002package com.commercetools.api.models.order;
004import java.time.*;
005import java.util.*;
006import java.util.function.Function;
008import javax.annotation.Nullable;
009import javax.validation.Valid;
010import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
012import com.commercetools.api.models.cart.CartResourceIdentifier;
013import com.commercetools.api.models.state.StateResourceIdentifier;
014import com.commercetools.api.models.type.CustomFieldsDraft;
015import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;
016import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.*;
018import io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.Generated;
021 * OrderFromCartDraft
022 *
023 * <hr>
024 * Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
025 * <div class=code-example>
026 * <pre><code class='java'>
027 *     OrderFromCartDraft orderFromCartDraft = OrderFromCartDraft.builder()
028 *             .version(0.3)
029 *             .build()
030 * </code></pre>
031 * </div>
032 */
033@Generated(value = "io.vrap.rmf.codegen.rendering.CoreCodeGenerator", comments = "https://github.com/commercetools/rmf-codegen")
034@JsonDeserialize(as = OrderFromCartDraftImpl.class)
035public interface OrderFromCartDraft extends io.vrap.rmf.base.client.Draft<OrderFromCartDraft> {
037    /**
038     *  <p>Unique identifier of the Cart from which you can create an Order.</p>
039     * @return id
040     */
041    @Deprecated
042    @JsonProperty("id")
043    public String getId();
045    /**
046     *  <p>ResourceIdentifier of the Cart from which the Order is created.</p>
047     * @return cart
048     */
049    @Valid
050    @JsonProperty("cart")
051    public CartResourceIdentifier getCart();
053    /**
054     *  <p>Expected version of the Cart from which the Order is created. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a 409 Conflict error will be returned.</p>
055     * @return version
056     */
057    @NotNull
058    @JsonProperty("version")
059    public Long getVersion();
061    /**
062     *  <p>String that uniquely identifies an order. It can be used to create more human-readable (in contrast to ID) identifier for the order. It should be unique across a project. Once it's set it cannot be changed. For easier use on Get, Update and Delete actions we suggest assigning order numbers that match the regular expression <code>[a-z0-9_\-]{2,36}</code>.</p>
063     * @return orderNumber
064     */
066    @JsonProperty("orderNumber")
067    public String getOrderNumber();
069    /**
070     *  <p>Identifier for a purchase order, usually in a B2B context. The Purchase Order Number is typically entered by the Buyer and can also be used with Quotes.</p>
071     * @return purchaseOrderNumber
072     */
074    @JsonProperty("purchaseOrderNumber")
075    public String getPurchaseOrderNumber();
077    /**
078     *  <p>Payment state for the Order.</p>
079     * @return paymentState
080     */
082    @JsonProperty("paymentState")
083    public PaymentState getPaymentState();
085    /**
086     *  <p>Shipment state for the Order.</p>
087     * @return shipmentState
088     */
090    @JsonProperty("shipmentState")
091    public ShipmentState getShipmentState();
093    /**
094     *  <p>Order will be created with <code>Open</code> status by default.</p>
095     * @return orderState
096     */
098    @JsonProperty("orderState")
099    public OrderState getOrderState();
101    /**
102     *  <p>Reference to a State indicating the Order's state.</p>
103     * @return state
104     */
105    @Valid
106    @JsonProperty("state")
107    public StateResourceIdentifier getState();
109    /**
110     *  <p>Custom Fields for the Order. The Custom Field type must match the type of the Custom Fields in the referenced Cart. If specified, the Custom Fields are merged with the Custom Fields on the referenced Cart and added to the Order. If empty, the Custom Fields on the referenced Cart are added to the Order automatically.</p>
111     * @return custom
112     */
113    @Valid
114    @JsonProperty("custom")
115    public CustomFieldsDraft getCustom();
117    /**
118     *  <p>Unique identifier of the Cart from which you can create an Order.</p>
119     * @param id value to be set
120     */
121    @Deprecated
122    public void setId(final String id);
124    /**
125     *  <p>ResourceIdentifier of the Cart from which the Order is created.</p>
126     * @param cart value to be set
127     */
129    public void setCart(final CartResourceIdentifier cart);
131    /**
132     *  <p>Expected version of the Cart from which the Order is created. If the expected version does not match the actual version, a 409 Conflict error will be returned.</p>
133     * @param version value to be set
134     */
136    public void setVersion(final Long version);
138    /**
139     *  <p>String that uniquely identifies an order. It can be used to create more human-readable (in contrast to ID) identifier for the order. It should be unique across a project. Once it's set it cannot be changed. For easier use on Get, Update and Delete actions we suggest assigning order numbers that match the regular expression <code>[a-z0-9_\-]{2,36}</code>.</p>
140     * @param orderNumber value to be set
141     */
143    public void setOrderNumber(final String orderNumber);
145    /**
