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add(int, V) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Jvm.Support
Add supported formatter version
Antlr4Defaults - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4
Antlr4FormatterStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4
apply(String) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc
apply(String) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.NeedsFile
apply(String, File) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc
apply(String, File) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.NeedsFile
apply(T) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx.Function
apply(T1, T2) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx.BiFunction
apply(T, String) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.Closeable.ResourceFunc
apply(T, String, File) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.Closeable.ResourceFuncNeedsFile
applyTo(File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
Applies formatting to the given file.
applyToAndReturnResultIfDirty(File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
Applies formatting to the given file.
applyWithFile(String, File) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.NeedsFile
args() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner.Result
asRuntime(Exception) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx
Casts or wraps the given exception to be a RuntimeException.
assertExitZero(Charset) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner.Result
Asserts that the exit code was zero, and if so, returns the content of stdout encoded with the given charset.
assertFormatterSupported(V) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Jvm.Support
Assert the formatter is supported


BlackStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.python
build() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter.Builder
build() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
builder() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
buildPair() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair.Builder
Returns a pair of steps which captures in the first part, then returns in the second.
buildStepWhichAppliesSubSteps(Path, Collection<? extends FormatterStep>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair.Builder
Returns a single step which will apply the given steps only within the blocks selected by the regex / openClose pair.


