def.
        the internationalized version of the string if available, otherwise it returns def
      • s

        public static java.lang.String s​(int count)
        Returns count-many spaces.
        count<-many spaces