Interface AsyncAnalyticsQueryResult

    • Method Detail

      • rows

        rx.Observable<AsyncAnalyticsQueryRow> rows()
        an async stream of each row resulting from the query (empty if fatal errors occurred).
      • signature

        rx.Observable<Object> signature()
        an async single-item representing the signature of the results, that can be used to learn about the common structure of each row. This signature is usually a JsonObject, but could also be any JSON-valid type like a boolean scalar, JsonArray...
      • info

        rx.Observable<AnalyticsMetrics> info()
        an async single item describing some metrics/info about the execution of the query.
      • parseSuccess

        boolean parseSuccess()
        Immediately denotes initial parsing success of the query. As rows are processed, it could be that a late failure occurs. See finalSuccess() for the end of processing status.
        true if the query could be parsed, false if it short-circuited due to syntax/fatal error.
      • status

        rx.Observable<String> status()
        Asynchronously returns the final status of the query. For example, a successful query will return "success" (which is equivalent to finalSuccess() returning true). Other statuses include (but are not limited to) "fatal" when fatal errors occurred and "timeout" when the query timed out on the server side but not yet on the client side. Receiving a (single) value for status means the query is over.
      • finalSuccess

        rx.Observable<Boolean> finalSuccess()
        Asynchronously denotes the success or failure of the query. It could fail slower than with parseSuccess(), for example if a fatal error comes up while streaming the results to the client. Receiving a (single) value for finalSuccess means the query is over.
      • errors

        rx.Observable<JsonObject> errors()
        an async stream of errors or warnings encountered while executing the query.
      • requestId

        String requestId()
        the requestId generated by the server
      • clientContextId

        String clientContextId()
        the clientContextId that was set by the client (could be truncated to 64 bytes of UTF-8 chars)