Class LatitudeDMS

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    LTRandom, Comparable<LogicalType>

    public class LatitudeDMS
    extends CoordinateDMS
    Plugin to detect a Latitude as Degrees, minutes, and seconds.
    • Field Detail


        public static final String SEMANTIC_TYPE
        The Semantic type for this Plugin.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • LatitudeDMS

        public LatitudeDMS​(PluginDefinition plugin)
        Construct a Latitude plugin based on the Plugin Definition.
        plugin - The definition of this plugin.
    • Method Detail

      • getSemanticType

        public String getSemanticType()
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        The name of the Semantic Type. For example, EMAIL for an email address.
        getSemanticType in class LogicalType
        The name of the Semantic Type.
      • getBaseType

        public FTAType getBaseType()
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        The underlying type we are qualifying.
        getBaseType in class CoordinateDMS
        The underlying type - e.g. STRING, LONG, etc.
      • getRegExp

        public String getRegExp()
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        The Regular Expression that most closely matches (See LogicalType.isRegExpComplete()) this Semantic Type. Note: All valid matches will match this RE, but the inverse is not necessarily true.
        Specified by:
        getRegExp in class LogicalType
        The Java Regular Expression that most closely matches this Semantic Type.