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AddressFormatException - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception
AddressFormatException() - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException
AddressFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException
AddressFormatException.InvalidCharacter - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception
AddressFormatException.InvalidChecksum - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception
AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception
AddressFormatException.InvalidPrefix - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception
AddressFormatException.UnexpectedWitnessVersion - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception
AddressFormatException.WrongNetwork - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception
ALPHABET - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Base58
applyCRC8(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.CRC8
applyCRC8(int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.CRC8


badWord - Variable in exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicException.MnemonicWordException
Contains the word that was not found in the word list.
Base58 - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
Base58() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Base58
Bech32 - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
Bech32() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Bech32
Bech32.Bech32Data - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
bigIntegerToBytes(BigInteger, int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
The regular BigInteger.toByteArray() includes the sign bit of the number and might result in an extra byte addition.
BIP39_STANDARDISATION_TIME_SECS - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
UNIX time for when the BIP39 standard was finalised.
bitLength() - Method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Words
blake2bHash160(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Blake2bUtil
blake2bHash224(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Blake2bUtil
blake2bHash224(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenUtil
blake2bHash256(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Blake2bUtil
blake2bHash256(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenUtil
Blake2bUtil - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
Blake2bUtil() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Blake2bUtil
byteLength() - Method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Words
bytesToCbor(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenCborUtil
BytesUtil - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util
General Util class for defined functions.
BytesUtil() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.BytesUtil


cborToBytes(String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenCborUtil
character - Variable in exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.InvalidCharacter
check(List<String>) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
Check to see if a mnemonic word list is valid.
checkBitLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Checks if the given bit is set in data, using little endian (not the same as Java native big endian)
CIP1852 - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852
CIP1852 helper class
CIP1852() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.CIP1852
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.impl - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.impl
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32 - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39 - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.api - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.api
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852 - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config
com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception - package com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception
compareTo(Sha256Hash) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
CRC8 - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
CRC8() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.CRC8
create(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.SecretKey
create(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.VerificationKey
createDRepKeyDerivationPathForAccount(int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.DerivationPath
createExternalAddressDerivationPath() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.DerivationPath
createExternalAddressDerivationPath(int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.DerivationPath
createExternalAddressDerivationPathForAccount(int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.DerivationPath
createInternalAddressDerivationPath(int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.DerivationPath
createInternalAddressDerivationPathForAccount(int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.DerivationPath
createMnemonic(Words) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
createStakeAddressDerivationPath() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.DerivationPath
createStakeAddressDerivationPathForAccount(int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.DerivationPath
CryptoConfiguration - Enum in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config
CryptoException - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
CryptoException() - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.CryptoException
CryptoException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.CryptoException
CryptoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.CryptoException
CryptoException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.CryptoException
currentTimeMillis() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Returns the current time in milliseconds since the epoch, or a mocked out equivalent.
currentTimeSeconds() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Returns the current time in seconds since the epoch, or a mocked out equivalent.


data - Variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Bech32.Bech32Data
dateTimeFormat(long) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Formats a given date+time value to an ISO 8601 string.
dateTimeFormat(Date) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Formats a given date+time value to an ISO 8601 string.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Base58
Decodes the given base58 string into the original data bytes.
decode(String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Bech32
decodeChecked(String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Base58
Decodes the given base58 string into the original data bytes, using the checksum in the last 4 bytes of the decoded data to verify that the rest are correct.
decodeCompactBits(long) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
The "compact" format is a representation of a whole number N using an unsigned 32 bit number similar to a floating point format.
decodeMPI(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
MPI encoded numbers are produced by the OpenSSL BN_bn2mpi function.
decodeToBigInteger(String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Base58
DefaultEntropyProviderImpl - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39
DefaultEntropyProviderImpl() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.DefaultEntropyProviderImpl
DerivationPath - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852
DerivationPath() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.DerivationPath


