
object Ipv6Address extends Ipv6AddressCompanionPlatform
trait Ipv6AddressCompanionPlatform
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def fromString(value: String): Option[Ipv6Address]
Parses an IPv6 address from a string in RFC4291 notation, returning None if the string is not a valid IPv6 address.
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): Option[Ipv6Address]
Constructs an IPv6 address from a 16-element byte array.
Returns Some when array is exactly 16-bytes and None otherwise.
def fromBytes(b0: Int, b1: Int, b2: Int, b3: Int, b4: Int, b5: Int, b6: Int, b7: Int, b8: Int, b9: Int, b10: Int, b11: Int, b12: Int, b13: Int, b14: Int, b15: Int): Ipv6Address
Constructs an address from the specified 16 bytes.
Each byte is represented as an Int to avoid having to manually call .toByte on each value -- the toByte call is done inside this function.
def fromBigInt(value: BigInt): Ipv6Address
Constructs an IPv6 address from a BigInt, using the lower 128-bits.
def mask(bits: Int): Ipv6Address
Computes a mask by setting the first / left-most n bits high.
scala> Ipv6Address.mask(32)
res0: Ipv6Address = ffff:ffff: :


First IP address in the IPv6 multicast range.
Last IP address in the IPv6 multicast range.
First IP address in the IPv6 source specific multicast range.
Last IP address in the IPv6 source specific multicast range.

Inherited methods

def fromInet6Address(address: Inet6Address): Ipv6Address
Converts the supplied Inet6Address to an Ipv6Address.
Inhertied from