Class StandalonePriceDraftImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
CustomizableDraft<StandalonePriceDraft>, StandalonePriceDraft, WithKey, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.Draft<StandalonePriceDraft>, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

public class StandalonePriceDraftImpl extends Object implements StandalonePriceDraft, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

Standalone Prices are defined with a scope consisting of currency and optionally country, customerGroup, and channel and/or a validity period (validFrom and/or validTo). For more information see price selection.

Creating a Standalone Price for an SKU which has a Standalone Price with exactly the same price scope, or with overlapping validity periods within the same price scope returns the DuplicateStandalonePriceScope and OverlappingStandalonePriceValidity errors, respectively. A Price without validity period does not conflict with a Price defined for a time period.