EdDSASigningProvider - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.impl
EdDSASigningProvider() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.impl.EdDSASigningProvider
EIGHTEEN - com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Words
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Base58
Encodes the given bytes as a base58 string (no checksum is appended).
encode(byte[], String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Bech32
encodeChecked(int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Base58
Encodes the given version and bytes as a base58 string.
encodeCompactBits(BigInteger) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
encodeMPI(BigInteger, boolean) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
MPI encoded numbers are produced by the OpenSSL BN_bn2mpi function.
EntropyProvider - Interface in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.api
equals(Object) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash


FIFTEEN - com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Words
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdPublicKey


generateKey() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenUtil
generateRandom(int) - Method in interface com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.api.EntropyProvider
Generate random entropy
generateRandom(int) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.DefaultEntropyProviderImpl
getAccountKeyPairFromSecretKey(byte[], DerivationPath) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyGenerator
getBytes() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
getBytes() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Returns the internal byte array, without defensively copying.
getBytes() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.SecretKey
getBytes() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.VerificationKey
getChainCode() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
getChildKeyPair(HdKeyPair, long, boolean) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyGenerator
Derive the child key pair (public + private) from the parent key pair.
getChildPublicKey(HdPublicKey, int) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyGenerator
Derive the public child key from HD parent public key
getDepth() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
getEntropyProvider() - Method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config.CryptoConfiguration
getKeyData() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
getKeyHash() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdPublicKey
getKeyHash(@lombok.NonNull byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenUtil
Generate a 28 bytes hash using blake2b from key bytes
getKeyHash(VerificationKey) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenUtil
Generate a 28 bytes hash using blake2b from a verification key
getKeyPairFromAccountKey(byte[], DerivationPath) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.CIP1852
Get HdKeyPair from account key
getKeyPairFromEntropy(byte[], DerivationPath) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.CIP1852
Get HdKeyPair from entropy
getKeyPairFromMnemonic(String, DerivationPath) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.CIP1852
Get HdKeyPair from mnemonic phrase
getPath() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyPair
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyPair
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyPair
getPublicKey(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyGenerator
getPublicKeyFromAccountPubKey(byte[], DerivationPath) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.CIP1852
Get HdPublicKey from account public key
getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenUtil
getPublicKeyFromPrivateKey(SecretKey) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenUtil
getReversedBytes() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Returns a reversed copy of the internal byte array.
getRootKeyPairFromEntropy(byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyGenerator
getSigningProvider() - Method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config.CryptoConfiguration
getVersion() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
getWordList() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
Gets the word list this code uses.


hash(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given bytes.
hash(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given byte range.
hashCode() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Returns the last four bytes of the wrapped hash.
hashTwice(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given bytes, and then hashes the resulting hash again.
hashTwice(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Calculates the hash of hash on the given chunks of bytes.
hashTwice(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the given byte range, and then hashes the resulting hash again.
hashTwice(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Calculates the hash of hash on the given byte ranges.
hasValidChars(String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Bech32
HdKey - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key
HdKeyGenerator - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32
HdKeyGenerator() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyGenerator
HdKeyPair - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32
HD public and private key
HdKeyPair(HdPrivateKey, HdPublicKey, String) - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyPair
HdPrivateKey - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key
HdPrivateKey() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdPrivateKey
HdPublicKey - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key
HdPublicKey() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdPublicKey
HEX - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Hex encoding used throughout the framework.
Hmac - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util
Utility class for Hmac SHA-512
Hmac() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.Hmac
hmac256(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.Hmac
Returns the HmacSHA512 digest.
hmac512(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.Hmac
Returns the HmacSHA512 digest.
hrp - Variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Bech32.Bech32Data


INSTANCE - com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config.CryptoConfiguration
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
int64ToByteArrayLE(long, byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 8 bytes to the byte array (starting at the offset) as signed 64-bit integer in little endian format.
int64ToByteStreamLE(long, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 8 bytes to the output stream as signed 64-bit integer in little endian format.
InvalidCharacter(char, int) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.InvalidCharacter
InvalidChecksum() - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.InvalidChecksum
InvalidChecksum(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.InvalidChecksum
InvalidDataLength() - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength
InvalidDataLength(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.InvalidDataLength
InvalidPrefix() - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.InvalidPrefix
InvalidPrefix(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.InvalidPrefix
isAndroidRuntime() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
isLinux() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
isMac() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
isOpenJDKRuntime() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
isOracleJavaRuntime() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
isValid(String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Bech32
isWindows() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils


