
sealed abstract class IpAddress extends IpAddressPlatform with Host with Serializable
Immutable and safe representation of an IP address, either V4 or V6.
=== Construction ===
IpAddress instances are constructed in a few different ways:
- via IpAddress(""), which parses a string representation of the IP and returns an Option[IpAddress]
- via IpAddress.fromBytes(arr), which returns an IP address if the supplied array is either exactly 4 bytes or exactly 16 bytes
- via literal syntax like ip"", which returns an IpAddress and fails to compile if the IP is invalid.
=== Type Hierarchy ===
There are two subtypes of IpAddress -- Ipv4Address and Ipv6Address. Each of these subtypes have a richer
API than IpAddress and it is often useful to use those types directly, for example if your use case requires a V6 address.
It is safe to pattern match on IpAddress to access Ipv4Address or Ipv6Address directly, or alternatively, you can use fold.
=== JVM Specific API ===
If using IpAddress on the JVM, you can call toInetAddress to convert the address to a java.net.InetAddress, for use
with networking libraries. This method does not exist on the Scala.js version.
trait Serializable
trait Host
trait Ordered[Host]
trait Comparable[Host]
trait HostPlatform
trait IpAddressPlatform
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def toBytes: Array[Byte]
Converts this address to a network order byte array of either 4 or 16 bytes.
def fold[A](v4: Ipv4Address => A, v6: Ipv6Address => A): A
Converts this address to a value of type A using the supplied functions.
Maps a type-preserving function across this IP address.
def isMulticast: Boolean
Returns true if this address is in the multicast range.
Converts this address to a multicast address, as long as it is in the multicast address range.
Returns true if this address is in the source specific multicast range.
Converts this address to a source specific multicast address, as long as it is in the source specific multicast address range.
def asIpv4: Option[Ipv4Address]
Narrows this address to an Ipv4Address if that is the underlying type.
def asIpv6: Option[Ipv6Address]
Narrows this address to an Ipv6Address if that is the underlying type.
Returns the version of this address.
def /(prefixBits: Int): Cidr[IpAddress]
Constructs a Cidr address from this address.
def toUriString: String
Converts this address to a string form that is compatible for use in a URI per RFC3986
(namely, IPv6 addresses are rendered in condensed form and surrounded by brackets).
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
override def hashCode: Int
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def compareTo(that: A): Int
Inhertied from
def <(that: A): Boolean
Inhertied from
def <=(that: A): Boolean
Inhertied from
def compare(that: Host): Int
Inhertied from
def >(that: A): Boolean
Inhertied from
def >=(that: A): Boolean
Inhertied from