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add(E) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RandomSet
addBinary(Map<String, PatternInfo>, String, String, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
addUnary(Map<String, PatternInfo>, String, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
allZeroes(String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.Utils
amPmIndicator - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
AnalysisConfig - Class in com.cobber.fta
Capture how the Analysis is configured.
areDayOfWeekAbbrAlphabetic(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Are Short Week Days all Alphabetic?
areMonthsAlphabetic(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Are months all Alphabetic?
asJSON(boolean, int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
A JSON representation of the Analysis.
asPlugin() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
A plugin definition to use to match this type.
asResult(String, DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
Given an input string with a DateTimeFormatter pattern convert to a DateTimeParserResult
Auto - com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode
Auto will choose DayFirst or MonthFirst based on the Locale.


backout - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
backout - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
BACKOUT_REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
baseType - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
The underlying base type (e.g.
BLANK - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
BLANKORNULL - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
BOOLEAN - com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
A Boolean type - for example, True/False, Yes/No, 1/0.
bottomK - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsTypeBased
The bottom 10 values.
bottomK() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TopBottomK
Return the bottom K values (ordered lowest to highest).
bottomKasString() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TopBottomK
Return the bottom K values as Strings (ordered lowest to highest).


clazz - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Infinite/Finite plugins: this is the class used to implement.
collectStatistics - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.AnalysisConfig
Should we collect statistics (min, max, sum) as we parse the data stream.
com.cobber.fta - package com.cobber.fta
com.cobber.fta.core - package com.cobber.fta.core
com.cobber.fta.dates - package com.cobber.fta.dates
com.cobber.fta.examples - package com.cobber.fta.examples
com.cobber.fta.plugins - package com.cobber.fta.plugins
compareTo(LogicalType) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
compress(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
'Compress' the input string (which we think represents a date) so that it can be matched in the list of predefined formats.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RandomSet
content - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Simple finite plugins: the content with the set of valid elements.
contentType - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition


dateElements - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
dateFieldLengths - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
dateFieldOffsets - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
dateFieldPad - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
dateSeparator - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
DateTimeParser - Class in com.cobber.fta.dates
Analyze String data to determine whether input represents a date or datetime.
DateTimeParser() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
DateTimeParser(DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
DateTimeParser(DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode, Locale) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode - Enum in com.cobber.fta.dates
When we have ambiguity - should we prefer to conclude day first, month first or unspecified.
DateTimeParserResult - Class in com.cobber.fta.dates
DateTimeParserResult is the result of a DateTimeParser analysis.
dateTimeSeparator - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
DayFirst - com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode
In order to resolve ambiguity the day will be assumed to be first.
dayOffset - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
debug - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.AnalysisConfig
Internal-only debugging flag.
decimalSeparator - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
Get the Decimal Separator used to interpret Doubles.
defn - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
description - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
English language description of the Semantic Type.
DETECT_WINDOW_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
The default value for the number of samples to collect before making a type determination.
DETECTION_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
The default value for the detection threshold.
DetermineDateFormat - Class in com.cobber.fta.examples
DetermineDateFormat() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.examples.DetermineDateFormat
determineFormatString(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
Determine a FormatString from an input string that may represent a Date, Time, DateTime, OffsetDateTime or a ZonedDateTime.
determineFormatString(String, DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
Determine a FormatString from an input string that may represent a Date, Time, DateTime, OffsetDateTime or a ZonedDateTime.
distanceLevenshtein(String, Set<String>) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
DOUBLE - com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
Any Floating point type - refer to min/max to determine range.


FactsCore - Class in com.cobber.fta
A set of core facts for the Analysis in question.
FactsCore() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
FactsTypeBased - Class in com.cobber.fta
A set of facts (based on type) for the Analysis in question.
FactsTypeBased() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.FactsTypeBased
findByQualifier(String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Retrieve the Plugin Definition associated with this Qualifier.
format - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
freezeANY(int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
FTAException - Exception in com.cobber.fta.core
FTAException(String) - Constructor for exception com.cobber.fta.core.FTAException
FTAException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.cobber.fta.core.FTAException
FTAPluginException - Exception in com.cobber.fta.core
FTAPluginException(String) - Constructor for exception com.cobber.fta.core.FTAPluginException
FTAPluginException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.cobber.fta.core.FTAPluginException
FTAType - Enum in com.cobber.fta.core
FTAUnsupportedLocaleException - Exception in com.cobber.fta.core
FTAUnsupportedLocaleException(String) - Constructor for exception com.cobber.fta.core.FTAUnsupportedLocaleException
FTAUnsupportedLocaleException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.cobber.fta.core.FTAUnsupportedLocaleException


