Interface StandalonePriceSetValidFromAndUntilAction

All Superinterfaces:
ResourceUpdateAction<StandalonePriceUpdateAction>, StandalonePriceUpdateAction
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface StandalonePriceSetValidFromAndUntilAction extends StandalonePriceUpdateAction

Updating the validFrom and validUntil values generates the StandalonePriceValidFromAndUntilSet Message.

As the validity dates are part of the price scope and are not allowed to overlap, this update might return the DuplicateStandalonePriceScope and OverlappingStandalonePriceValidity errors, respectively. A Price without validity period does not conflict with a Price defined for a time period.

Example to create an instance using the builder pattern

     StandalonePriceSetValidFromAndUntilAction standalonePriceSetValidFromAndUntilAction = StandalonePriceSetValidFromAndUntilAction.builder()