Class LogicalTypeFactory

  • public abstract class LogicalTypeFactory
    extends Object
    Construct a LogicalType from PluginDefinition or a Semantic Type name.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LogicalTypeFactory

        public LogicalTypeFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        public static LogicalType newInstance​(PluginDefinition plugin,
                                              AnalysisConfig analysisConfig)
                                       throws FTAPluginException
        Return a Semantic Type based on a Plugin Definition with an associated AnalysisConfig.
        plugin - The Definition for this plugin
        analysisConfig - The Analysis configuration used for this analysis
        The LogicalType The Semantic Type associated with the definition (if it exists), null if non-existent.
        FTAPluginException - Thrown when the plugin is incorrectly configured.