Class GraphQLCountryNotConfiguredInStoreErrorImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
GraphQLCountryNotConfiguredInStoreError, GraphQLErrorObject, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

public class GraphQLCountryNotConfiguredInStoreErrorImpl extends Object implements GraphQLCountryNotConfiguredInStoreError, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

Returned when a Cart or an Order in a Store references a country that is not included in the countries configured for the Store.

The error is returned as a failed response to:

  • Create Cart in Store request and Set Country update action on Carts.
  • Create Cart in Store request and Set Country update action on My Carts.
  • Create Order in Store from Cart requests on Orders.
  • Create Order in Store from Cart requests on My Orders.
  • Create Order from Quote requests on Orders.
  • Create Order from Quote requests on My Orders.
  • Create Order by Import request on Order Import.
  • Set Country on Order Edits.