Class MavenCentralPlugin

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MavenCentralPlugin
    extends ProjectPlugin
    Now that Eclipse is publishing artifacts to maven central, it's possible to use the valuable components of the eclipse project without getting bogged down in p2 and OSGi. The trouble is that it can be difficult to get a coherent set of versions across the many bundles. It's also a little tricky to know what the groupId:artifactId mapping is, since eclipse artifacts only have a bundleId by default. Here is the fix: ``` apply plugin: 'com.diffplug.eclipse.mavencentral' eclipseMavenCentral { release '4.7.0', { // supports the standard java configurations api 'org.eclipse.swt' implementation 'org.eclipse.jdt' testImplementation 'org.eclipse.swt' // and custom ones too dep 'implementation', 'org.eclipse.jdt' // specify this to add the native jars for this platform useNativesForRunningPlatform() // specify that all transitive dependencies should be from this release // (otherwise the version ranges which eclipse uses will use latest available) constrainTransitivesToThisRelease() } } ``` ## Platform-native jars When an eclipse jar needs a platform-specific dependency, such as SWT, the platform-specific part of the name is specified in the POM as `${osgi.platform}`. useNativesForRunningPlatform() will replace `${osgi.platform}` with whatever is appropriate for your platform, such as `org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_64`. That's normally all you need, but if you want more specific control, there is a special `sourceSetNative` method, along with builtins like `testRuntimeNative` for each of the builtin java configurations. ``` eclipseMavenCentral { release '4.7.0', { testRuntimeOnlyNative 'org.eclipse.swt' nativeDep 'testRuntimeOnly', 'org.eclipse.swt' } } ``` Either of the above lines will add the `org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_64` as a `testRuntimeOnly` dependency if you're running on a 64-bit JVM on Windows, or some whichever platform-specific jar is appropriate. This works only for the SWT naming convention, `windowing.os.arch`. ## Compatibility Only works with versions from `4.6.2` onwards.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MavenCentralPlugin

        public MavenCentralPlugin()
    • Method Detail

      • applyOnce

        protected void applyOnce​(Project project)
        Description copied from class: ProjectPlugin
        Plugin application, which is guaranteed to execute only once.
        Specified by:
        applyOnce in class ProjectPlugin