Class ProductDiscountValueAbsoluteImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
ProductDiscountValue, ProductDiscountValueAbsolute, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

public class ProductDiscountValueAbsoluteImpl extends Object implements ProductDiscountValueAbsolute, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

Discounts the Product's Price by a fixed amount, defined by the money field.

  • Constructor Details

    • ProductDiscountValueAbsoluteImpl

      public ProductDiscountValueAbsoluteImpl()
      create empty instance
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public String getType()
      Specified by:
      getType in interface ProductDiscountValue
    • getMoney

      public List<CentPrecisionMoney> getMoney()

      Money values in different currencies. An absolute ProductDiscount will only match a price if this array contains a value with the same currency. For example, if it contains 10€ and 15$, the matching € price will be decreased by 10€ and the matching $ price will be decreased by 15$.

      Specified by:
      getMoney in interface ProductDiscountValueAbsolute
    • setMoney

      public void setMoney(CentPrecisionMoney... money)
      Description copied from interface: ProductDiscountValueAbsolute

      Money values in different currencies. An absolute ProductDiscount will only match a price if this array contains a value with the same currency. For example, if it contains 10€ and 15$, the matching € price will be decreased by 10€ and the matching $ price will be decreased by 15$.

      Specified by:
      setMoney in interface ProductDiscountValueAbsolute
      money - values to be set
    • setMoney

      public void setMoney(List<CentPrecisionMoney> money)
      Description copied from interface: ProductDiscountValueAbsolute

      Money values in different currencies. An absolute ProductDiscount will only match a price if this array contains a value with the same currency. For example, if it contains 10€ and 15$, the matching € price will be decreased by 10€ and the matching $ price will be decreased by 15$.

      Specified by:
      setMoney in interface ProductDiscountValueAbsolute
      money - values to be set
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object