KeyException - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception
KeyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.KeyException
KeyException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.KeyException
KeyGenCborUtil - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
KeyGenCborUtil() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenCborUtil
KeyGenUtil - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
KeyGenUtil() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.KeyGenUtil
Keys - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
Keys() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Keys


LENGTH - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
LOOKUP - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.CRC8


MASTER_PATH - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.HdKeyGenerator
MAX_INITIAL_ARRAY_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Max initial size of variable length arrays and ArrayLists that could be attacked.
merge(byte[]...) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.BytesUtil
Merge byte arrays.
merge(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.BytesUtil
Append two byte arrays
MnemonicChecksumException() - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicException.MnemonicChecksumException
MnemonicCode - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39
A MnemonicCode object may be used to convert between binary seed values and lists of words per the BIP 39 specification
MnemonicCode() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
Initialise from the included word list.
MnemonicCode(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
Creates an MnemonicCode object, initializing with words read from the supplied input stream.
MnemonicException - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39
Exceptions thrown by the MnemonicCode module.
MnemonicException() - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicException
MnemonicException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicException
MnemonicException.MnemonicChecksumException - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39
Thrown when a list of MnemonicCode words fails the checksum check.
MnemonicException.MnemonicLengthException - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39
Thrown when an argument to MnemonicCode is the wrong length.
MnemonicException.MnemonicWordException - Exception in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39
Thrown when a word is encountered which is not in the MnemonicCode's word list.
MnemonicLengthException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicException.MnemonicLengthException
MnemonicWordException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicException.MnemonicWordException


newDigest() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Returns a new SHA-256 MessageDigest instance.
now() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Returns the current time, or a mocked out equivalent.


of(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Creates a new instance containing the calculated (one-time) hash of the given bytes.
of(File) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Creates a new instance containing the calculated (one-time) hash of the given file's contents.


parse256(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.BytesUtil
parse256(p): interprets a 32-byte sequence as a 256-bit number, most significant byte first.
position - Variable in exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.InvalidCharacter


readInt64(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Parse 8 bytes from the byte array (starting at the offset) as signed 64-bit integer in little endian format.
readUint16(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Parse 2 bytes from the byte array (starting at the offset) as unsigned 16-bit integer in little endian format.
readUint16BE(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Parse 2 bytes from the byte array (starting at the offset) as unsigned 16-bit integer in big endian format.
readUint16FromStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Parse 2 bytes from the stream as unsigned 16-bit integer in little endian format.
readUint32(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Parse 4 bytes from the byte array (starting at the offset) as unsigned 32-bit integer in little endian format.
readUint32BE(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Parse 4 bytes from the byte array (starting at the offset) as unsigned 32-bit integer in big endian format.
readUint32FromStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Parse 4 bytes from the stream as unsigned 32-bit integer in little endian format.
resetMocking() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Clears the mock clock and sleep
reverseBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Returns a copy of the given byte array in reverse order.
rollMockClock(int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Advances (or rewinds) the mock clock by the given number of seconds.
rollMockClockMillis(long) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Advances (or rewinds) the mock clock by the given number of milliseconds.


