Class Converter


public final class Converter extends Object
Handy conversion utilities. Convert from primitive to other primitives, plus support for Date, TimeStamp SQL Date, and the Atomic's.

`Converter.convert2*()` methods: If `null` passed in, primitive 'logical zero' is returned. Example: `Converter.convert(null, boolean.class)` returns `false`.

`Converter.convertTo*()` methods: if `null` passed in, `null` is returned. Allows "tri-state" Boolean. Example: `Converter.convert(null, Boolean.class)` returns `null`.

`Converter.convert()` converts using `convertTo*()` methods for primitive wrappers, and `convert2*()` methods for primitives.

John DeRegnaucourt ([email protected])
Copyright (c) Cedar Software LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
  • Field Details


      public static final Byte BYTE_ZERO
    • BYTE_ONE

      public static final Byte BYTE_ONE

      public static final Short SHORT_ZERO

      public static final Short SHORT_ONE

      public static final Integer INTEGER_ZERO

      public static final Integer INTEGER_ONE

      public static final Long LONG_ZERO
    • LONG_ONE

      public static final Long LONG_ONE

      public static final Float FLOAT_ZERO

      public static final Float FLOAT_ONE

      public static final Double DOUBLE_ZERO

      public static final Double DOUBLE_ONE

      public static final BigDecimal BIG_DECIMAL_ZERO

      public static final BigInteger BIG_INTEGER_ZERO
  • Method Details

    • convert

      public static <T> T convert(Object fromInstance, Class<T> toType)
      Turn the passed in value to the class indicated. This will allow, for example, a String value to be passed in and have it coerced to a Long.
           Long x = convert("35", Long.class);
           Date d = convert("2015/01/01", Date.class)
           int y = convert(45.0, int.class)
           String date = convert(date, String.class)
           String date = convert(calendar, String.class)
           Short t = convert(true, short.class);     // returns (short) 1 or  (short) 0
           Long date = convert(calendar, long.class); // get calendar's time into long
      fromInstance - A value used to create the targetType, even though it may not (most likely will not) be the same data type as the targetType
      toType - Class which indicates the targeted (final) data type. Please note that in addition to the 8 Java primitives, the targeted class can also be Date.class, String.class, BigInteger.class, BigDecimal.class, and the Atomic classes. The primitive class can be either primitive class or primitive wrapper class, however, the returned value will always [obviously] be a primitive wrapper.
      An instanceof targetType class, based upon the value passed in.
    • convert2String

      public static String convert2String(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a String. If null is passed in, this method will return "". Possible inputs are any primitive or primitive wrapper, Date (returns ISO-DATE format: 2020-04-10T12:15:47), Calendar (returns ISO-DATE format: 2020-04-10T12:15:47), any Enum (returns Enum's name()), BigDecimal, BigInteger, AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, and Character.
    • convertToString

      public static String convertToString(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a String. If null is passed in, this method will return null. Possible inputs are any primitive/primitive wrapper, Date (returns ISO-DATE format: 2020-04-10T12:15:47), Calendar (returns ISO-DATE format: 2020-04-10T12:15:47), any Enum (returns Enum's name()), BigDecimal, BigInteger, AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, and Character.
    • convert2BigDecimal

      public static BigDecimal convert2BigDecimal(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a BigDecimal. If null or "" is passed in, this method will return a BigDecimal with the value of 0. Possible inputs are String (base10 numeric values in string), BigInteger, any primitive/primitive wrapper, Boolean/AtomicBoolean (returns BigDecimal of 0 or 1), Date/Calendar (returns BigDecimal with the value of number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970), and Character (returns integer value of character).
    • convertToBigDecimal

      public static BigDecimal convertToBigDecimal(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a BigDecimal. If null is passed in, this method will return null. If "" is passed in, this method will return a BigDecimal with the value of 0. Possible inputs are String (base10 numeric values in string), BigInteger, any primitive/primitive wrapper, Boolean/AtomicBoolean (returns BigDecimal of 0 or 1), Date, Calendar, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime (returns BigDecimal with the value of number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970), and Character (returns integer value of character).
    • convert2BigInteger

      public static BigInteger convert2BigInteger(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a BigInteger. If null or "" is passed in, this method will return a BigInteger with the value of 0. Possible inputs are String (base10 numeric values in string), BigDecimal, any primitive/primitive wrapper, Boolean/AtomicBoolean (returns BigDecimal of 0 or 1), Date/Calendar (returns BigDecimal with the value of number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970), and Character (returns integer value of character).
    • convertToBigInteger

      public static BigInteger convertToBigInteger(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a BigInteger. If null is passed in, this method will return null. If "" is passed in, this method will return a BigInteger with the value of 0. Possible inputs are String (base10 numeric values in string), BigDecimal, any primitive/primitive wrapper, Boolean/AtomicBoolean (returns BigInteger of 0 or 1), Date, Calendar, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime (returns BigInteger with the value of number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970), and Character (returns integer value of character).
    • convertToSqlDate