generalPattern - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
get(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RandomSet
getAMPMRegExp(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve a Regular Expression for AM/PM strings in this Locale
getAMPMStrings(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve the Set containing the for this Locale
getAt(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.SingletonSet
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
The underlying type we are qualifying.
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitCUSIP
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitIBAN
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitISIN
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitSEDOL
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
getBaseType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
getBest() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Shapes
Get the 'best' shape - where 'best' is the one with the highest count.
getBlankCount() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the count of all blank samples.
getBottomK() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the bottomK values.
getByID(KnownPatterns.ID) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
getByRegExp(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
getCardinality() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the cardinality for the current data stream.
getCardinalityDetails() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the cardinality details for the current data stream.
getCollectStatistics() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Indicates whether to collect statistics or not.
getComponentCount() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getCompressed() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getConfidence() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Confidence in the type classification.
getConfidence(long, long, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
Confidence in the type classification.
getConfidence(long, long, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
getConfidence(long, long, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
getConfidence(long, long, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
getConfidence(long, long, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
getConfidence(long, long, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
getDataSignature() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
A SHA-1 hash that reflects the data stream contents.
getDateResolutionMode() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the DateResolutionMode actually used to process Dates.
getDayLength() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getDayOfMonth() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getDecimalSeparator() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the Decimal Separator used to interpret Doubles.
getDefaultLogicalTypes() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Indicates whether to enable default Logical Type processing or not.
getDescription() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
The user-friendly description of the Qualifier.
getDetectWindow() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Get the size of the Detect Window (i.e number of Samples used to collect before attempting to determine the type.
getFormat() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getFormatString() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
Return a DateTimeFormatter representation of the DateTimeParserResult.
getHeaderConfidence(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
getHeaderRegExps() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
getKeyConfidence() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Is this field a key?
getLeadingWhiteSpace() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Does the set of elements contain any elements with leading White Space?
getLeadingZeroCount() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the count of all samples with leading zeros (Type long only).
getLength() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpSplitter
getLengthQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Indicates whether the size of the RegExp pattern is being defined.
getMatchCount() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the count of all (non-blank/non-null) samples that matched the determined type.
getMax() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpSplitter
getMaxCardinality() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Get the maximum cardinality that will be tracked.
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
Get the maximum length of instances of this Logical Type.
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the maximum length for Numeric, Boolean and String.
getMaxOutliers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Get the maximum number of outliers that will be tracked.
getMaxValue() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the maximum value for Numeric, Boolean and String.
getMean() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the mean for Numeric types (Long, Double).
getMembers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.PluginColor
getMembers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
getMembers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
getMembers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYAbbr
getMembers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYFull
getMembers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGenderEN
getMembers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthAbbr
getMembers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthFull
getMembers() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.SingletonSet
getMin() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpSplitter
getMinLength() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
Get the minimum length of instances of this Logical Type.
getMinLength() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the minimum length for Numeric, Boolean and String.
getMinMaxPresent() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
getMinSamples() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
getMinValue() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the minimum value for Numeric, Boolean and String types.
getMonthLength() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getMonths(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve the Map of Month name to month index for this Locale
getMonthsDefault(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve the Map of Month name to month index for this Locale
getMonthsRegExp(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve a Regular Expression for months in this Locale
getMonthValue() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getMultiline() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Does the set of elements contain any multi-line elements?
getName() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Name of the data stream being analyzed.
getNullCount() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the count of all null samples.
getNumericWidening() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Get the current value for numeric widening.
