Interface AsyncBucketManager

    • Method Detail

      • info

        rx.Observable<BucketInfo> info()
        Returns information about the connected bucket. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the server response could not be decoded.
        bucket information wrapped in a BucketInfo.
      • flush

        rx.Observable<Boolean> flush()
        Flushes the bucket (removes all data). Note that flush needs to be enabled on the bucket, otherwise an exception will be raised. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If flush is disabled. - com.couchbase.client.core.CouchbaseException: If the server response could not be parsed.
        true if the bucket was flushed, an failed Observable otherwise.
      • getDesignDocuments

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> getDesignDocuments()
        Loads all published DesignDocuments. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the server response could not be parsed.
        zero to N invocations containing published DesignDocuments.
      • getDesignDocuments

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> getDesignDocuments​(boolean development)
        Loads all DesignDocuments from development or production. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the server response could not be parsed.
        development - if the DesignDocuments should be loaded from development or production.
        zero to N invocations containing published DesignDocuments.
      • getDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> getDesignDocument​(String name)
        Loads a published DesignDocument by its name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the server response could not be parsed. - If DesignDocument is not found.
        name - the name of the DesignDocument.
        an observable that resolves into a DesignDocument.
      • getDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> getDesignDocument​(String name,
                                                        boolean development)
        Loads a DesignDocument by its name from either development or production. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the server response could not be parsed. - If DesignDocument is not found.
        name - the name of the DesignDocument.
        development - if it should be loaded from development or production.
        an observable that resolves into a DesignDocument.
      • insertDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> insertDesignDocument​(DesignDocument designDocument)
        Inserts a DesignDocument into production if it does not exist. Note that inserting a DesignDocument is not an atomic operation, but instead internally performs a getDesignDocument(String) operation first. While expected to be very uncommon, a race condition may happen if two users at the same time perform this operation with the same DesignDocument. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the server response could not be parsed. - If the DesignDocument exists.
        designDocument - the DesignDocument to insert.
        the inserted DesignDocument on success.
      • insertDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> insertDesignDocument​(DesignDocument designDocument,
                                                           boolean development)
        Inserts a DesignDocument into development or production if it does not exist. Note that inserting a DesignDocument is not an atomic operation, but instead internally performs a getDesignDocument(String) operation first. While expected to be very uncommon, a race condition may happen if two users at the same time perform this operation with the same DesignDocument. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the server response could not be parsed. - If the DesignDocument exists.
        designDocument - the DesignDocument to insert.
        development - if it should be inserted into development or production (published).
        the inserted DesignDocument on success.
      • upsertDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> upsertDesignDocument​(DesignDocument designDocument)
        Upserts (inserts or replaces) a DesignDocument into production. If you want to add or update view definitions to an existing design document, you need to make sure you have all the views (including old ones) in the DesignDocument. Use getDesignDocument(String) to get the old list and add your new view to it before calling this method. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the server response could not be parsed.
        designDocument - the DesignDocument to upsert.
        the upserted DesignDocument on success.
      • upsertDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> upsertDesignDocument​(DesignDocument designDocument,
                                                           boolean development)
        Upserts (inserts or replaces) a DesignDocument into production or development. If you want to add or update view definitions to an existing design document, you need to make sure you have all the views (including old ones) in the DesignDocument. Use getDesignDocument(String) to get the old list and add your new view to it before calling this method. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the server response could not be parsed.
        designDocument - the DesignDocument to upsert.
        development - if the DesignDocument should be upserted into development or production.
        the upserted DesignDocument on success.
      • removeDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<Boolean> removeDesignDocument​(String name)
        Removes a DesignDocument from production by its name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If DesignDocument is not found.
        name - the name of the DesignDocument.
        true if succeeded, false otherwise.
      • removeDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<Boolean> removeDesignDocument​(String name,
                                                    boolean development)
        Removes a DesignDocument from production or development by its name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If DesignDocument is not found.
        name - the name of the DesignDocument.
        development - if the DesignDocument should be removed from development or production.
        true if succeeded, false otherwise.
      • publishDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> publishDesignDocument​(String name)
        Publishes a DesignDocument from development into production. Note that this method does not override a already existing DesignDocument (see publishDesignDocument(String, boolean)) as an alternative. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the DesignDocument already exists. - If the server response could not be parsed. - If DesignDocument is not found in development.
        name - the name of the DesignDocument to publish.
        the published DesignDocument on success.
      • publishDesignDocument

