

final class ProductOps[P] extends AnyVal

Linear Supertypes
AnyVal, NotNull, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. ProductOps
  2. AnyVal
  3. NotNull
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new ProductOps(p: P)

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  5. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]

    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  6. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  7. def length(implicit length: ProductLength[P]): ops.product.ProductLength.Out

    Compute the length of this product.

  8. val p: P

  9. def productElements(implicit gen: Generic[P]): Repr

    Returns an HList containing the elements of this tuple.

  10. def to[M[_]](implicit toTraversable: ToTraversable[P, M]): Out

    Returns a collection M whose elements are typed as the Lub of the elements of this product.

  11. def toHList[L <: HList](implicit toHList: Aux[P, L]): L

    Returns an HList containing the elements of this product.

  12. def toMap[K, V](implicit toMap: Aux[P, K, V]): Map[K, V]

    Returns a Map whose values are typed as the Lub of the values of this product.

  13. def toRecord[R <: HList](implicit toRecord: Aux[P, R]): R

    Returns a record containing the elements of this labelled product.

  14. def toSized[M[_]](implicit toSized: ToSized[P, M]): Out

    Returns a sized collection M whose elements are typed as the Lub of the elements of this product.

  15. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
  16. def toTuple[T](implicit toTuple: Aux[P, T]): T

    Returns a tuple containing the values of this product.

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from NotNull

Inherited from Any