getOutlierCount() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the number of distinct outliers for the current data stream.
getOutlierDetails() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the outlier details for the current data stream.
getPlugins() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
getPluginThreshold() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Get the current detection Threshold for Logical Type plugins.
getPriority() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
The relative priority of this plugin.
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.PluginColor
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
The user-friendly name of the Qualifier.
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitCUSIP
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitEAN13
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitIBAN
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitISIN
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitLuhn
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitSEDOL
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYAbbr
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYFull
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGenderEN
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthAbbr
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthFull
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
getQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
getReflectionSampleSize() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Get the number of Samples required before we will 'reflect' on the analysis and potentially change determination.
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
Return the Regular Expression that matches this Date/Time object.
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.PluginColor
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
The Regular Expression that most closely matches (See LogicalType.isRegExpComplete()) this Logical Type.
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitCUSIP
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitEAN13
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitIBAN
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitISIN
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitSEDOL
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYAbbr
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYFull
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGenderEN
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthAbbr
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthFull
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Shapes
Get the 'best' Regular Expression we can based on the set of shapes.
getRegExp() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get Regular Expression that reflects the data stream.
getRegExp(KnownPatterns.ID) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
getRegistered(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Plugins
Return the plugin associated with this named Logical Type.
getRegisteredLogicalTypes() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Plugins
Return the set of registered Logical Types.
getResult() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
Given the set of Strings trained (See @link #train(String)) return a Regular Expression which will accept any of the training set.
getResult() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
Determine the result of the training complete to date.
getResult() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Determine the result of the training complete to date.
getSampleCount() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the count of all samples observed.
getShapeCount() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the number of distinct shapes for the current data stream.
getShapeDetails() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the shape details for the current data stream.
getShapes() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Shapes
Get the Map of shapes.
getShortMonths(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve the Map of month abbreviation name to month index for this Locale
getShortMonthsLength(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve the length of the Short Months
getShortMonthsRegExp(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve a Regular Expression for month abbreviations in this Locale
getShortWeekdays(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve the Set containing the week day abbreviations for this Locale
getShortWeekdaysRegExp(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve a Regular Expression for week day abbreviations in this Locale
getSize() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
Get the number of members in this Logical Type.
getStandardDeviation() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the Standard Deviation for Numeric types (Long, Double).
getStreamName() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Get the name of the Data Stream.
getStructureSignature() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
A SHA-1 hash that reflects the data stream structure.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
The percentage when we declare success 0 - 100.
getThreshold() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Get the current detection Threshold.
getTopK() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the topK values.
getTotalCount() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the total number of elements in the Data Stream (if known).
getTrailingWhiteSpace() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Does the set of elements contain any elements with trailing White Space?
getTrainingSet() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Access the training set - this will typically be the first TextAnalyzer.DETECT_WINDOW_DEFAULT records.
getType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
Return the detected type of this input.
getType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get 'Type' as determined by training to date.
getType(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getTypeQualifier() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Get the optional Type Qualifier.
getUniqueness() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
How unique is this field, i.e.
getValue(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.Utils
Give a String as input with an offset and length return the integer at that position.
getValues() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
Get the set of Strings (in upper case) used to train the Generator.
getVersion() - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.Utils
Get the version of the FTA library.
getWeekdays(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve the Set containing the week days for this Locale
getWeekdaysRegExp(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Retrieve a Regular Expression for a week day in this Locale
getYear() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
getYearLength() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
grouping(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
GROUPING - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier


