Class AuthErrorDecider

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthErrorDecider

        public AuthErrorDecider()
    • Method Detail

      • isAuthError

        public static boolean isAuthError​(List<InternalEndpointDiagnostics> endpointDiagnostics)
        Determine based on the auth status of all GCCCP endpoints whether there's an authentication problem, such as bad credentials or a bad certificate.

        GCCCP is used exclusively because it's the most reliable determiner. Every cluster must have KV, every supported cluster must have GCCCP, and a bucket-associated KV connection can fail (NO_ACCESS) for other reasons more to do with authorization than authentication - such as the user not having permissions to access the bucket. Or reasons to do with neither, such as the bucket not existing or being hibernated.

        AuthenticationStatus.FAILED on a GCCCP endpoint should mean exactly that.