002package com.commercetools.api.client;
004import java.util.List;
005import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
006import java.util.function.Consumer;
007import java.util.function.Function;
009import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
011import com.commercetools.api.models.DomainResource;
012import com.commercetools.api.models.PagedQueryResourceRequest;
013import com.commercetools.api.models.ResourcePagedQueryResponse;
015public class QueryUtils {
016    static int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 500;
017    /**
018     * <p>Queries all elements matching a query by using a limit based pagination with a combination of
019     * id sorting and a page size 500. More on the algorithm can be found here:
020     * <a href="https://docs.commercetools.com/api/general-concepts#iterating-over-all-elements">Iterating all elements</a>.</p>
021     *
022     * <p>The method takes a callback {@link java.util.function.Function} that returns a result of type {@code <S>} that
023     * is returned on every page of elements queried. Eventually, the method returns a {@link
024     * java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage} that contains a list of all the results of the callbacks returned from every
025     * page.
026     *
027     * <p>NOTE: This method fetches all paged results sequentially as opposed to fetching the pages in
028     * parallel.
029     *
030     * @param query query containing predicates and expansion paths
031     * @param pageMapper callback function that is called on every page queried
032     * @param <TElement> type of one query result element
033     * @param <TMethod> type of the query
034     * @param <TResult> type of the result
035     * @param <S> type of the returned result of the callback function on every page.
036     * @return a completion stage containing a list of mapped pages as a result.
037     */
038    @Nonnull
039    public static <TMethod extends PagedQueryResourceRequest<TMethod, TResult>, TResult extends ResourcePagedQueryResponse<TElement>, TElement extends DomainResource<TElement>, S> CompletionStage<List<S>> queryAll(
040            @Nonnull final PagedQueryResourceRequest<TMethod, TResult> query,
041            @Nonnull final Function<List<TElement>, S> pageMapper) {
042        return queryAll(query, pageMapper, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);
043    }
045    /**
046     * <p>Queries all elements matching a query by using a limit based pagination with a combination of
047     * id sorting and a page size 500. More on the algorithm can be found here:
048     * <a href="https://docs.commercetools.com/api/general-concepts#iterating-over-all-elements">Iterating all elements</a>.</p>
049     *
050     * <p>The method takes a consumer {@link Consumer} that is applied on every page of elements
051     * queried.
052     *
053     * <p>NOTE: This method fetches all paged results sequentially as opposed to fetching the pages in
054     * parallel.
055     *
056     * @param query query containing predicates and expansion paths
057     * @param pageConsumer consumer applied on every page queried
058     * @param <TElement> type of one query result element
059     * @param <TMethod> type of the query
060     * @param <TResult> type of the result
061     * @return a completion stage containing void as a result after the consumer was applied on all
062     *     pages.
063     */
064    @Nonnull
065    public static <TMethod extends PagedQueryResourceRequest<TMethod, TResult>, TResult extends ResourcePagedQueryResponse<TElement>, TElement extends DomainResource<TElement>> CompletionStage<Void> queryAll(
066            @Nonnull final PagedQueryResourceRequest<TMethod, TResult> query,
067            @Nonnull final Consumer<List<TElement>> pageConsumer) {
068        return queryAll(query, pageConsumer, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);
069    }
071    /**
072     * <p>Queries all elements matching a query by using a limit based pagination with a combination of
073     * id sorting and the supplied {@code pageSize}. More on the algorithm can be found here:
074     * <a href="https://docs.commercetools.com/api/general-concepts#iterating-over-all-elements">Iterating all elements</a>.</p>
075     *
076     * <p>The method takes a callback {@link Function} that returns a result of type {@code <S>} that
077     * is returned on every page of elements queried. Eventually, the method returns a {@link
078     * CompletionStage} that contains a list of all the results of the callbacks returned from every
079     * page.
080     *
081     * <p>NOTE: This method fetches all paged results sequentially as opposed to fetching the pages in
082     * parallel.
083     *
084     * @param query query containing predicates and expansion paths
085     * @param pageMapper callback function that is called on every page queried
086     * @param <TElement> type of one query result element
087     * @param <TMethod> type of the query
088     * @param <TResult> type of the result
089     * @param <S> type of the returned result of the callback function on every page.
090     * @param pageSize the page size.
091     * @return a completion stage containing a list of mapped pages as a result.
092     */
093    @Nonnull
094    public static <TMethod extends PagedQueryResourceRequest<TMethod, TResult>, TResult extends ResourcePagedQueryResponse<TElement>, TElement extends DomainResource<TElement>, S> CompletionStage<List<S>> queryAll(
095            @Nonnull final PagedQueryResourceRequest<TMethod, TResult> query,
096            @Nonnull final Function<List<TElement>, S> pageMapper, final int pageSize) {
097        final QueryAll<TMethod, TResult, TElement, S> queryAll = QueryAll.of(query, pageSize);
098        return queryAll.run(pageMapper);
099    }
101    /**
102     * <p>Queries all elements matching a query by using a limit based pagination with a combination of
103     * id sorting and the supplied {@code pageSize}. More on the algorithm can be found here:
104     * <a href="https://docs.commercetools.com/api/general-concepts#iterating-over-all-elements">Iterating all elements</a>.</p>
105     *
106     * <p>The method takes a {@link java.util.function.Consumer} that is applied on every page of the queried elements.
107     *
108     * <p>NOTE: This method fetches all paged results sequentially as opposed to fetching the pages in
109     * parallel.
110     *
111     * @param query query containing predicates and expansion paths
112     * @param pageConsumer consumer applied on every page queried
113     * @param <TElement> type of one query result element
114     * @param <TMethod> type of the query
115     * @param <TResult> type of the result
116     * @param pageSize the page size
117     * @return a completion stage containing void as a result after the consumer was applied on all
118     *     pages.
119     */
120    @Nonnull
121    public static <TMethod extends PagedQueryResourceRequest<TMethod, TResult>, TResult extends ResourcePagedQueryResponse<TElement>, TElement extends DomainResource<TElement>> CompletionStage<Void> queryAll(
122            @Nonnull final PagedQueryResourceRequest<TMethod, TResult> query,
123            @Nonnull final Consumer<List<TElement>> pageConsumer, final int pageSize) {
124        final QueryAll<TMethod, TResult, TElement, Void> queryAll = QueryAll.of(query, pageSize);
125        return queryAll.run(pageConsumer);
126    }