Class ShoppingListAddLineItemActionImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
CustomizableDraft<ShoppingListAddLineItemAction>, ResourceUpdateAction<ShoppingListUpdateAction>, ShoppingListAddLineItemAction, ShoppingListUpdateAction, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

public class ShoppingListAddLineItemActionImpl extends Object implements ShoppingListAddLineItemAction, io.vrap.rmf.base.client.ModelBase

The ProductVariant to be included in the ShoppingListLineItem must be specified using the productID and variantID, or by the sku. If the ShoppingList already contains a ShoppingListLineItem for the same Product Variant with the same Custom Fields, then only the quantity of the existing ShoppingListLineItem is increased. A ShoppingListLineItem with an empty variantId is not considered the same as a ShoppingListLineItem with a variantId currently referring to the Master Variant.