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build() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.EclipseBasedStepBuilder
Returns the FormatterStep (whose state will be calculated lazily).
builder() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration.DiffMessageFormatter


close() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitRatchet
com.diffplug.spotless.extra - package com.diffplug.spotless.extra
com.diffplug.spotless.extra.cpp - package com.diffplug.spotless.extra.cpp
com.diffplug.spotless.extra.groovy - package com.diffplug.spotless.extra.groovy
com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration - package com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration
Integration code for plugins.
com.diffplug.spotless.extra.java - package com.diffplug.spotless.extra.java
com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp - package com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp
create(File, Supplier<Iterable<File>>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitAttributesLineEndings
Creates a line-endings policy whose serialized state is relativized against projectDir, at the cost of eagerly evaluating the line-ending state of every target file when the policy is checked for equality with another policy.
createBuilder(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.cpp.EclipseCdtFormatterStep
Provides default configuration
createBuilder(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.groovy.GrEclipseFormatterStep
Provides default configuration
createBuilder(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.java.EclipseJdtFormatterStep
Provides default configuration
createBuilder(Provisioner) - Method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp.EclipseWtpFormatterStep
CSS - com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp.EclipseWtpFormatterStep


defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.cpp.EclipseCdtFormatterStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.groovy.GrEclipseFormatterStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.java.EclipseJdtFormatterStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp.EclipseWtpFormatterStep
DiffMessageFormatter - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration
Formats the messages of failed spotlessCheck invocations with a nice diff message.
DiffMessageFormatter.Builder - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration


EclipseBasedStepBuilder - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.extra
Generic Eclipse based formatter step EclipseBasedStepBuilder.State builder.
EclipseBasedStepBuilder(String, Provisioner, ThrowingEx.Function<EclipseBasedStepBuilder.State, FormatterFunc>) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.EclipseBasedStepBuilder
Initialize valid default configuration, taking latest version
EclipseBasedStepBuilder(String, String, Provisioner, ThrowingEx.Function<EclipseBasedStepBuilder.State, FormatterFunc>) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.EclipseBasedStepBuilder
Initialize valid default configuration, taking latest version
EclipseBasedStepBuilder.State - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.extra
State of Eclipse configuration items, providing functionality to derived information based on the state.
EclipseCdtFormatterStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.extra.cpp
Formatter step which calls out to the Eclipse CDT formatter.
EclipseJdtFormatterStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.extra.java
Formatter step which calls out to the Eclipse JDT formatter.
EclipseWtpFormatterStep - Enum in com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp
Formatter step which calls out to the Groovy-Eclipse formatter.


formatter(Formatter) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration.DiffMessageFormatter.Builder


getDir(Project) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitRatchet
getMavenCoordinate(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.EclipseBasedStepBuilder.State
Returns first coordinate from sorted set that starts with a given prefix.
getMessage() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration.DiffMessageFormatter.Builder
Returns the error message.
getParent(Project) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitRatchet
getPreferences() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.EclipseBasedStepBuilder.State
Get formatter preferences
GitAttributesLineEndings - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.extra
Uses .gitattributes to determine the appropriate line ending.
GitRatchet<Project> - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.extra
How to use: - For best performance, you should have one instance of GitRatchet, shared by all projects.
GitRatchet() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitRatchet
GrEclipseFormatterStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.extra.groovy
Formatter step which calls out to the Groovy-Eclipse formatter.


HTML - com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp.EclipseWtpFormatterStep


isClean(Project, ObjectId, File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitRatchet
isClean(Project, ObjectId, String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitRatchet
This is the highest-level method, which all the others serve.


JS - com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp.EclipseWtpFormatterStep
JSON - com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp.EclipseWtpFormatterStep


loadClass(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.EclipseBasedStepBuilder.State
Load class based on the given configuration of JAR provider and Maven coordinates.


MAX_FILES_TO_LIST - Static variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration.DiffMessageFormatter


problemFiles(List<File>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration.DiffMessageFormatter.Builder


repositoryFor(Project) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitRatchet
The first part of making this fast is finding the appropriate git repository quickly.
rootTreeShaOf(Project, String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitRatchet
Fast way to return treeSha of the given ref against the git repository which stores the given project.
runToFix(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.integration.DiffMessageFormatter.Builder
"Run 'gradlew spotlessApply' to fix these violations."


setPreferences(Iterable<File>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.EclipseBasedStepBuilder
Set settings files containing Eclipse preferences
setVersion(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.EclipseBasedStepBuilder
Set dependencies for the corresponding Eclipse version
State(String, Provisioner, List<String>, Iterable<File>) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.EclipseBasedStepBuilder.State
State constructor expects that all passed items are not modified afterwards
subtreeShaOf(Project, ObjectId) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.extra.GitRatchet
Returns the sha of the git subtree which represents the root of the given project, or ObjectId.zeroId() if there is no git subtree at the project root.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp.EclipseWtpFormatterStep
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp.EclipseWtpFormatterStep
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


XML - com.diffplug.spotless.extra.wtp.EclipseWtpFormatterStep
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