      public static Date convertToSqlDate(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a java.sql.Date. If null is passed in, this method will return null. Possible inputs are TimeStamp, Date, Calendar, java.sql.Date (will return a copy), LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, String (which will be parsed by DateUtilities into a Date and a java.sql.Date will created from that), Long, BigInteger, BigDecimal, and AtomicLong (all of which the java.sql.Date will be created directly from [number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970]).
    • convertToTimestamp

      public static Timestamp convertToTimestamp(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Timestamp. If null is passed in, this method will return null. Possible inputs are java.sql.Date, Date, Calendar, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, TimeStamp (will return a copy), String (which will be parsed by DateUtilities into a Date and a Timestamp will created from that), Long, BigInteger, BigDecimal, and AtomicLong (all of which the Timestamp will be created directly from [number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970]).
    • convertToDate

      public static Date convertToDate(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Date. If null is passed in, this method will return null. Possible inputs are java.sql.Date, Timestamp, Calendar, Date (will return a copy), String (which will be parsed by DateUtilities and returned as a new Date instance), Long, BigInteger, BigDecimal, and AtomicLong (all of which the Date will be created directly from [number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970]).
    • convertToLocalDate

      public static LocalDate convertToLocalDate(Object fromInstance)
    • convertToLocalDateTime

      public static LocalDateTime convertToLocalDateTime(Object fromInstance)
    • convertToZonedDateTime

      public static ZonedDateTime convertToZonedDateTime(Object fromInstance)
    • convertToCalendar

      public static Calendar convertToCalendar(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Calendar. If null is passed in, this method will return null. Possible inputs are java.sql.Date, Timestamp, Date, Calendar (will return a copy), String (which will be parsed by DateUtilities and returned as a new Date instance), Long, BigInteger, BigDecimal, and AtomicLong (all of which the Date will be created directly from [number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970]).
    • convert2char

      public static char convert2char(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a char. If null is passed in, (char) 0 is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convertToCharacter

      public static Character convertToCharacter(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Character. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convert2byte

      public static byte convert2byte(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a byte. If null is passed in, (byte) 0 is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convertToByte

      public static Byte convertToByte(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Byte. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convert2short

      public static short convert2short(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a short. If null is passed in, (short) 0 is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convertToShort

      public static Short convertToShort(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Short. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convert2int

      public static int convert2int(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to an int. If null is passed in, (int) 0 is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convertToInteger

      public static Integer convertToInteger(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to an Integer. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convert2long

      public static long convert2long(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to an long. If null is passed in, (long) 0 is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s. In addition, Date, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, java.sql.Date, Timestamp, and Calendar can be passed in, in which case the long returned is the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970.
    • convertToLong

      public static Long convertToLong(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Long. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s. In addition, Date, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, java.sql.Date, Timestamp, and Calendar can be passed in, in which case the long returned is the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970.
    • convert2float

      public static float convert2float(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a float. If null is passed in, 0.0f is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convertToFloat

      public static Float convertToFloat(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Float. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convert2double

      public static double convert2double(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a double. If null is passed in, 0.0d is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convertToDouble

      public static Double convertToDouble(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Double. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convert2boolean

      public static boolean convert2boolean(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a boolean. If null is passed in, false is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convertToBoolean

      public static Boolean convertToBoolean(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to a Boolean. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convert2AtomicInteger

      public static AtomicInteger convert2AtomicInteger(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to an AtomicInteger. If null is passed in, a new AtomicInteger(0) is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convertToAtomicInteger

      public static AtomicInteger convertToAtomicInteger(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to an AtomicInteger. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convert2AtomicLong

      public static AtomicLong convert2AtomicLong(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to an AtomicLong. If null is passed in, new AtomicLong(0L) is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s. In addition, Date, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, java.sql.Date, Timestamp, and Calendar can be passed in, in which case the AtomicLong returned is the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970.
    • convertToAtomicLong

      public static AtomicLong convertToAtomicLong(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to an AtomicLong. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s. In addition, Date, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, java.sql.Date, Timestamp, and Calendar can be passed in, in which case the AtomicLong returned is the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970.
    • convert2AtomicBoolean

      public static AtomicBoolean convert2AtomicBoolean(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to an AtomicBoolean. If null is passed in, new AtomicBoolean(false) is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • convertToAtomicBoolean

      public static AtomicBoolean convertToAtomicBoolean(Object fromInstance)
      Convert from the passed in instance to an AtomicBoolean. If null is passed in, null is returned. Possible inputs are String, all primitive/primitive wrappers, boolean, AtomicBoolean, (false=0, true=1), and all Atomic*s.
    • localDateToMillis

      public static long localDateToMillis(LocalDate localDate)
      localDate - A Java LocalDate
      a long representing the localDate as the number of milliseconds since the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
    • localDateTimeToMillis

      public static long localDateTimeToMillis(LocalDateTime localDateTime)
      localDateTime - A Java LocalDateTime
      a long representing the localDateTime as the number of milliseconds since the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
    • zonedDateTimeToMillis

      public static long zonedDateTimeToMillis(ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime)
      zonedDateTime - A Java ZonedDateTime
      a long representing the zonedDateTime as the number of milliseconds since the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970