All Classes and Interfaces

A class to access the attribute of an entity.
A builder for criteria queries.
A builder for cte criteria queries.
A builder for delete queries.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
A base interface for builders that support basic query functionality except the SELECT clause.
A base interface for builders that support having.
A base builder for insert queries.
A base interface for builders that support join on.
A builder for modification queries.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
A base interface for builders that support filtering.
A base interface for builders that support basic query functionality.
A builder for subquery criteria queries.
A builder for update queries.
A base interface for builders that support filtering.
The builder interface for between predicates.
The interface for binary predicate builders.
Marker interface to signal, that expressions using the macro may be cached.
The builder interface for a when predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
The builder interface for a when predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
A builder for general case when expressions.
The builder interface for a when predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
The builder interface for a when predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
A builder for general case when expressions.
A builder that can terminate the build process for general case when expressions.
A base interface for builders that support basic query functionality.
Provides access to configuration parameters.
An interface for correlation query builders.
Bootstrap class that is used to obtain a CriteriaBuilder instance.
A builder for criteria queries.
A configuration for a CriteriaBuilderFactory which is mostly used in non Java EE environments.
A bootstrap process hook for contributing settings to the CriteriaBuilderConfiguration.
Interface implemented by the criteria provider.
An interface used to create criteria builders.
Marks an entity as being a CTE.
An interface for builders that support CTEs.
Interface for CTE queries.
Interface for implementing some dbms specifics.
Handler for applying SQL LIMIT and OFFSET to a query.
Specifies the whether entity data in a statement should be before or after a modification CTE ran.
Specifies the type of a simple statement irrespective of set operations or CTEs.
A simple default implementation for the Keyset interface.
A simple default implementation for the KeysetPage interface.
A builder for delete queries.
The possible delete join styles.
An interface for builders that support distinct.
Interface implemented by the criteria provider.
A builder for the escape part of a like predicate.
A base interface for executable query builders.
This is a wrapper around the JPA Attribute that allows additionally efficient access to properties of the metamodel.
This is a wrapper around the JPA ManagedType that allows additionally efficient access to properties of the metamodel.
Interface implemented by the criteria provider.
Provides SQL information about a FROM element.
An interface for builders that support fetching.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
CAREFUL, this is an experimental API and will change!
An interface for builders that support just the from clause.
An interface for builders that support the from clause.
An interface for builders that support access to the from elements.
A base interface for builders that support normal query functionality.
A builder for cte criteria queries.
Interface implemented by the criteria provider.
An interface for builders that support group by.
The builder interface for a having predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
An interface for builders that support aggregation.
The builder interface for a having predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
A builder for insert queries.
The builder interface for a on predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
An interface for builders that support join on.
The builder interface for a on predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
A structure for accessing join table information.
The different join types which are possible.
A JPA provider implementation provides information about which features are supported by a JPA implementation.
The possible locations of a constraint.
A service provider factory to create JpaProvider instances.
Interface for implementing a JPA custom function that renders dbms specific code.
A group of JpqlFunctions for various DBMSes under a single function name.
The funciton kind.
Interface for implementing processing of values produced by a JPQL function in the SELECT clause.
Interface for implementing a macro function that produces JPQL from it's parameters.
An interface that represents the key set of a row.
A builder for keysets to make use of keyset pagination.
An interface that represents the key set of a PagedList.
A base interface for builders that support keyset filtering.
The possible lateral styles.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
A builder for the like predicate.
An interface for builders that support limit and offset.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
A builder for modification queries.
An interface used to create subquery builders for expressions with multiple subqueries.
An object build provides the select clause expressions that should be used by a FullQueryBuilder and provides methods for transforming tuples into the target type T.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
A base interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support sorting.
Represents an order by element.
A package opener can be used to propagate module visibilities.
A simple implementation of PagedList based on ArrayList.
An extended version of a List which also provides access to the total size of the list.
A builder for paginated criteria queries.
An extended version of a TypedQuery which also provides access to a count query.
A base interface for builders that can hold parameters.
CAREFUL, this is an experimental API and will change!
The builder interface for a where predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
An interface for builders that support filtering.
The builder interface for a where predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
The Priority annotation can be applied to classes to indicate in what order the CriteriaBuilderConfigurationContributor should be registered.
The interface for quantifiable binary predicate builders.
Queryable<T,X extends Queryable<T,X>>
A base interface for builders that querying.
A base interface for builders that support normal query functionality.
The builder interface for predicates.
This interface contains experimental restriction builder methods.
A builder for the returning clause.
A builder for delete queries.
A builder for insert queries.
A builder for modification queries.
A builder for modification queries that return results.
An object build provides the returning bindings that should be used by a ReturningModificationCriteriaBuilder and provides methods for transforming tuples into the target type T.
A builder for modification queries.
A builder for update queries.
A builder for cte criteria queries that select.
An interface for builders that support selecting.
A builder for cte criteria queries.
The builder interface for a select new select clause.
A builder for CTE criteria queries.
Provides access to various services.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
The possible set operation types.
A builder for simple case when expressions.
The first builder for simple case when expressions.
A builder for the returning clause.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
An interface for builders that support set operators.
A builder for subquery criteria queries.
An interface used to create subquery builders.
A template renderer is a thread safe string renderer that can bind values to parameters.
A context for a template renderer that supports binding function arguments or plain strings as values for placeholders.
A builder for update queries.
The possible update join styles.
Strategies for generating a VALUES table reference.
The builder interface for a where predicate container that connects predicates with the AND operator.
An interface for builders that support filtering.
The builder interface for a where predicate container that connects predicates with the OR operator.
An interface for building a window for analytics functions.
A base interface for builders that support adding named windows for analytics functions.
An interface for building a window frame between clause for analytics functions.
An interface for building a window frame clause for analytics functions.
An interface for building a window frame exclusion clause for analytics functions.