Class MavenCentralMapping

  • public class MavenCentralMapping
    extends Object
    Maps eclipse jars to their mavenCentral artifact ids and versions based on their official release.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MavenCentralMapping

        public MavenCentralMapping()
    • Method Detail

      • isEclipseGroup

        public static boolean isEclipseGroup​(String group)
      • groupIdArtifactId

        public static String groupIdArtifactId​(String bundleId)
        Returns the MavenCentral groupId:artifactId appropriate for the given bundleId.
      • bundleToVersion

        public static Map<String,​String> bundleToVersion​(EclipseRelease release)
        Returns a map from every bundle-id to its corresponding 3-part version (the qualifier is dropped).
      • groupIdArtifactIdToVersion

        public static Map<String,​String> groupIdArtifactIdToVersion​(EclipseRelease release)
        Returns a map from every groupId:artifactId to its corresponding version in maven central (the qualifier is dropped).