Class Formatter

    • Method Detail

      • getEncoding

        public Charset getEncoding()
      • getRootDir

        public Path getRootDir()
      • isClean

        public boolean isClean​(File file)
                        throws IOException
        Returns true iff the given file's formatting is up-to-date.
      • applyToAndReturnResultIfDirty

        public String applyToAndReturnResultIfDirty​(File file)
                                             throws IOException
        Applies formatting to the given file. Returns null if the file was already clean, or the formatted result with unix newlines if it was not.
      • computeLineEndings

        public String computeLineEndings​(String unix,
                                         File file)
        Applies the appropriate line endings to the given unix content.
      • compute

        public String compute​(String unix,
                              File file)
        Returns the result of calling all of the FormatterSteps. The input must have unix line endings, and the output is guaranteed to also have unix line endings.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object