SecretKey - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
SecretKey(String) - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.SecretKey
Segment - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852
Segment() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.cip1852.Segment
ser256(BigInteger) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.BytesUtil
ser256(p): serializes the integer p as a 32-byte sequence, most significant byte first.
ser32(long) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.BytesUtil
ser32(i): serialize a 32-bit unsigned integer i as a 4-byte sequence, most significant byte first.
ser32LE(long) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.util.BytesUtil
ser32(i): serialize a 32-bit unsigned integer i as a 4-byte sequence, least significant byte first.
setBitLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Sets the given bit in data to one, using little endian (not the same as Java native big endian)
setChainCode(byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
setChildNumber(byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
setDepth(int) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
setEntropyProvider(EntropyProvider) - Method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config.CryptoConfiguration
setKeyData(byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
setMockClock() - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Sets the mock clock to the current time.
setMockClock(long) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Sets the mock clock to the given time (in seconds).
setSigningProvider(SigningProvider) - Method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config.CryptoConfiguration
setVersion(byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdKey
Sha256Hash - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39
A Sha256Hash wraps a byte[] so that Sha256Hash.equals(java.lang.Object) and Sha256Hash.hashCode() work correctly, allowing it to be used as a key in a map.
sha256hash160(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Calculates RIPEMD160(SHA256(input)).
sign(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.impl.EdDSASigningProvider
Signs provided message using Ed25519 signing algorithm with ED25519 seed (private key)
sign(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.SigningProvider
Sign a message with a ed25519 private key
signExtended(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.impl.EdDSASigningProvider
Signs provided message with Ed25519 signing algorithm using BIP32-ED25519 private key
signExtended(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.SigningProvider
Sign a message with a ed25519 expanded private key
signExtended(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.impl.EdDSASigningProvider
Signs provided message with Ed25519 signing algorithm using BIP32-ED25519 private key
signExtended(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.SigningProvider
SigningProvider - Interface in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api
Implement this interface to provide signing capability
SPACE_JOINER - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Joiner for concatenating words with a space inbetween.


toBech32() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip32.key.HdPrivateKey
toBigInteger() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Returns the bytes interpreted as a positive integer.
toEntropy(String) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
toEntropy(List<String>) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
Convert mnemonic word list to original entropy value.
toMnemonic(byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
Convert entropy data to mnemonic word list.
toSeed(List<String>, String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.MnemonicCode
Convert mnemonic word list to seed.
toString() - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
toString(List<byte[]>) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
TWELVE - com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Words
TWENTY_FOUR - com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Words
TWENTY_ONE - com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Words
twiceOf(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Creates a new instance containing the hash of the calculated hash of the given bytes.
twiceOf(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Creates a new instance containing the hash of the calculated hash of the given bytes.


uint16ToByteArrayLE(int, byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 2 bytes to the byte array (starting at the offset) as unsigned 16-bit integer in little endian format.
uint16ToByteStreamBE(int, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 2 bytes to the output stream as unsigned 16-bit integer in big endian format.
uint16ToByteStreamLE(int, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 2 bytes to the output stream as unsigned 16-bit integer in little endian format.
uint32ToByteArrayBE(long, byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 4 bytes to the byte array (starting at the offset) as unsigned 32-bit integer in big endian format.
uint32ToByteArrayLE(long, byte[], int) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 4 bytes to the byte array (starting at the offset) as unsigned 32-bit integer in little endian format.
uint32ToByteStreamBE(long, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 4 bytes to the output stream as unsigned 32-bit integer in big endian format.
uint32ToByteStreamLE(long, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 4 bytes to the output stream as unsigned 32-bit integer in little endian format.
uint64ToByteStreamLE(BigInteger, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Write 8 bytes to the output stream as unsigned 64-bit integer in little endian format.
UnexpectedWitnessVersion() - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.UnexpectedWitnessVersion
UnexpectedWitnessVersion(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.UnexpectedWitnessVersion
Utils - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
A collection of various utility methods that are helpful for working with the Bitcoin protocol.
Utils() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Words
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config.CryptoConfiguration
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Words
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.config.CryptoConfiguration
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ver - Variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Bech32.Bech32Data
VerificationKey - Class in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto
VerificationKey() - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.VerificationKey
VerificationKey(String) - Constructor for class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.VerificationKey
verify(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.impl.EdDSASigningProvider
Verify signature with public key
verify(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.api.SigningProvider
Verify signature


WHITESPACE_SPLITTER - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.Utils
Splitter for splitting words on whitespaces.
Words - Enum in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39
wrap(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Creates a new instance that wraps the given hash value.
wrap(String) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Creates a new instance that wraps the given hash value (represented as a hex string).
wrapReversed(byte[]) - Static method in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
Creates a new instance that wraps the given hash value, but with byte order reversed.
WrongNetwork(int) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.WrongNetwork
WrongNetwork(String) - Constructor for exception com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.exception.AddressFormatException.WrongNetwork


ZERO_HASH - Static variable in class com.bloxbean.cardano.client.crypto.bip39.Sha256Hash
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