146     *  <p>Identifier for a purchase order, usually in a B2B context. The Purchase Order Number is typically entered by the Buyer and can also be used with Quotes.</p>
147     * @param purchaseOrderNumber value to be set
148     */
150    public void setPurchaseOrderNumber(final String purchaseOrderNumber);
152    /**
153     *  <p>Payment state for the Order.</p>
154     * @param paymentState value to be set
155     */
157    public void setPaymentState(final PaymentState paymentState);
159    /**
160     *  <p>Shipment state for the Order.</p>
161     * @param shipmentState value to be set
162     */
164    public void setShipmentState(final ShipmentState shipmentState);
166    /**
167     *  <p>Order will be created with <code>Open</code> status by default.</p>
168     * @param orderState value to be set
169     */
171    public void setOrderState(final OrderState orderState);
173    /**
174     *  <p>Reference to a State indicating the Order's state.</p>
175     * @param state value to be set
176     */
178    public void setState(final StateResourceIdentifier state);
180    /**
181     *  <p>Custom Fields for the Order. The Custom Field type must match the type of the Custom Fields in the referenced Cart. If specified, the Custom Fields are merged with the Custom Fields on the referenced Cart and added to the Order. If empty, the Custom Fields on the referenced Cart are added to the Order automatically.</p>
182     * @param custom value to be set
183     */
185    public void setCustom(final CustomFieldsDraft custom);
187    /**
188     * factory method
189     * @return instance of OrderFromCartDraft
190     */
191    public static OrderFromCartDraft of() {
192        return new OrderFromCartDraftImpl();
193    }
195    /**
196     * factory method to create a shallow copy OrderFromCartDraft
197     * @param template instance to be copied
198     * @return copy instance
199     */
200    public static OrderFromCartDraft of(final OrderFromCartDraft template) {
201        OrderFromCartDraftImpl instance = new OrderFromCartDraftImpl();
202        instance.setId(template.getId());
203        instance.setCart(template.getCart());
204        instance.setVersion(template.getVersion());
205        instance.setOrderNumber(template.getOrderNumber());
206        instance.setPurchaseOrderNumber(template.getPurchaseOrderNumber());
207        instance.setPaymentState(template.getPaymentState());
208        instance.setShipmentState(template.getShipmentState());
209        instance.setOrderState(template.getOrderState());
210        instance.setState(template.getState());
211        instance.setCustom(template.getCustom());
212        return instance;
213    }
215    /**
216     * factory method to create a deep copy of OrderFromCartDraft
217     * @param template instance to be copied
218     * @return copy instance
219     */
220    @Nullable
221    public static OrderFromCartDraft deepCopy(@Nullable final OrderFromCartDraft template) {
222        if (template == null) {
223            return null;
224        }
225        OrderFromCartDraftImpl instance = new OrderFromCartDraftImpl();
226        instance.setId(template.getId());
227        instance.setCart(com.commercetools.api.models.cart.CartResourceIdentifier.deepCopy(template.getCart()));
228        instance.setVersion(template.getVersion());
229        instance.setOrderNumber(template.getOrderNumber());
230        instance.setPurchaseOrderNumber(template.getPurchaseOrderNumber());
231        instance.setPaymentState(template.getPaymentState());
232        instance.setShipmentState(template.getShipmentState());
233        instance.setOrderState(template.getOrderState());
234        instance.setState(com.commercetools.api.models.state.StateResourceIdentifier.deepCopy(template.getState()));
235        instance.setCustom(com.commercetools.api.models.type.CustomFieldsDraft.deepCopy(template.getCustom()));
236        return instance;
237    }
239    /**
240     * builder factory method for OrderFromCartDraft
241     * @return builder
242     */
243    public static OrderFromCartDraftBuilder builder() {
244        return OrderFromCartDraftBuilder.of();
245    }
247    /**
248     * create builder for OrderFromCartDraft instance
249     * @param template instance with prefilled values for the builder
250     * @return builder
251     */
252    public static OrderFromCartDraftBuilder builder(final OrderFromCartDraft template) {
253        return OrderFromCartDraftBuilder.of(template);
254    }
256    /**
257     * accessor map function
258     * @param <T> mapped type
259     * @param helper function to map the object
260     * @return mapped value
261     */
262    default <T> T withOrderFromCartDraft(Function<OrderFromCartDraft, T> helper) {
263        return helper.apply(this);
264    }
266    /**
267     * gives a TypeReference for usage with Jackson DataBind
268     * @return TypeReference
269     */
270    public static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<OrderFromCartDraft> typeReference() {
271        return new com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<OrderFromCartDraft>() {
272            @Override
273            public String toString() {
274                return "TypeReference<OrderFromCartDraft>";
275            }
276        };
277    }