Class ExcludeBuildFolderPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ExcludeBuildFolderPlugin
    extends ProjectPlugin
    Creates eclipse project files which excludes the gradle build folder from Eclipse's resource indexing. If you hit `Ctrl + R` in eclipse, you'll get a fuzzy search for resources in your workspace. This will include class files and other artifacts in the gradle build folder, which is usually not desirable. To fix: ```groovy apply plugin: 'com.diffplug.eclipse.excludebuildfolder' ``` If you'd like to exclude more than just the build folder, you might want to look at the more general ResourceFiltersPlugin.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExcludeBuildFolderPlugin

        public ExcludeBuildFolderPlugin()
    • Method Detail

      • applyOnce

        protected void applyOnce​(Project project)
        Description copied from class: ProjectPlugin
        Plugin application, which is guaranteed to execute only once.
        Specified by:
        applyOnce in class ProjectPlugin