        rx.Observable<DesignDocument> publishDesignDocument​(String name,
                                                            boolean overwrite)
        Publishes a DesignDocument from development into production. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - If the DesignDocument already exists and override is set to false. - If the server response could not be parsed. - If DesignDocument is not found in development.
        name - the name of the DesignDocument to publish.
        overwrite - if an existing DesignDocument should be overridden.
        the published DesignDocument on success.
      • listN1qlIndexes

        rx.Observable<IndexInfo> listN1qlIndexes()
        List all N1QL GSI indexes that are registered for the current bucket. The index management API only deals with GSI type of indexes, which allows it to uniquely identify indexes by name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - TranscodingException if the server response couldn't be parsed.
        an Observable that will get notified of each relevant IndexInfo (can be empty if no relevant index is defined for this bucket).
      • createN1qlPrimaryIndex

        rx.Observable<Boolean> createN1qlPrimaryIndex​(boolean ignoreIfExist,
                                                      boolean defer)
        Create a primary index for the current bucket. The index management API only deals with GSI type of indexes, which allows it to uniquely identify indexes by name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - IndexAlreadyExistsException if the index already exists and ignoreIfExist is set to false. - CouchbaseException if another error occurs during index creation.
        ignoreIfExist - if a primary index already exists, an exception will be thrown unless this is set to true.
        defer - true to defer building of the index until buildN1qlDeferredIndexes() is called (or a direct call to the corresponding query service API).
        an Observable that will get notified with a single Boolean.TRUE if the index was effectively created (even in deferred mode), Boolean.FALSE if the index existed and ignoreIfExist is true.
      • createN1qlPrimaryIndex

        rx.Observable<Boolean> createN1qlPrimaryIndex​(String customName,
                                                      boolean ignoreIfExist,
                                                      boolean defer)
        Create a custom-named primary index for the current bucket. The index management API only deals with GSI type of indexes, which allows it to uniquely identify indexes by name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - IndexAlreadyExistsException if the index already exists and ignoreIfExist is set to false. - CouchbaseException if another error occurs during index creation.
        customName - the custom name for the primary index.
        ignoreIfExist - if a primary index already exists, an exception will be thrown unless this is set to true.
        defer - true to defer building of the index until buildN1qlDeferredIndexes() is called (or a direct call to the corresponding query service API).
        an Observable that will get notified with a single Boolean.TRUE if the index was effectively created (even in deferred mode), Boolean.FALSE if the index existed and ignoreIfExist is true.
      • createN1qlIndex

        rx.Observable<Boolean> createN1qlIndex​(String indexName,
                                               boolean ignoreIfExist,
                                               boolean defer,
                                               Object... fields)
        Create a secondary index for the current bucket. The index management API only deals with GSI type of indexes, which allows it to uniquely identify indexes by name. The convenience of providing fields as a vararg of either String or Expression comes with the limitation that a WHERE clause cannot be provided. See createN1qlIndex(String, List, Expression, boolean, boolean) for that. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - IndexAlreadyExistsException if the index already exists and ignoreIfExist is set to false. - CouchbaseException if another error occurs during index creation.
        indexName - the name of the index.
        ignoreIfExist - if a secondary index already exists with that name, an exception will be thrown unless this is set to true.
        defer - true to defer building of the index until buildN1qlDeferredIndexes() is called (or a direct call to the corresponding query service API).
        fields - the JSON fields to index, in either Expression or String form.
        an Observable that will get notified with a single Boolean.TRUE if the index was effectively created (even in deferred mode), Boolean.FALSE if the index existed and ignoreIfExist is true.
        See Also:
        createN1qlIndex(String, List, Expression, boolean, boolean)
      • createN1qlIndex

