Class Aadhaar_IN

    • Constructor Detail

      • Aadhaar_IN

        public Aadhaar_IN​(PluginDefinition plugin)
        Construct a plugin to detect an Indian Aadhaar based on the Plugin Definition.
        plugin - The definition of this plugin.
    • Method Detail

      • isCandidate

        public boolean isCandidate​(String trimmed,
                                   StringBuilder compressed,
                                   int[] charCounts,
                                   int[] lastIndex)
        Description copied from class: LogicalTypeInfinite
        A fast check to see if the supplied String might be an instance of this Semantic type?
        Specified by:
        isCandidate in class LogicalTypeInfinite
        trimmed - String to check
        compressed - A compressed representation of the input string (e.g. \d{5} for 20351).
        charCounts - An array of occurrence counts for characters in the input (ASCII-only).
        lastIndex - An array of the last index where character is located (ASCII-only).
        true iff the supplied String is a possible instance of this Semantic type.
      • initialize

        public boolean initialize​(AnalysisConfig analysisConfig)
                           throws FTAPluginException
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        Called to perform any initialization.
        initialize in class LogicalTypeCode
        analysisConfig - The Analysis configuration used for this analysis
        True if initialization was successful.
        FTAPluginException - Thrown when the plugin is incorrectly configured.
      • nextRandom

        public String nextRandom()
        Description copied from interface: LTRandom
        nextRandom will generate a random (secure) valid example of this Semantic Type.
        a new valid example of the Semantic Type.
      • getRegExp

        public String getRegExp()
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        The Regular Expression that most closely matches (See LogicalType.isRegExpComplete()) this Semantic Type. Note: All valid matches will match this RE, but the inverse is not necessarily true.
        Specified by:
        getRegExp in class LogicalType
        The Java Regular Expression that most closely matches this Semantic Type.
      • acceptsBaseType

        public boolean acceptsBaseType​(FTAType type)
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        Indicate if this Semantic Type will accept the supplied Base Type, defaults to the Base Type from the plugin definition.
        acceptsBaseType in class LogicalType
        type - The underlying Base Type
        A boolean indicating if this Semantic Type will accept the supplied Base Type
      • getBaseType

        public FTAType getBaseType()
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        The underlying type we are qualifying.
        getBaseType in class LogicalType
        The underlying type - e.g. STRING, LONG, etc.
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid​(String input,
                               boolean detectMode,
                               long count)
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        Is the supplied String an instance of this Semantic type?
        Specified by:
        isValid in class LogicalType
        input - String to check (trimmed for Numeric base Types, un-trimmed for String base Type)
        detectMode - If true then we are in the process of detection, otherwise it is a simple validity check.
        count - The number of instance of this sample.
        true iff the supplied String is an instance of this Semantic type.
      • analyzeSet

        public PluginAnalysis analyzeSet​(AnalyzerContext context,
                                         long matchCount,
                                         long realSamples,
                                         String currentRegExp,
                                         Facts facts,
                                         FiniteMap cardinality,
                                         FiniteMap outliers,
                                         TokenStreams tokenStreams,
                                         AnalysisConfig analysisConfig)
        Description copied from class: LogicalType
        Given the data to date as embodied by the arguments return an analysis. If we think this is an instance of this Semantic type then valid will be true , if invalid then valid will be false and a new Pattern will be returned.
        Specified by:
        analyzeSet in class LogicalType
        context - The context used to interpret the Data Stream (for example, stream name, date resolution mode, etc)
        matchCount - Number of samples that match so far (as determined by isValid()
        realSamples - Number of real (i.e. non-blank and non-null) samples that we have processed so far.
        currentRegExp - The current Regular Expression that we matched against
        facts - Facts (min, max, sum) for the analysis to date (optional - i.e. maybe null)
        cardinality - Cardinality set, up to the maximum maintained
        outliers - Outlier set, up to the maximum maintained
        tokenStreams - Shapes observed
        analysisConfig - The Configuration of the current analysis
        Null if we think this is an instance of this Semantic type (backout pattern otherwise)