002package com.commercetools.api.models.cart;
004import java.time.*;
005import java.util.*;
006import java.util.function.Function;
008import javax.annotation.Nullable;
009import javax.validation.Valid;
010import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
012import com.commercetools.api.models.common.Money;
013import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;
014import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.*;
016import io.vrap.rmf.base.client.utils.Generated;
019 *  <p>When multiple shipping addresses are set for a Line Item, use the Remove LineItem and Add LineItem update action to change the shipping details. Since it is not possible for the API to infer how the overall change in the Line Item quantity should be distributed over the sub-quantities, the <code>shippingDetails</code> field is kept in its current state to avoid data loss.</p>
020 *  <p>To change the Line Item quantity and shipping details together, use this update action in combination with the Set LineItemShippingDetails update action in a single Cart update command.</p>
021 *  <p>The LineItem price is set as described in LineItem Price selection.</p>
022 *
023 * <hr>
024 * Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
025 * <div class=code-example>
026 * <pre><code class='java'>
027 *     CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction cartChangeLineItemQuantityAction = CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction.builder()
028 *             .quantity(0.3)
029 *             .build()
030 * </code></pre>
031 * </div>
032 */
033@Generated(value = "io.vrap.rmf.codegen.rendering.CoreCodeGenerator", comments = "https://github.com/commercetools/rmf-codegen")
034@JsonDeserialize(as = CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionImpl.class)
035public interface CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction extends CartUpdateAction {
037    /**
038     * discriminator value for CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction
039     */
040    String CHANGE_LINE_ITEM_QUANTITY = "changeLineItemQuantity";
042    /**
043     *  <p><code>id</code> of the LineItem to update. Either <code>lineItemId</code> or <code>lineItemKey</code> is required.</p>
044     * @return lineItemId
045     */
047    @JsonProperty("lineItemId")
048    public String getLineItemId();
050    /**
051     *  <p><code>key</code> of the LineItem to update. Either <code>lineItemId</code> or <code>lineItemKey</code> is required.</p>
052     * @return lineItemKey
053     */
055    @JsonProperty("lineItemKey")
056    public String getLineItemKey();
058    /**
059     *  <p>New value to set.</p>
060     *  <p>If <code>0</code>, the Line Item is removed from the Cart.</p>
061     * @return quantity
062     */
063    @NotNull
064    @JsonProperty("quantity")
065    public Long getQuantity();
067    /**
068     *  <p>Sets the LineItem <code>price</code> to the given value when changing the quantity of a Line Item with the <code>ExternalPrice</code> LineItemPriceMode.</p>
069     *  <p>The LineItem price is updated as described in LineItem Price selection.</p>
070     * @return externalPrice
071     */
072    @Valid
073    @JsonProperty("externalPrice")
074    public Money getExternalPrice();
076    /**
077     *  <p>Sets the LineItem <code>price</code> and <code>totalPrice</code> to the given value when changing the quantity of a Line Item with the <code>ExternalTotal</code> LineItemPriceMode.</p>
078     * @return externalTotalPrice
079     */
080    @Valid
081    @JsonProperty("externalTotalPrice")
082    public ExternalLineItemTotalPrice getExternalTotalPrice();
084    /**
085     *  <p><code>id</code> of the LineItem to update. Either <code>lineItemId</code> or <code>lineItemKey</code> is required.</p>
086     * @param lineItemId value to be set
087     */
089    public void setLineItemId(final String lineItemId);
091    /**
092     *  <p><code>key</code> of the LineItem to update. Either <code>lineItemId</code> or <code>lineItemKey</code> is required.</p>
093     * @param lineItemKey value to be set
094     */
096    public void setLineItemKey(final String lineItemKey);
098    /**
099     *  <p>New value to set.</p>
100     *  <p>If <code>0</code>, the Line Item is removed from the Cart.</p>
101     * @param quantity value to be set
102     */
104    public void setQuantity(final Long quantity);
106    /**
107     *  <p>Sets the LineItem <code>price</code> to the given value when changing the quantity of a Line Item with the <code>ExternalPrice</code> LineItemPriceMode.</p>
108     *  <p>The LineItem price is updated as described in LineItem Price selection.</p>
109     * @param externalPrice value to be set
110     */
112    public void setExternalPrice(final Money externalPrice);
114    /**
115     *  <p>Sets the LineItem <code>price</code> and <code>totalPrice</code> to the given value when changing the quantity of a Line Item with the <code>ExternalTotal</code> LineItemPriceMode.</p>
116     * @param externalTotalPrice value to be set
117     */
119    public void setExternalTotalPrice(final ExternalLineItemTotalPrice externalTotalPrice);
121    /**
122     * factory method
123     * @return instance of CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction
124     */
125    public static CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction of() {
126        return new CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionImpl();
127    }
129    /**
130     * factory method to create a shallow copy CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction
131     * @param template instance to be copied
132     * @return copy instance
133     */
134    public static CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction of(final CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction template) {
135        CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionImpl instance = new CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionImpl();
136        instance.setLineItemId(template.getLineItemId());
137        instance.setLineItemKey(template.getLineItemKey());
138        instance.setQuantity(template.getQuantity());
139        instance.setExternalPrice(template.getExternalPrice());
140        instance.setExternalTotalPrice(template.getExternalTotalPrice());
141        return instance;
142    }
144    /**
145     * factory method to create a deep copy of CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction
146     * @param template instance to be copied
147     * @return copy instance
148     */
149    @Nullable
150    public static CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction deepCopy(@Nullable final CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction template) {
151        if (template == null) {
152            return null;
153        }
154        CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionImpl instance = new CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionImpl();
155        instance.setLineItemId(template.getLineItemId());
156        instance.setLineItemKey(template.getLineItemKey());
157        instance.setQuantity(template.getQuantity());
158        instance.setExternalPrice(com.commercetools.api.models.common.Money.deepCopy(template.getExternalPrice()));
159        instance.setExternalTotalPrice(
160            com.commercetools.api.models.cart.ExternalLineItemTotalPrice.deepCopy(template.getExternalTotalPrice()));
161        return instance;
162    }
164    /**
165     * builder factory method for CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction
166     * @return builder
167     */
168    public static CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionBuilder builder() {
169        return CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionBuilder.of();
170    }
172    /**
173     * create builder for CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction instance
174     * @param template instance with prefilled values for the builder
175     * @return builder
176     */
177    public static CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionBuilder builder(final CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction template) {
178        return CartChangeLineItemQuantityActionBuilder.of(template);
179    }
181    /**
182     * accessor map function
183     * @param <T> mapped type
184     * @param helper function to map the object
185     * @return mapped value
186     */
187    default <T> T withCartChangeLineItemQuantityAction(Function<CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction, T> helper) {
188        return helper.apply(this);
189    }
191    /**
192     * gives a TypeReference for usage with Jackson DataBind
193     * @return TypeReference
194     */
195    public static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction> typeReference() {
196        return new com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference<CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction>() {
197            @Override
198            public String toString() {
199                return "TypeReference<CartChangeLineItemQuantityAction>";
200            }
201        };
202    }