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acquire() - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLock
Try to acquire the lock.
acquire() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
acquire(Duration) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLock
Try to acquire the lock for a given duration.
acquire(Duration) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
acquireAndExecute(Runnable) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLock
Acquire a lock and release it after action is executed.
acquireAndExecute(Duration, Runnable) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLock
Acquire a lock for a given duration and release it after action is executed.
acquireForever() - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLock
Try to acquire the lock without expiring date.
acquireForever() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
acquireForeverAndExecute(Runnable) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLock
Acquire a lock without expiration time and release it after action is executed.
acquireInvocations() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
alwaysAcquiredLock(String) - Static method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
Create a lock that can be never acquired.
alwaysReleasedLock(String) - Static method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
Create a lock that can be always acquired.
aquireSuccesses() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock


com.coditory.sherlock - package com.coditory.sherlock
com.coditory.sherlock.test - package com.coditory.sherlock.test
createLock(String) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.Sherlock
Create a distributed lock.
createLock(String) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
createLock(String, Duration) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.Sherlock
Create a lock.
createLock(String, Duration) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
createOverridingLock(String) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.Sherlock
Create a distributed overriding lock.
createOverridingLock(String) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
createOverridingLock(String, Duration) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.Sherlock
Create a distributed overriding lock.
createOverridingLock(String, Duration) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
createReentrantLock(String) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.Sherlock
Create a distributed reentrant lock.
createReentrantLock(String) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
createReentrantLock(String, Duration) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.Sherlock
Create a distributed reentrant lock.
createReentrantLock(String, Duration) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub


DistributedLock - Interface in com.coditory.sherlock
A lock for distributed environment consisting of multiple application instances.
DistributedLockMock - Class in com.coditory.sherlock.test
Use it to mock DistributedLock in tests.


getId() - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLock
Return the lock id.
getId() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
getLockDuration() - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.Sherlock
getLockDuration() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
getOwnerId() - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.Sherlock
getOwnerId() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub


release() - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLock
Release the lock
release() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
releaseAndExecute(Runnable) - Method in interface com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLock
Run the action when lock is released
releaseInvocations() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
releaseSuccesses() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock


sequencedLock(String, List<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
Create a lock returning a sequence of results for acquiring.
sequencedLock(String, List<Boolean>, List<Boolean>) - Static method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
Create a lock returning a sequence of results for acquiring and releasing.
Sherlock - Interface in com.coditory.sherlock
Creates and manages distributed locks.
SherlockStub - Class in com.coditory.sherlock.test
Use to stub Sherlock in tests.
SherlockStub() - Constructor for class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
singleStateLock(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
Create always released lock if released parameter is true, otherwise always acquired lock is returned


wasAcquired() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
wasAcquiredAndReleased() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
wasAcquireInvoked() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
wasAcquireRejected() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
wasReleased() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
wasReleaseInvoked() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
wasReleaseRejected() - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock
withAcquiredLocks() - Static method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
Make the stub produce acquired locks by default
withLock(DistributedLock) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
Make the stub produce return a predefined lock.
withLockDuration(Duration) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
Make the stub produce locks with given lock duration
withOwnerId(String) - Method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
Make the stub produce locks with given application instance id
withReleasedLocks() - Static method in class com.coditory.sherlock.test.SherlockStub
Make the stub produce released locks by default
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