Class Layouts

    • Method Detail

      • defaultMargin

        public static int defaultMargin()
        Returns the default margin for layouts.
      • setFill

        public static LayoutsFillLayout setFill​(Composite composite)
        Sets the composite to have a standard FillLayout, and returns an API for modifying it.
      • modifyFill

        public static LayoutsFillLayout modifyFill​(Composite composite)
        Returns an API for modifying the already-existing FillLayout on the given Composite.
      • setGrid

        public static LayoutsGridLayout setGrid​(Composite composite)
        Sets the composite to have a standard GridLayout, and returns an API for modifying it.
      • modifyGrid

        public static LayoutsGridLayout modifyGrid​(Composite composite)
        Returns an API for modifying the already-existing GridLayout on the given Composite.
      • setGridData

        public static LayoutsGridData setGridData​(Control control)
        Sets the layouData on the Control to a new GridData, and returns an API for modifying it.
      • setGridData

        public static LayoutsGridData setGridData​(ControlWrapper wrapper)
        Sets the layoutData on the ControlWrapper to a new GridData, and returns an API for modifying it.
      • modifyGridData

        public static LayoutsGridData modifyGridData​(Control control)
        Returns an API for modifying the already-existing GridData which has been set on the given Control.
      • modifyGridData

        public static LayoutsGridData modifyGridData​(ControlWrapper wrapper)
        Returns an API for modifying the already-existing GridData which has been set on the given ControlWrapper.
      • wrap

        public static LayoutsGridData wrap​(GridData gridData)
        Returns an API for modifying the given GridData.
      • newGridPlaceholder

        public static LayoutsGridData newGridPlaceholder​(Composite parent)
        Creates an invisible `org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label`, and returns an API for setting its GridData. Useful for filling spots in a GridLayout.
      • newGridRow

        public static Composite newGridRow​(Composite parent,
                                           Coat coat)
        Quick shortcut to add a row to to this parent. - parent must have a GridLayout - creates a new Composite that will take the full width of the parent, with no margins - populates the new Composite using the Coat - sets the layout on the new Composite to be a GridLayout with no margins and as many columns as there are child controls - returns the new Composite
      • setRow

        public static LayoutsRowLayout setRow​(Composite composite)
        Sets the composite to have a standard RowLayout, and returns an API for modifying it.
      • modifyRow

        public static LayoutsRowLayout modifyRow​(Composite composite)
        Returns an API for modifying the already-existing RowLayout on the given Composite.
      • setRowData

        public static LayoutsRowData setRowData​(Control control)
        Sets the layouData on the Control to a new GridData, and returns an API for modifying it.
      • setRowData

        public static LayoutsRowData setRowData​(ControlWrapper wrapper)
        Sets the layoutData on the ControlWrapper to a new RowData, and returns an API for modifying it.
      • modifyRowData

        public static LayoutsRowData modifyRowData​(Control control)
        Returns an API for modifying the already-existing RowData which has been set on the given Control.
      • modifyRowData

        public static LayoutsRowData modifyRowData​(ControlWrapper wrapper)
        Returns an API for modifying the already-existing RowData which has been set on the given ControlWrapper.
      • wrap

        public static LayoutsRowData wrap​(RowData gridData)
        Returns an API for modifying the given RowData.
      • newRowPlaceholder

        public static LayoutsRowData newRowPlaceholder​(Composite parent)
        Creates an invisible `org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label`, and returns an API for setting its RowData. Useful for filling spots in a RowLayout.