Class JarFolderRunnerExternalJvm

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class JarFolderRunnerExternalJvm
    extends Object
    implements EclipseRunner
    Runs an `EclipseApp` in a new JVM using a folder containing a `plugins` folder with the necessary jars.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JarFolderRunnerExternalJvm

        public JarFolderRunnerExternalJvm​(File rootDirectory)
        If you have a gradle Project object handy, use JarFolderRunnerExternalJvm(File, Project) instead, as it will be more reliable. This constructor may fail if there are fancy classloaders at work.
        rootDirectory - a directory which contains a `plugins` folder containing the OSGi jars needed to run applications.
      • JarFolderRunnerExternalJvm

        public JarFolderRunnerExternalJvm​(File rootDirectory,
                                          Project project)
        rootDirectory - a directory which contains a `plugins` folder containing the OSGi jars needed to run applications.
        project - used to calculate the classpath of the newly launched JVM
      • JarFolderRunnerExternalJvm

        public JarFolderRunnerExternalJvm​(File rootDirectory,
                                          File workingDirectory,
                                          Project project)
        rootDirectory - a directory which contains a `plugins` folder containing the OSGi jars needed to run applications.
        project - used to calculate the classpath of the newly launched JVM