Class CmdLine

  • public class CmdLine
    extends Object
    Implementation of CmdLineTask, but helpful for implementing other things as well.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CmdLine

        public CmdLine()
    • Method Detail

      • echoCmd

        public void echoCmd​(boolean echoCmd)
        Determines whether commands are echoed. Default value is true.
      • echoOutput

        public void echoOutput​(boolean echoOutput)
        Determines whether the output of commands are echoed. Default value is true.
      • cmd

        public void cmd​(String cmd)
        Executes the given command.
      • cmd

        public void cmd​(File workingDir,
                        String cmd)
        Sets the working directory to the given dir, then executes the given command.
      • cleanDir

        public void cleanDir​(File dir)
      • rm

        public void rm​(File fileOrDir)
        Removes the given file or directory.
      • copy

        public void copy​(File src,
                         File dst)
        Removes the given file or directory.
      • mv

        public void mv​(File src,
                       File dst)
        Removes the given file or directory.
      • run

        public void run​(groovy.lang.Closure<?> action)
        Removes the given file or directory.
      • performActions

        public void performActions()
                            throws Throwable
        Runs the commands that have been queued up.
      • runCmd

        public static CmdLine.Result runCmd​(File directory,
                                            String cmd,
                                            boolean echoCmd,
                                            boolean echoOutput)
                                     throws IOException
        Runs the given command in the given directory with the given echo setting.