

package demo

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CounterActor extends Actor

  2. trait DemoApp extends App with Logging

  3. class JavaApiDemo extends Serializable

  4. class NodeGuardian extends CounterActor with ActorLogging with Assertions

    The NodeGuardian actor is the root supervisor of this simple Akka application's ActorSystem node that you might deploy across a cluster.

  5. class Sender extends Actor

    A simple Akka actor which generates a pre-set number of random tuples based on initial input data, and sends each random tuple to the Streamer.

  6. final class SparkCassandraSettings extends AnyRef

  7. class Streamer extends TypedStreamingActor[String] with CounterActor

    Simply showing what the streaming actor does for the sake of the demo.

Value Members

  1. object AkkaStreamingDemo extends App

    This demo can run against a single node, local or remote.

  2. object BasicReadWriteDemo extends DemoApp

  3. object DemoApp

  4. object SQLDemo extends DemoApp

    This demo creates a table in Cassandra, populates it with sample data, then queries it using SparkSQL and finally displays the query results to the standard output.

  5. object TableCopyDemo extends DemoApp

  6. object WordCountDemo extends DemoApp
