All Classes and Interfaces

This is the generic error code for access denied.
AccessDeniedErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This is the generic error code for access denied.
Address Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AddressBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Entrypoint for building requests against the API
Asset Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AssetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The width and height of the Asset Source.
AssetDimensionsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The width and height of the Asset Source.
An AssetSource is a representation of an Asset in a specific format, for example, a video in a certain encoding or an image in a certain resolution.
AssetSourceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
An AssetSource is a representation of an Asset in a specific format, for example, a video in a certain encoding or an image in a certain resolution.
This type represents the value of an attribute of a product variant.
AttributeBooleanType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeBooleanTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
possible values of AttributeConstraintEnum
AttributeDateTimeType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDateTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDefinition Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeDefinitionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeEnumType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents the value of an attribute of a product variant.
AttributeLocalizableTextType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizableTextTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizedEnumType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizedEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizedEnumValue Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeLocalizedEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeMoneyType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeMoneyTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNestedType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNestedTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNumberType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeNumberTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributePlainEnumValue Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributePlainEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeReferenceType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeReferenceTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Attributes Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributesBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeSetType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeSetTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTextType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTextTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTimeType Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
AttributeType Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
possible values of AuthenticationMode
This type represents an attribute whose value is either "true" or "false".
BooleanAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is either "true" or "false".
A field with a boolean value.
BooleanFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a boolean value.
This type represents an attribute whose value is set of boolean values.
BooleanSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is set of boolean values.
A field with a boolean set value.
BooleanSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a boolean set value.
Creates a request for creating new Categories or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Categories or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Customers or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Customers or updating existing ones.
Deletes the import container given by the key.
Retrieves the import container given by the key.
Retrieves all ImportOperations of a given ImportContainer key.
Retrieves an ImportSummary for the given import container.
Updates the import container given by the key.
Updates the import container given by the key.
Retrieves all import containers of a given project key.
Creates a new import container.
Creates a new import container.
Retrieves the ImportOperation of a given ID.
Creates a request for creating new Inventories or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Inventories or updating existing ones.
Creates a new import request for order patches
Creates a new import request for order patches
Creates a request for creating new Orders.
Creates a request for creating new Orders.
Creates a request for creating new Prices or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Prices or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new ProductDrafts or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new ProductDrafts or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Products or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Products or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new ProductTypes or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new ProductTypes or updating existing ones.
Creates a new import request for product variant patches
Creates a new import request for product variant patches
Creates a request for creating new ProductVariants or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new ProductVariants or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Standalone Prices or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Standalone Prices or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Type or updating existing ones.
Creates a request for creating new Type or updating existing ones.
CartClassificationTier Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CartClassificationTierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a cart discount by key.
CartDiscountKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a cart discount by key.
References a cart by key.
CartKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a cart by key.
Maps to Order.origin.
possible values of CartOrigin
The data representation for a Category to be imported that is persisted as a Category in the Project.
CategoryImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for a Category to be imported that is persisted as a Category in the Project.
The request body to import Categories.
CategoryImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import Categories.
References a category by key.
CategoryKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a category by key.
References a channel by key.
ChannelKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a channel by key.
ClassificationShippingRateInput Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ClassificationShippingRateInputBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request conflicts with the current state of the involved resources.
ConcurrentModificationErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request conflicts with the current state of the involved resources.
ContentionError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ContentionErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The representation to be sent to the server when creating a resource with Custom Fields.
CustomBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Different from Address in that key is required and id is not supported.
CustomerAddressBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Different from Address in that key is required and id is not supported.
References a customer group by key.
CustomerGroupKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a customer group by key.
The data representation for a Customer to be imported that is persisted as a Customer in the Project.
CustomerImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for a Customer to be imported that is persisted as a Customer in the Project.
The request body to import Customers.
CustomerImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import Customers.
References a customer by key.
CustomerKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a customer by key.
Provides the value for a Custom Field of a specific type.
Field type for Boolean values.
CustomFieldBooleanTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for Boolean values.
Field type for DateTime values.
CustomFieldDateTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for DateTime values.
Field type for Date values.
CustomFieldDateTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for Date values.
Field type for enum values.
CustomFieldEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for enum values.
Defines an allowed value of a CustomFieldEnumType field.
CustomFieldEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Defines an allowed value of a CustomFieldEnumType field.
Provides the value for a Custom Field of a specific type.
Field type for localized enum values.
CustomFieldLocalizedEnumTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for localized enum values.
Defines an allowed value of a CustomFieldLocalizedEnumType field.
CustomFieldLocalizedEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Defines an allowed value of a CustomFieldLocalizedEnumType field.
Field type for LocalizedString values.
CustomFieldLocalizedStringTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for LocalizedString values.
Field type for CentPrecisionMoney values.
CustomFieldMoneyTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for CentPrecisionMoney values.
Field type for number values.
CustomFieldNumberTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for number values.
Field type for Reference values.
CustomFieldReferenceTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for Reference values.
Defines which resource type a CustomFieldReferenceType can reference.
possible values of CustomFieldReferenceValue
Values of a SetType Custom Field are sets of values of the specified elementType (without duplicate elements).
CustomFieldSetTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Values of a SetType Custom Field are sets of values of the specified elementType (without duplicate elements).
Field type for string values.
CustomFieldStringTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for string values.
Field type for Time values.
CustomFieldTimeTypeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Field type for Time values.
The representation to be sent to the server when creating a resource with Custom Fields.
CustomLineItemDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CustomLineItemDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CustomLineItemTaxedPrice Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CustomLineItemTaxedPriceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a key value document by key.
CustomObjectKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a key value document by key.
CustomTokenizer Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
CustomTokenizerBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a date.
DateAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a date.
A field with a date value.
DateFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a date value.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of dates.
DateSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of dates.
A field with a date set value.
DateSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a date set value.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a date with time.
DateTimeAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a date with time.
A field with a date time value.
DateTimeFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a date time value.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of dates with time.
DateTimeSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of dates with time.
A field with a date time set value.
DateTimeSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a date time set value.
Delivery Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryAddressDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryAddressDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryItem Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryItemBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryParcel Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryParcelBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryParcelDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DeliveryParcelDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DiscountCodeInfo Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DiscountCodeInfoBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a discount code by key.
DiscountCodeKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a discount code by key.
Maps to DiscountCodeInfo.state
possible values of DiscountCodeState
DiscountedLineItemPortion Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DiscountedLineItemPortionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DiscountedLineItemPriceDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DiscountedLineItemPriceDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DiscountedPrice Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
DiscountedPriceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The Unique AttributeConstraintEnum was violated.
DuplicateAttributeValueErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The Unique AttributeConstraintEnum was violated.
The CombinationUnique AttributeConstraintEnum was violated.
DuplicateAttributeValuesErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The CombinationUnique AttributeConstraintEnum was violated.
The given value already exists for a field that is checked for unique values.
DuplicateFieldErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The given value already exists for a field that is checked for unique values.
The given combination of values of a Product Variant conflicts with an existing one.
DuplicateVariantValuesErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The given combination of values of a Product Variant conflicts with an existing one.
This type represents an attribute whose value is an enum.
EnumAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is an enum.
A field with an enum value.
EnumFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with an enum value.
This type represents an attribute whose value is an enum.
EnumSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is an enum.
A field with an enum set value.
EnumSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with an enum set value.
EnumValue Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
EnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ErrorObject Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
The response in case of an error.
ErrorResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The response in case of an error.
ExternalTaxRateDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ExternalTaxRateDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Maps the Custom Field names to actual values.
FieldContainerBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Maps the Custom Field names to actual values.
Defines a Custom Field and its meta-information.
FieldDefinitionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Defines a Custom Field and its meta-information.
FieldType Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
GenericError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
GenericErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
HighPrecisionMoney Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
HighPrecisionMoneyBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
An Image uploaded to commercetools Composable Commerce is stored in a Content Delivery Network and it's available in several pre-defined sizes.
ImageBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
An Image uploaded to commercetools Composable Commerce is stored in a Content Delivery Network and it's available in several pre-defined sizes.
Module to configure the default jackson ObjectMapper e.g.
Serves as the entry point of resources.
ImportContainerBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The representation sent to the server when creating an ImportContainer.
ImportContainerDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The representation sent to the server when creating an ImportContainer.
Serves as the entry point of resources.
PagedQueryResult for ImportContainers.
ImportContainerPagedResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult for ImportContainers.
The representation sent to the server when updating an import container.
ImportContainerUpdateDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The representation sent to the server when updating an import container.
Import Operation describes the import status of a specific resource.
ImportOperationBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Import Operation describes the import status of a specific resource.
PagedQueryResult for Import Operations.
ImportOperationPagedResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
PagedQueryResult for Import Operations.
Describes the validation state of a newly created ImportOperation.
possible values of ImportOperationState
ImportOperationStatus Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ImportOperationStatusBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
An import request batches multiple import resources of the same import resource type for processing by an import container.
An import request batches multiple import resources of the same import resource type for processing by an import container.
A representation of the resource to import.
ImportResourceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A representation of the resource to import.
The resource types that can be imported.
possible values of ImportResourceType
A list of the ID's and validation statuses of newly created ImportOperations.
ImportResponseBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A list of the ID's and validation statuses of newly created ImportOperations.
Describes the status of an ImportContainer by the number of resources in each Processing State.
ImportSummaryBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Describes the status of an ImportContainer by the number of resources in each Processing State.
InsufficientScopeError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
InsufficientScopeErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
InvalidCredentialsError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
InvalidCredentialsErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A given field is not supported.
InvalidFieldErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A given field is not supported.
An invalid input has been sent to the service.
InvalidInputBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
An invalid input has been sent to the service.
An invalid JSON input has been sent to the service.
InvalidJsonInputBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
An invalid JSON input has been sent to the service.
The resources in the request are not in the valid state for the operation.
InvalidOperationBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The resources in the request are not in the valid state for the operation.
The requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner.
InvalidScopeErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner.
InvalidStateTransitionError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
InvalidStateTransitionErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
InvalidTokenError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
InvalidTokenErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for an Inventory to be imported that is persisted as a Inventory in the Project.
InventoryImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for an Inventory to be imported that is persisted as a Inventory in the Project.
The request body to import Inventories.
InventoryImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import Inventories.
Maps to Order.inventoryMode.
possible values of InventoryMode
ItemShippingDetailsDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ItemShippingDetailsDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The item's shipping target.
ItemShippingTargetBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The item's shipping target.
The item's state.
ItemStateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The item's state.
References a resource by key.
References a resource by key.
Represents an individual Line Item in an Order.
LineItemImportDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Represents an individual Line Item in an Order.
LineItemPrice Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
LineItemPriceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
LineItemProductVariantImportDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
LineItemProductVariantImportDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a localized enum.
LocalizableEnumAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a localized enum.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a localized enum.
LocalizableEnumSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a localized enum.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a localized text.
LocalizableTextAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a localized text.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a localized text.
LocalizableTextSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a localized text.
A field with a localized enum value.
LocalizedEnumFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a localized enum value.
A field with a localized enum set value.
LocalizedEnumSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a localized enum set value.
LocalizedEnumValue Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
LocalizedEnumValueBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A localized string is a JSON object where the keys are of IETF language tag, and the values the corresponding strings used for that language.
LocalizedStringBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a localized string value.
LocalizedStringFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a localized string value.
A localized string is a JSON object where the keys are of IETF language tag, and the values the corresponding strings used for that language.
A field with a localized string set value.
LocalizedStringSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a localized string set value.
Money Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a money object.
MoneyAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a money object.
MoneyBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a money value.
MoneyFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a money value.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of money objects.
MoneySetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of money objects.
A field with a money set value.
MoneySetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a money set value.
possible values of MoneyType
This type represents an attribute whose value is a number.
NumberAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a number.
A field with a number value.
NumberFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a number value.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of numbers.
NumberSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of numbers.
A field with a number value.
NumberSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a number value.
OperationStates Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
OperationStatesBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Order fields that needs to be added or updated.
OrderFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Order fields that needs to be added or updated.
The data representation for an Order to be imported that is persisted as an Order in the Project.
OrderImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for an Order to be imported that is persisted as an Order in the Project.
The request body to import Orders.
OrderImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import Orders.
References an order by key.
OrderKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References an order by key.
Representation for an update of an Order.
OrderPatchImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Representation for an update of an Order.
The request body to import OrderPatches.
OrderPatchImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import OrderPatches.
Maps to Order.orderState.
possible values of OrderState
Parcel Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ParcelBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ParcelItems Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ParcelItemsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ParcelMeasurementDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ParcelMeasurementDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ParcelMeasurements Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ParcelMeasurementsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ParcelTrackingData Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ParcelTrackingDataBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a payment by key.
PaymentKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a payment by key.
Maps to Order.paymentState.
possible values of PaymentState
The representation of a Price Draft for the import purpose.
PriceDraftImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The representation of a Price Draft for the import purpose.
The data representation for a price to be imported that is persisted as a Price in the Project.
PriceImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for a price to be imported that is persisted as a Price in the Project.
The request body to import Embedded Prices.
PriceImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import Embedded Prices.
References a price by key.
PriceKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a price by key.
A price tier is selected instead of the default price when a certain quantity of the ProductVariant is added to a cart and ordered.
PriceTierBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A price tier is selected instead of the default price when a certain quantity of the ProductVariant is added to a cart and ordered.
Every Import Operation is assigned one of the following states.
possible values of ProcessingState
References a product discount by key.
ProductDiscountKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a product discount by key.
The representation of a Product Draft for the import purpose.
ProductDraftImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The representation of a Product Draft for the import purpose.
The request body to import ProductDrafts.
ProductDraftImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import ProductDrafts.
The data representation for a Product to be imported that is persisted as a Product in the Project.
ProductImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for a Product to be imported that is persisted as a Product in the Project.
The request body to import Products.
ProductImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import Products.
References a product by key.
ProductKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a product by key.
possible values of ProductPriceModeEnum
The data representation for a ProductType to be imported that is persisted as a ProductType in the Project.
ProductTypeImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for a ProductType to be imported that is persisted as a ProductType in the Project.
The request body to import ProductTypes.
ProductTypeImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import ProductTypes.
References a product type by key.
ProductTypeKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a product type by key.
The representation of a Product Variant Draft for the import purpose.
ProductVariantDraftImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The representation of a Product Variant Draft for the import purpose.
The data representation for a ProductVariant to be imported that is persisted as a ProductVariant in the Project.
ProductVariantImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for a ProductVariant to be imported that is persisted as a ProductVariant in the Project.
The request body to import ProductVariants.
ProductVariantImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import ProductVariants.
References a product variant by key.
ProductVariantKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a product variant by key.
Representation for an update of a ProductVariant.
ProductVariantPatchBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Representation for an update of a ProductVariant.
The request body to import ProductVariantPatches.
ProductVariantPatchRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import ProductVariantPatches.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a key reference.
ReferenceAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a key reference.
A field with a reference value.
ReferenceFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a reference value.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of references.
ReferenceSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of references.
A field with a reference set value.
ReferenceSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a reference set value.
The type of the referenced resource.
possible values of ReferenceType
RemoveDeliveryDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
RemoveDeliveryDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
RemoveParcelFromDeliveryDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
RemoveParcelFromDeliveryDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A required field is missing a value.
RequiredFieldErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A required field is missing a value.
ResourceCreationError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceCreationErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceDeletionError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceDeletionErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceNotFoundError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceNotFoundErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
IDs indicating the customizable resources and data types.
possible values of ResourceTypeId
ResourceUpdateError Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ResourceUpdateErrorBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ReturnInfo Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ReturnInfoBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ReturnItemDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ReturnItemDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Maps to ReturnItem.shipmentState
possible values of ReturnShipmentState
Maps to Order.taxRoundingMode.
possible values of RoundingMode
ScoreShippingRateInput Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ScoreShippingRateInputBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
SearchKeyword Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
SearchKeywordBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Search keywords are primarily used by the suggester but are also considered for the full-text search.
SearchKeywordsBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Search keywords are primarily used by the suggester but are also considered for the full-text search.
Maps to Order.shipmentState.
possible values of ShipmentState
Maps to an order's shippingInfo property.
ShippingInfoImportDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Maps to an order's shippingInfo property.
References a shipping method by key.
ShippingMethodKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a shipping method by key.
possible values of ShippingMethodState
ShippingRateDraft Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ShippingRateDraftBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
ShippingRateInput Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
possible values of ShippingRateInputType
ShippingRatePriceTier Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
possible values of ShippingRateTierType
The data representation for a Standalone Price to be imported that is persisted as a Standalone Price in the Project.
StandalonePriceImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for a Standalone Price to be imported that is persisted as a Standalone Price in the Project.
The request body to import Standalone Prices.
StandalonePriceImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import Standalone Prices.
References a state by key.
StateKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a state by key.
References a store by key.
StoreKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a store by key.
A field with a string value.
StringFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a string value.
A field with a string set value.
StringSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a string set value.
SubRate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
SubRateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The tokenizer defines the tokens that are used to match against the Suggest Query input.
The tokenizer defines the tokens that are used to match against the Suggest Query input.
SyncInfo Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
SyncInfoBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Maps to Order.taxCalculationMode.
possible values of TaxCalculationMode
References a tax category by key.
TaxCategoryKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a tax category by key.
TaxedPrice Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
TaxedPriceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
Maps to Order.taxMode
possible values of TaxMode
TaxPortion Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
TaxPortionBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
TaxRate Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
TaxRateBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a string.
TextAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a string.
possible values of TextInputHint
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of strings.
TextSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of strings.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a time.
TimeAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a time.
A field with a time value.
TimeFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a time value.
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of times.
TimeSetAttributeBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
This type represents an attribute whose value is a set of times.
A field with a time set value.
TimeSetFieldBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
A field with a time set value.
TrackingData Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
TrackingDataBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
TypedMoney Example to create a subtype instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for a Type to be imported that is persisted as a Type in the Project.
TypeImportBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The data representation for a Type to be imported that is persisted as a Type in the Project.
The request body to import Types.
TypeImportRequestBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
The request body to import Types.
References a type by key.
TypeKeyReferenceBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
References a type by key.
Provides a visual representation type for this field.
possible values of TypeTextInputHint
UnresolvedReferences Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
UnresolvedReferencesBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
VariantValues Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
VariantValuesBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
WhitespaceTokenizer Example to create an instance using the builder pattern
WhitespaceTokenizerBuilder Example to create an instance using the builder pattern