Class EquinoxLaunchSource

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    com.diffplug.spotless.NoLambda, Serializable

    public class EquinoxLaunchSource
    extends com.diffplug.spotless.LazyForwardingEquality<com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature>
    Defines the source jars for an eclipse launch, with lazy resolution for performance.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • addThisProject

        public void addThisProject()
        Adds the runtime and generated archives for this project.
      • addProject

        public void addProject​(Project project)
        Adds the runtime and jar archive for the given project.
      • addConfiguration

        public void addConfiguration​(Configuration config)
        Adds the given configuration.
      • addMaven

        public void addMaven​(String mavenCoord)
        Adds a lone maven artifact, without any of its transitives.
      • calculateState

        protected com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature calculateState()
                                                              throws Exception
        Specified by:
        calculateState in class com.diffplug.spotless.LazyForwardingEquality<com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature>
      • resolvedFiles

        public Collection<File> resolvedFiles()
        Returns the files which were resolved.