        rx.Observable<Boolean> createN1qlIndex​(String indexName,
                                               List<Object> fields,
                                               Expression whereClause,
                                               boolean ignoreIfExist,
                                               boolean defer)
        Create a secondary index for the current bucket, with a WHERE clause. The index management API only deals with GSI type of indexes, which allows it to uniquely identify indexes by name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - IndexAlreadyExistsException if the index already exists and ignoreIfExist is set to false. - CouchbaseException if another error occurs during index creation.
        indexName - the name of the index.
        fields - the JSON fields to index, in the form of a List containing a mix of Expression or String.
        whereClause - the Expression to use in the WHERE clause of the index.
        ignoreIfExist - if a secondary index already exists with that name, an exception will be thrown unless this is set to true.
        defer - true to defer building of the index until buildN1qlDeferredIndexes() is called (or a direct call to the corresponding query service API).
        an Observable that will get notified with a single Boolean.TRUE if the index was effectively created (even in deferred mode), Boolean.FALSE if the index existed and ignoreIfExist is true.
      • dropN1qlPrimaryIndex

        rx.Observable<Boolean> dropN1qlPrimaryIndex​(boolean ignoreIfNotExist)
        Drop the default primary index (Index.PRIMARY_NAME) associated with the current bucket. The index management API only deals with GSI type of indexes, which allows it to uniquely identify indexes by name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - IndexDoesNotExistException if the primary index doesn't exist and ignoreIfNoExist is set to false. - CouchbaseException if another error occurs during index drop.
        ignoreIfNotExist - if true, attempting to drop on a bucket without any primary index won't cause an exception to be propagated.
        an Observable that will get notified with a single Boolean.TRUE if the index was effectively dropped.
      • dropN1qlPrimaryIndex

        rx.Observable<Boolean> dropN1qlPrimaryIndex​(String customName,
                                                    boolean ignoreIfNotExist)
        Drop the given custom-named primary index associated with the current bucket. The index management API only deals with GSI type of indexes, which allows it to uniquely identify indexes by name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - IndexDoesNotExistException if the primary index doesn't exist and ignoreIfNoExist is set to false. - CouchbaseException if another error occurs during index drop.
        customName - the custom name of the primary index.
        ignoreIfNotExist - if true, attempting to drop on a bucket without any primary index won't cause an exception to be propagated.
        an Observable that will get notified with a single Boolean.TRUE if the index was effectively dropped.
      • dropN1qlIndex

        rx.Observable<Boolean> dropN1qlIndex​(String name,
                                             boolean ignoreIfNotExist)
        Drop the given secondary index associated with the current bucket. The index management API only deals with GSI type of indexes, which allows it to uniquely identify indexes by name. The Observable can error under the following conditions: - IndexDoesNotExistException if the secondary index doesn't exist and ignoreIfNoExist is set to false. - CouchbaseException if another error occurs during index drop.
        ignoreIfNotExist - if true, attempting to drop on a bucket without the specified index won't cause an exception to be propagated.
        an Observable that will get notified with a single Boolean.TRUE if the index was effectively dropped.
      • buildN1qlDeferredIndexes

        rx.Observable<List<String>> buildN1qlDeferredIndexes()
        Instruct the query engine to trigger the build of indexes that have been deferred. This only considers GSI indexes, as the index management API only deals with this type of indexes. This process itself is asynchronous, meaning that the call will immediately return despite indexes still being in a "pending" or "building" state. This method will return a List of the names of indexes whose build has been triggered, in a single emission.
        an Observable that will get notified with a single List of index names, the names of the indexes that have been triggered.
        See Also:
        to poll for a list of indexes to become online.
      • watchN1qlIndexes

        rx.Observable<IndexInfo> watchN1qlIndexes​(List<String> watchList,
                                                  long watchTimeout,
                                                  TimeUnit watchTimeUnit)
        Watches all given indexes (possibly including the primary one), polling the query service until they become "online" or the watchTimeout has expired.. This only considers GSI indexes, as the index management API only deals with this type of indexes. Note: You can activate DEBUG level logs on the "DefaultAsyncBucketManager.INDEX_WATCH_LOG_NAME" logger to see various stages of the polling. You can also watch a primary index by using the Index.PRIMARY_NAME constant.
        watchList - the names of the SECONDARY indexes to watch (can be empty).
        watchTimeout - the maximum duration for which to poll for the index to become online.
        watchTimeUnit - the time unit for the watchTimeout.
        a stream of the IndexInfo for the indexes that went online during the watch period. Can be empty if all indexes where online, no index to watch or no index became online within the watchTimeout timeframe.