Class ReplaceRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:
KeyValueRequest<ReplaceResponse>, SyncDurabilityRequest, Request<ReplaceResponse>, ScopedRequest

public class ReplaceRequest
extends BaseKeyValueRequest<ReplaceResponse>
implements SyncDurabilityRequest
Uses the KV replace command to replace a document if it exists.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • encode

      public encode​( alloc, int opaque, KeyValueChannelContext ctx)
      Description copied from interface: KeyValueRequest
      Encode this request with the given allocator and opaque.
      Specified by:
      encode in interface KeyValueRequest<ReplaceResponse>
      alloc - the allocator where to grab the buffers from.
      opaque - the opaque value to use.
      ctx - more encode context.
      the encoded request as a ByteBuf.
    • decode

      public ReplaceResponse decode​( response, KeyValueChannelContext ctx)
      Description copied from interface: KeyValueRequest
      Decode the encoded response into its message representation.
      Specified by:
      decode in interface KeyValueRequest<ReplaceResponse>
      response - the response to decode.
      the decoded response as the generic type R.
    • durabilityLevel

      public Optional<DurabilityLevel> durabilityLevel()
      Description copied from interface: SyncDurabilityRequest
      Returns the durability level if present.
      Specified by:
      durabilityLevel in interface SyncDurabilityRequest
    • name

      public String name()
      Description copied from interface: Request
      The unique name of the request, usually related to the type but not necessarily.

      The default implementation is derived from the class name (i.e. FooRequest => foo), but if that does not match up it should be overridden in the actual class.

      Specified by:
      name in interface Request<ReplaceResponse>
      the name of the request type.