Class TaxCategorySyncUtils

  • public final class TaxCategorySyncUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static java.util.List<com.commercetools.api.models.tax_category.TaxCategoryUpdateAction> buildActions​(com.commercetools.api.models.tax_category.TaxCategory oldTaxCategory, com.commercetools.api.models.tax_category.TaxCategoryDraft newTaxCategory)
      Compares all the fields of a TaxCategory and a TaxCategoryDraft.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • buildActions

        public static java.util.List<com.commercetools.api.models.tax_category.TaxCategoryUpdateAction> buildActions​(@Nonnull
                                                                                                                     com.commercetools.api.models.tax_category.TaxCategory oldTaxCategory,
                                                                                                                     com.commercetools.api.models.tax_category.TaxCategoryDraft newTaxCategory)
        Compares all the fields of a TaxCategory and a TaxCategoryDraft. It returns a List of TaxCategoryUpdateAction as a result. If no update action is needed, for example in case where both the TaxCategory and the TaxCategoryDraft have the same fields, an empty List is returned.
        oldTaxCategory - the TaxCategory which should be updated.
        newTaxCategory - the TaxCategoryDraft where we get the new data.
        A list of tax category-specific update actions.