Interface ViewResult

    • Method Detail

      • allRows

        List<ViewRow> allRows()
        Collects all rows received from the view with the default view timeout. This method throws: - TimeoutException wrapped in a RuntimeException: If the timeout is exceeded.
        a (potentially empty) List containing view rows.
      • allRows

        List<ViewRow> allRows​(long timeout,
                              TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Collects all rows received from the view with the default view timeout. This method throws: - TimeoutException wrapped in a RuntimeException: If the timeout is exceeded.
        a (potentially empty) List containing view rows.
      • rows

        Iterator<ViewRow> rows​(long timeout,
                               TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Emits one ViewRow for each row received from the view with a custom timeout. This method throws: - TimeoutException wrapped in a RuntimeException: If the timeout is exceeded.
        timeout - the custom timeout.
        timeUnit - the time unit for the custom timeout.
        a (potentially empty) Iterator containing view rows.
      • totalRows

        int totalRows()
        The total number of rows.
        number of rows.
      • success

        boolean success()
        If the query was successful.
        true if it was, false otherwise.
      • error

        JsonObject error()
        If it was not successful, an error is contained here.
        the potential error.
      • error

        JsonObject error​(long timeout,
                         TimeUnit timeUnit)
        If it was not successful, an error is contained here.
        the potential error.
      • debug

        JsonObject debug()
        If debug was enabled on the query, it is contained here.
        the debug info.