headerPatterns - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
headerRegExpConfidence - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
headerRegExps - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
headerRegExps An optional array of RegExps that will be compared with the datastream name to boost confidence.


id - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
ID_ALPHA_VARIABLE - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_ALPHANUMERIC_VARIABLE - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_ANY_VARIABLE - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_BLANK - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_BLANKORNULL - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_BOOLEAN_ONE_ZERO - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_BOOLEAN_TRUE_FALSE - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_BOOLEAN_Y_N - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_BOOLEAN_YES_NO - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_DOUBLE - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_DOUBLE_GROUPING - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_DOUBLE_WITH_EXPONENT - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_LONG - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_LONG_GROUPING - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_NULL - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_SIGNED_DOUBLE - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_SIGNED_DOUBLE_GROUPING - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_SIGNED_DOUBLE_TRAILING - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_SIGNED_DOUBLE_WITH_EXPONENT - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_SIGNED_LONG - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_SIGNED_LONG_GROUPING - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
ID_SIGNED_LONG_TRAILING - com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.PluginColor
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
Called to perform any initialization.
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeCode
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYAbbr
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYFull
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGenderEN
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthAbbr
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthFull
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
initialize(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
InlineContent - Class in com.cobber.fta
InlineContent(String[]) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.InlineContent
InternalErrorException - Exception in com.cobber.fta.core
InternalErrorException is thrown when we get into an 'impossible' state.
InternalErrorException(String) - Constructor for exception com.cobber.fta.core.InternalErrorException
InternalErrorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.cobber.fta.core.InternalErrorException
invalidList - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
RegExp plugins: a set of strings that match the regExp but are known to be invalid.
isAlphabetic() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
Is this pattern Alphabetic?
isAlphanumeric() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
Is this pattern Alphanumeric?
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeInfinite
A fast check to see if the supplied String might be an instance of this logical type?
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
isCandidate(String, StringBuilder, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
isClosed() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
Does the set of members enumerated reflect the entire set.
isClosed() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
isClosed() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeInfinite
isClosed() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
isClosed() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePersonName
isDateType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
Is this pattern a Date Type?
isDateUnbound() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
isDigit() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
isKnown() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
isLocaleSensitive() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
Is this plugin sensitive to the input locale.
isLogicalType - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
isLogicalType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
Is this PatternInfo a Logical Type?
isLogicalType() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Is this a Logical Type?
isMatch(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
isNumeric() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
Is this pattern Numeric?
isOther() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
Is the returned Regular Expression a true representation of the Logical Type.
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeInfinite
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
isRegExpComplete() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
isSpecial(char) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
Is the supplied character reserved a special meaning in Regular Expressions? Note: We do not declare '-' as a special character, so should not be used in a Character Class
isSupported(Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Check that this locale is supported.
isSupported(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
Determine whether a string input matches this DateTimeParserResult.
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
Is the supplied String an instance of this logical type?
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitLuhn
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePersonName
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
isValid(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
isValid8(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
Determine whether a string input matches this DateTimeParserResult.
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.PluginColor
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
Given the data to date as embodied by the arguments return null if we think this is an instance of this logical type, if not return a new suitable pattern.
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCountryEN
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYAbbr
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYFull
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGenderEN
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthAbbr
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthFull
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePersonName
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
isValidSet(String, long, long, String, FactsTypeBased, Map<String, Long>, Map<String, Long>, Shapes, AnalysisConfig) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
iterator() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RandomSet


keyConfidence - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
The percentage confidence (0-1.0) that the observed stream is a Key field.
KnownPatterns - Class in com.cobber.fta
A set of predefined patterns, for simple numerics, strings and boolean values.
KnownPatterns() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
KnownPatterns.ID - Enum in com.cobber.fta


