Class SnsDestinationImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Destination, SnsDestination, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

public class SnsDestinationImpl extends Object implements SnsDestination, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

AWS SNS can be used to push messages to AWS Lambda, HTTP endpoints (webhooks), or fan-out messages to SQS queues. The SQS queue must be a Standard queue type.

We recommend setting authenticationMode to IAM, to avoid unnecessary key management. For IAM authentication and before creating the Subscription, give permissions to the following user account: arn:aws-cn:iam::417094354346:user/subscriptions if the Project is hosted in the China (AWS, Ningxia) Region; arn:aws:iam::362576667341:user/subscriptions for all other Regions. Otherwise, a test message will not be sent.

If you prefer to use Credentials for authentication, we recommend creating an IAM user with an accessKey and accessSecret pair specifically for each Subscription.

The IAM user should only have the sns:Publish permission on this topic.