Class CouchbaseHttpClient

  • public class CouchbaseHttpClient
    extends Object
    A specialized HTTP client for making requests to Couchbase Server.

    Get an instance by calling Cluster.httpClient().

    Example usage:

     public static String getAutoFailoverSettings(Cluster cluster) {
       HttpResponse response = cluster.httpClient().get(
       if (!response.success()) {
         throw new RuntimeException(
             "Failed to get auto-failover settings. HTTP status code " +
                 response.statusCode() + "; " + response.contentAsString());
       return response.contentAsString();
     public static void disableAutoFailover(Cluster cluster) {
       HttpResponse response = cluster.httpClient().post(
               .body(HttpBody.form(Map.of("enabled", "false"))));
       if (!response.success()) {
         throw new RuntimeException(
             "Failed to disable auto-failover. HTTP status code " +
                 response.statusCode() + "; " + response.contentAsString());
    See Also:
    AsyncCouchbaseHttpClient, ReactiveCouchbaseHttpClient
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public HttpResponse get​(HttpTarget target,
                                HttpPath path)
        Issues a GET request with default options (no query parameters).

        To specify query parameters, use the overload that takes HttpGetOptions or include the query string in the path.

      • get

        public HttpResponse get​(HttpTarget target,
                                HttpPath path,
                                HttpGetOptions options)
        Issues a GET request with the given options.

        Specify query parameters via the options:

         httpClient.get(target, path, HttpGetOptions.httpGetOptions()
             .queryString(Map.of("foo", "bar")));
      • post

        public HttpResponse post​(HttpTarget target,
                                 HttpPath path,
                                 HttpPostOptions options)
        Issues a POST request with the given options.

        Specify a request body via the options:

         // form data, path, HttpPostOptions.httpPostOptions()
             .body(HttpBody.form(Map.of("foo", "bar")));
         // JSON document, path, HttpPostOptions.httpPostOptions()
      • put

        public HttpResponse put​(HttpTarget target,
                                HttpPath path,
                                HttpPutOptions options)
        Issues a PUT request with the given options.

        Specify a request body via the options:

         // form data
         httpClient.put(target, path, HttpPostOptions.httpPutOptions()
             .body(HttpBody.form(Map.of("foo", "bar")));
         // JSON document
         httpClient.put(target, path, HttpPostOptions.httpPutOptions()