leadingWhiteSpace - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
Do any elements have leading White Space?
leadingZeroCount - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
The number of leading zeros seen in sample set.
LEFT_TO_RIGHT_MARK - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
LOCALDATE - com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
A simple Date value - a calendar value with no time or no time-zone.
LOCALDATETIME - com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
A date and time - both a calendar and a wall clock.
locale - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
LocaleInfo - Class in com.cobber.fta.dates
LocaleInfo() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
localeSensitive - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Is this plugin sensitive to the input locale?
LOCALTIME - com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
Any Time value - a wall Time.
LogicalType - Class in com.cobber.fta
All Logical Types are derived from this abstract class.
LogicalType(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
LogicalTypeAddressEN - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect Addresses.
LogicalTypeAddressEN(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
LogicalTypeCheckDigit - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect valid Luhn check digits (typically Credit Cards or IMEI Numbers).
LogicalTypeCheckDigit(PluginDefinition, int) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
LogicalTypeCheckDigitCUSIP - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect valid CUSIPs .
LogicalTypeCheckDigitCUSIP(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitCUSIP
LogicalTypeCheckDigitEAN13 - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect valid EAN-13 (UPC, ISBN-13) identifiers.
LogicalTypeCheckDigitEAN13(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitEAN13
LogicalTypeCheckDigitIBAN - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect valid International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN) .
LogicalTypeCheckDigitIBAN(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitIBAN
LogicalTypeCheckDigitISIN - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect valid International Securities Identification Number.
LogicalTypeCheckDigitISIN(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitISIN
LogicalTypeCheckDigitLuhn - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect valid Luhn check digits (typically Credit Cards or IMEI Numbers).
LogicalTypeCheckDigitLuhn(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitLuhn
LogicalTypeCheckDigitSEDOL - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect valid SEDOL identifiers.
LogicalTypeCheckDigitSEDOL(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitSEDOL
LogicalTypeCode - Class in com.cobber.fta
All Logical Types that support the LTRandom interface should extend this abstract class.
LogicalTypeCode(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeCode
LogicalTypeCountryEN - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect Country names.
LogicalTypeCountryEN(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCountryEN
LogicalTypeDOYAbbr - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect Day of Week Abbreviations.
LogicalTypeDOYAbbr(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYAbbr
LogicalTypeDOYFull - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect full Day of Week Names.
LogicalTypeDOYFull(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYFull
LogicalTypeEmail - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect Email Addresses.
LogicalTypeEmail(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
LogicalTypeFactory - Class in com.cobber.fta
Construct a LogicalType from PluginDefinition or a Semantic Type name.
LogicalTypeFactory() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFactory
LogicalTypeFinite - Class in com.cobber.fta
All Logical Types that consist of a constrained domain, for example, a finite (small) number of elements should subclass this abstract class.
LogicalTypeFinite(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
LogicalTypeFiniteSimple - Class in com.cobber.fta
LogicalTypeFiniteSimple(PluginDefinition, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
LogicalTypeFiniteSimpleExternal - Class in com.cobber.fta
LogicalTypeFiniteSimpleExternal(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimpleExternal
LogicalTypeFirstName - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
LogicalTypeFirstName(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeFirstName
LogicalTypeGenderEN - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect Gender.
LogicalTypeGenderEN(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGenderEN
LogicalTypeGUID - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect GUIDs.
LogicalTypeGUID(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
LogicalTypeInfinite - Class in com.cobber.fta
All Logical Types that consist of a unconstrained domain, for example, an infinite (or large) number of elements should subclass this abstract class.
LogicalTypeInfinite(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeInfinite
LogicalTypeIPV4Address - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
LogicalTypeIPV4Address(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
LogicalTypeIPV6Address - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
LogicalTypeIPV6Address(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
LogicalTypeJobTitleEN - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect Job Titles.
LogicalTypeJobTitleEN(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
LogicalTypeLastName - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
LogicalTypeLastName(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeLastName
LogicalTypeMonthAbbr - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect Month Abbreviations.
LogicalTypeMonthAbbr(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthAbbr
LogicalTypeMonthFull - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect full Month Names.
LogicalTypeMonthFull(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthFull
LogicalTypeNameFirstLast - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect '<First Name> <Last Name>'.
LogicalTypeNameFirstLast(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
LogicalTypeNameLastFirst - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect '<Last Name>, <First Name>'.
LogicalTypeNameLastFirst(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
LogicalTypeNAStateProvince - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect NA States/Provinces
LogicalTypeNAStateProvince(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNAStateProvince
LogicalTypePersonName - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
LogicalTypePersonName(PluginDefinition, String) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePersonName
LogicalTypePhoneNumber - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect Phone Numbers.
LogicalTypePhoneNumber(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
LogicalTypeRegExp - Class in com.cobber.fta
LogicalTypeRegExp(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeRegExp
LogicalTypeUKPostalCode - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect valid UK Postal codes.
LogicalTypeUKPostalCode(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
LogicalTypeURL - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect URLs.
LogicalTypeURL(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
LogicalTypeUSZip5 - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect valid US Zip codes.
LogicalTypeUSZip5(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
LogicalTypeVIN - Class in com.cobber.fta.plugins
Plugin to detect Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs).
LogicalTypeVIN(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
LONG - com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
Any Integral type - refer to min/max to determine range.
LTRandom - Interface in com.cobber.fta
This interface provides a nextRandom method which creates a new valid example of the Semantic Type.


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.DetermineDateFormat
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.Performance
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.SampleBulk
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.SampleDate
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.SamplePlugin
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.SamplePluginFrench
main(String[]) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.Trivial
MAX_CARDINALITY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
The default value for the maximum Cardinality tracked.
MAX_OUTLIERS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
The default value for the maximum # of outliers tracked.
MAX_SHAPES_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
The default value for the maximum number of shapes tracked.
maxCardinality - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.AnalysisConfig
The maximum Cardinality tracked.
maximum - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Maximum value to be considered as a valid instance of this type, e.g.
maxLength - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
maxLength - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
maxOutliers - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.AnalysisConfig
The maximum number of outliers tracked.
maxRawLength - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
The maximum length (not trimmed) -- Only relevant for Numeric, Boolean and String.
maxShapes - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.AnalysisConfig
The maximum number of shapes tracked.
maxValue - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsTypeBased
The maximum value observed.
mean - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsTypeBased
The mean of the observed values (Numeric types only).
members - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.examples.PluginColor
members - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.InlineContent
memberSet - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
merge(String, String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
minimum - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Minimum value to be considered as a valid instance of this type, e.g.
minLength - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFinite
minLength - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
minMaxPresent - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Need to see both the minimum and maximum values to declare success.
minRawLength - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
The minimum length (not trimmed) -- Only relevant for Numeric, Boolean and String.
minSamples - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Minimum number of samples required to declare success.
minValue - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsTypeBased
The minimum value observed.
MonthFirst - com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode
In order to resolve ambiguity the month will be assumed to be first.
monthOffset - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
monthOffset(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
multiline - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
Are any elements multi-line?


negation(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
newInstance(DateTimeParserResult) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
newInstance(PluginDefinition) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFactory
Return a Logical Type based on a Plugin Definition.
newInstance(PluginDefinition, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFactory
Return a Logical Type based on a Plugin Definition.
newInstance(String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpSplitter
newInstance(String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFactory
Return a Logical Type based simply on the name of the Logical Type.
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.examples.PluginColor
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
nextRandom() - Method in interface com.cobber.fta.LTRandom
nextRandom will generate a random (secure) valid example of this Semantic Type.
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYAbbr
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeDOYFull
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGenderEN
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthAbbr
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeMonthFull
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePersonName
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
nextRandom() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
None - com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode
Result returned may have unbound elements, for example ??/??/yyyy.
NULL - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
numericPromotion(KnownPatterns.ID, KnownPatterns.ID) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
numericPromotion(String, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns


observe(T) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TopBottomK
Observe the value provided.
OFFSETDATETIME - com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
A date-time with an offset from UTC.
ofPattern(String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
Given an input string with a DateTimeFormatter pattern return a suitable DateTimeFormatter.
ofPattern(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
Given an input string with a DateTimeFormatter pattern return a suitable DateTimeFormatter.
ONE_ZERO - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
OPTIONAL_SIGN - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
OPTIONAL_UNICODE_SIGN - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns


parse() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
parse(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
Determine whether a string input matches this DateTimeParserResult.
PATTERN_ALPHA - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_ALPHA_VARIABLE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_ALPHANUMERIC - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_ALPHANUMERIC_VARIABLE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_ANY - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_ANY_VARIABLE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_BOOLEAN_ONE_ZERO - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_BOOLEAN_TRUE_FALSE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_BOOLEAN_Y_N - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_BOOLEAN_YES_NO - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_DOUBLE - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_DOUBLE_GROUPING - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_DOUBLE_WITH_EXPONENT - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_LONG - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_LONG_GROUPING - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_NULL - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_NUMERIC - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_NUMERIC_VARIABLE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_SIGNED_DOUBLE - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_SIGNED_DOUBLE_GROUPING - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_SIGNED_DOUBLE_TRAILING - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_SIGNED_DOUBLE_WITH_EXPONENT - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_SIGNED_LONG - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_SIGNED_LONG_GROUPING - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_SIGNED_LONG_TRAILING - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PATTERN_WHITESPACE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns
PatternInfo - Class in com.cobber.fta
The PatternInfo class maintains a set of information about a simple pattern.
PatternInfo(KnownPatterns.ID, String, FTAType, String, boolean, boolean, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
Construct a new information block for the supplied pattern.
PatternInfo(PatternInfo) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
PatternInfo.TypeQualifier - Enum in com.cobber.fta
Performance - Class in com.cobber.fta.examples
Performance() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.examples.Performance
plausibleDateCore(boolean, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
PluginColor - Class in com.cobber.fta.examples
PluginColor(PluginDefinition) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.examples.PluginColor
PluginDefinition - Class in com.cobber.fta
Definition of a Plugin.
PluginDefinition() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
PluginDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
PluginDefinition(String, String, String, String[], String[], String, String, String, String[], boolean, String[], int[], int, FTAType) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Plugins - Class in com.cobber.fta
A singleton (per thread) used to track the set of plugins.
Plugins() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.Plugins
priority - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
priority - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
The relative priority of this plugin.
put(String, PatternInfo) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns


qualifier - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
qualifier - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
Semantic Type of Plugin (Qualifier).
qualify(int, int) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpSplitter


random - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeCode
RandomSet<E> - Class in com.cobber.fta.core
RandomSet() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.core.RandomSet
RandomSet(Collection<E>) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.core.RandomSet
reader - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
REFLECTION_SAMPLES - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
regexp - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
regexp - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitEAN13
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitISIN
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitSEDOL
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCountryEN
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNAStateProvince
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePersonName
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
REGEXP - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
REGEXP_CONSTANT - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
REGEXP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
REGEXP_RESOURCE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
REGEXP_VARIABLE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
RegExpGenerator - Class in com.cobber.fta.core
Analyze a set of strings and return a suitable Regular Expression.
RegExpGenerator() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
RegExpGenerator(int, Locale) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
regExpReturned - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
RegExp plugins: the RegExp to be returned for this Logical Type.
RegExpSplitter - Class in com.cobber.fta.core
regExpsToMatch - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
RegExp plugins: the RegExps to be matched to qualify as this Logical Type.
registerDefaultPlugins(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Register the default set of plugins for Logical Type detection.
registerPluginList(List<PluginDefinition>, String, Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Plugins
registerPlugins(Reader, String, Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Plugins
registerPlugins(String, String, Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Plugins
remove(Object) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RandomSet
removeAt(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RandomSet
Override element at position id with last element.
repeat(char, int) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.Utils
replaceAt(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.Utils
replaceFirst(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.Utils


SampleBulk - Class in com.cobber.fta.examples
SampleBulk() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.examples.SampleBulk
SampleDate - Class in com.cobber.fta.examples
SampleDate() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.examples.SampleDate
SamplePlugin - Class in com.cobber.fta.examples
SamplePlugin() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.examples.SamplePlugin
SamplePluginFrench - Class in com.cobber.fta.examples
SamplePluginFrench() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.examples.SamplePluginFrench
seed(byte[]) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeCode
seed(byte[]) - Method in interface com.cobber.fta.LTRandom
Seed the secure random number generator used to create examples.
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeAddressEN
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitCUSIP
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitEAN13
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitIBAN
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitISIN
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitLuhn
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigitSEDOL
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCountryEN
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeEmail
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeFirstName
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGenderEN
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeGUID
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV4Address
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeIPV6Address
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeJobTitleEN
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameFirstLast
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNameLastFirst
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeNAStateProvince
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypePhoneNumber
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUKPostalCode
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeURL
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeUSZip5
SEMANTIC_TYPE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeVIN
SEMANTIC_TYPE_BASE - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.examples.PluginColor
setCollectStatistics(boolean) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Indicate whether to collect statistics or not.
setContent(String, String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalTypeFiniteSimple
setDebug(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Internal Only.
setDefaultLogicalTypes(boolean) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Indicate whether to enable default Logical Type processing.
setDetectWindow(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Set the size of the Detect Window (i.e.
setKeyConfidence(double) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Set the Key Confidence - this is typically used where we have an external source that indicated definitively that this is a key.
setLengthQualifier(boolean) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Indicate whether we should qualify the size of the RegExp.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Override the default Locale.
setMaxCardinality(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Set the maximum cardinality that will be tracked.
setMaxOutliers(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Set the maximum number of outliers that will be tracked.
setNumericWidening(boolean) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
If true enable Numeric widening - i.e.
setPluginThreshold(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
The percentage when we declare success 0 - 100 for Logical Type plugins.
setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
The percentage when we declare success 0 - 100.
setThreshold(int) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
The percentage when we declare success 0 - 100.
setTotalCount(long) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Set the total number of elements in the Data Stream (if known).
setUniqueness(double) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Set the Uniqueness - this is typically used where we have an external source that has visibility into the entire data set and 'knows' the uniqueness of the set as a whole.
Shapes - Class in com.cobber.fta
Class used to manage Shapes.
Shapes(int) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.Shapes
shortMonthOffset(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
SIGNED - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
SIGNED_TRAILING - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
SimpleDateMatcher - Class in com.cobber.fta.dates
Helper class to manage several of the fixed length date inputs.
SimpleDateMatcher(String, Locale) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.dates.SimpleDateMatcher
Construct the SimpleDateMatcher for this input (if possible).
SimpleFacts - Class in com.cobber.fta.dates
SingletonSet - Class in com.cobber.fta
Class used to cache large sets across multiple threads.
SingletonSet(String, String) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.SingletonSet
size() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RandomSet
size() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Shapes
Get the size of the Map.
skipValidAMPM(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Check that the input starts with a valid AM/PM string (case insensitive) and if so return the offset of the end of match.
skipValidDayOfWeekAbbr(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Check that the input starts with a valid week day abbreviation (case insensitive) and if so return the offset of the end of match.
skipValidMonth(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Check that the input starts with a valid month (case insensitive) and if so return the offset of the end of match.
skipValidMonthAbbr(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
Check that the input starts with a valid month abbreviation (case insensitive) and if so return the offset of the end of match.
slosh(char) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
slosh(String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
Return an escaped String (similar to Pattern.quote but not unconditional).
smash(String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.Smashed
Fast method to simplify a string so that we can determine if all inputs are of the same form.
Smashed - Class in com.cobber.fta
Smashed will generate a simplified string, used to determine if all inputs are of the same form.
smashedAsRegExp(String) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.Smashed
Generate a Regular Expression from the 'smashed' input.
sortByValue(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.core.Utils
sortByValue(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
statisticsEnabled() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
Was statistics collection enabled for this analysis.
STRING - com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
Any String value.


TextAnalysisResult - Class in com.cobber.fta
TextAnalysisResult is the result of a TextAnalyzer analysis of a data stream.
TextAnalyzer - Class in com.cobber.fta
Analyze Text data to determine type information and other key metrics associated with a text stream.
TextAnalyzer() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Construct an anonymous Text Analyzer for a data stream.
TextAnalyzer(String) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Construct a Text Analyzer for the named data stream.
TextAnalyzer(String, DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode) - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Construct a Text Analyzer for the named data stream with the supplied DateResolutionMode.
threshold - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.LogicalType
threshold - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
The required threshold to be matched (can be adjusted by presence of Hot Words.
timeElements - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
timeFieldLengths - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
timeFieldOffsets - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
timeFieldPad - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
timeFirst - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
timeZone - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
timeZones - Static variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
tokenized - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
TopBottomK<T extends java.lang.Comparable<C>,​C> - Class in com.cobber.fta
Class used to track the top and bottom K values.
topK - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsTypeBased
The top 10 values.
topK() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TopBottomK
Return the top K values (ordered lowest to highest).
topKasString() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TopBottomK
Return the top K values as Strings (ordered highest to lowest).
toString() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
toString() - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalysisResult
A String representation of the Analysis.
track(String, long) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.Shapes
Track the supplied shape.
trailingWhiteSpace - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
Do any elements have trailing White Space?
train(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.core.RegExpGenerator
This method should be called for each string in the set.
train(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser
Train is the core entry point used to supply input to the DateTimeParser.
train(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
Train is the core streaming entry point used to supply input to the Text Analyzer.
trainBulk(Map<String, Long>) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.TextAnalyzer
TrainBulk is the core bulk entry point used to supply input to the Text Analyzer.
Trivial - Class in com.cobber.fta.examples
Trivial() - Constructor for class com.cobber.fta.examples.Trivial
TRUE_FALSE - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
type - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo
typeQualifier - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo


uniqueness - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsCore
What is the uniqueness percentage of this column.
updateFormatString(String) - Method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
Utils - Class in com.cobber.fta.core
A Utility class with a set of helper functions.


validator - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.plugins.LogicalTypeCheckDigit
validDayOfWeekAbbr(String, Locale) - Static method in class com.cobber.fta.dates.LocaleInfo
validLocales - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.PluginDefinition
locales this plugin applies to - empty set, implies all locales.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParser.DateResolutionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.cobber.fta.KnownPatterns.ID
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
variance - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.FactsTypeBased
The variance of the observed values (Numeric types only).


Y_N - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier
yearOffset - Variable in class com.cobber.fta.dates.DateTimeParserResult
YES_NO - com.cobber.fta.PatternInfo.TypeQualifier


ZONEDDATETIME - com.cobber.fta.core.FTAType
A date-time with a time-zone.
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