calculateDirtyState(Formatter, File) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Calculates whether the given file is dirty according to a PaddedCell invocation of the given formatter.
calculateDirtyState(Formatter, File, byte[]) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
calculateState() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.LazyForwardingEquality
This function is guaranteed to be called at most once.
canonical() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Returns the "canonical" form for this particular result (only possible if isResolvable).
check(Formatter, File) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Applies the given formatter to the given file, checking that F(F(input)) == F(input).
check(Formatter, File, String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
ClangFormatStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.cpp
clearOnce(Object) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.SpotlessCache
Closes all cached classloaders iff key is not .equals() to the last call to clearOnce().
close() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
close() - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.Closeable
close() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner
com.diffplug.spotless - package com.diffplug.spotless
com.diffplug.spotless.annotations - package com.diffplug.spotless.annotations
com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4 - package com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4
com.diffplug.spotless.cpp - package com.diffplug.spotless.cpp
com.diffplug.spotless.generic - package com.diffplug.spotless.generic
com.diffplug.spotless.java - package com.diffplug.spotless.java
com.diffplug.spotless.json - package com.diffplug.spotless.json
com.diffplug.spotless.json.gson - package com.diffplug.spotless.json.gson
com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin - package com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin
com.diffplug.spotless.markdown - package com.diffplug.spotless.markdown
com.diffplug.spotless.npm - package com.diffplug.spotless.npm
com.diffplug.spotless.pom - package com.diffplug.spotless.pom
com.diffplug.spotless.python - package com.diffplug.spotless.python
com.diffplug.spotless.scala - package com.diffplug.spotless.scala
com.diffplug.spotless.sql - package com.diffplug.spotless.sql
com.diffplug.spotless.sql.dbeaver - package com.diffplug.spotless.sql.dbeaver
compute(String, File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
Returns the result of calling all of the FormatterSteps.
computeLineEndings(String, File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
Applies the appropriate line endings to the given unix content.
confirmVersionAndGetAbsolutePath() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ForeignExe
Searches for the executable and confirms that it has the expected version.
CONVERGE - com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell.Type
CppDefaults - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.cpp
Common utilities for C/C++
create() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.cpp.ClangFormatStep
create() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.EndWithNewlineStep
Creates a FormatterStep which forces lines to end with a newline.
create() - Method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.generic.IndentStep.Type
Creates a step which will indent with the given type of whitespace, converting between tabs and spaces at the default ratio.
create() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.TrimTrailingWhitespaceStep
create() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.python.BlackStep
create(int) - Method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.generic.IndentStep.Type
create(int, boolean, boolean, String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.json.gson.GsonStep
create(int, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.json.JsonSimpleStep
create(IndentStep.Type, int) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.IndentStep
Creates a step which will indent with the given type of whitespace, converting between tabs and spaces at the given ratio.
create(SortPomCfg, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomStep
create(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4.Antlr4FormatterStep
create(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.GoogleJavaFormatStep
Creates a step which formats everything - code, import order, and unused imports.
create(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.PalantirJavaFormatStep
Creates a step which formats everything - code, import order, and unused imports.
create(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.RemoveUnusedImportsStep
create(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.DiktatStep
create(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep
Creates a step which formats everything - code, import order, and unused imports.
create(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtLintStep
create(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.markdown.FlexmarkStep
Creates a formatter step for the default version.
create(Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.scala.ScalaFmtStep
create(ThrowingEx.Supplier<Map<String, ?>>, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.markdown.FreshMarkStep
Creates a formatter step for the given version and settings file.
create(Iterable<File>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.sql.DBeaverSQLFormatterStep
create(String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4.Antlr4FormatterStep
create(String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.GoogleJavaFormatStep
Creates a step which formats everything - code, import order, and unused imports.
create(String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.PalantirJavaFormatStep
Creates a step which formats everything - code, import order, and unused imports.
create(String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.DiktatStep
create(String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep
Creates a step which formats everything - code, import order, and unused imports.
create(String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtLintStep
create(String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.markdown.FlexmarkStep
Creates a formatter step for the given version.
create(String, Provisioner, boolean, FileSignature) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.DiktatStep
create(String, Provisioner, boolean, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtLintStep
create(String, Provisioner, FileSignature) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.DiktatStep
create(String, Provisioner, KtfmtStep.Style, KtfmtStep.KtfmtFormattingOptions) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep
Creates a step which formats everything - code, import order, and unused imports.
create(String, Provisioner, File) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.scala.ScalaFmtStep
create(String, ThrowingEx.Supplier<Map<String, ?>>, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.markdown.FreshMarkStep
Creates a formatter step for the given version and settings file.
create(String, File, List<String>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.NativeCmdStep
create(String, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.ReplaceStep
create(String, String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.GoogleJavaFormatStep
Creates a step which formats everything - code, import order, and unused imports.
create(String, String, Provisioner, boolean) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.GoogleJavaFormatStep
Creates a step which formats everything - code, import order, and unused imports - and optionally reflows long strings.
create(String, String, CharSequence, CharSequence, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.Jsr223Step
create(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.ReplaceRegexStep
create(String, String, String, Provisioner, boolean) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.GoogleJavaFormatStep
Creates a step which formats everything - groupArtifact, code, import order, and unused imports - and optionally reflows long strings.
create(String, State, ThrowingEx.Function<State, FormatterFunc>) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep
create(Map<String, String>, Provisioner, File, NpmPathResolver, PrettierConfig) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierFormatterStep
create(Map<String, String>, Provisioner, File, NpmPathResolver, TypedTsFmtConfigFile, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsFmtFormatterStep
createFormatterFunc() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsFmtFormatterStep.State
createForScript(String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtLintStep
createForScript(String, Provisioner, boolean, Map<String, String>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtLintStep
createForScript(String, Provisioner, FileSignature) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.DiktatStep
createFrom(boolean, File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.ImportOrderStep
createFrom(boolean, String...) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.ImportOrderStep
createFrom(File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.ImportOrderStep
createFrom(String...) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.ImportOrderStep
createLazy(String, ThrowingEx.Supplier<State>, ThrowingEx.Function<State, FormatterFunc>) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep
createNeverUpToDate(String, FormatterFunc) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep
createNeverUpToDateLazy(String, ThrowingEx.Supplier<FormatterFunc>) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep
createPolicy() - Method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
Should use LineEnding.createPolicy(File, Supplier) instead, but this will work iff its a path-independent LineEnding policy.
createPolicy(File, Supplier<Iterable<File>>) - Method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
Returns a LineEnding.Policy appropriate for files which are contained within the given rootFolder.
CYCLE - com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell.Type


DBeaverSQLFormatter - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.sql
DBeaverSQLFormatterConfiguration - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.sql.dbeaver
**Warning:** Use this class at your own risk.
DBeaverSQLFormatterConfiguration(Properties) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.sql.dbeaver.DBeaverSQLFormatterConfiguration
DBeaverSQLFormatterStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.sql
SQL formatter step which wraps up DBeaver's SqlTokenizedFormatter implementation.
DEFAULT - com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.Style
defaultDevDependencies() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierFormatterStep
defaultDevDependencies() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsFmtFormatterStep
defaultDevDependenciesWithPrettier(String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierFormatterStep
defaultDevDependenciesWithTsFmt(String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsFmtFormatterStep
defaultGroupArtifact() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.GoogleJavaFormatStep
defaultNumSpacesPerTab() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.IndentStep
defaultReflowLongStrings() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.GoogleJavaFormatStep
defaultStyle() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.GoogleJavaFormatStep
defaultToggleName() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair
defaultToggleOff() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair
defaultToggleOn() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4.Antlr4FormatterStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.cpp.ClangFormatStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.GoogleJavaFormatStep
Get default formatter version
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.PalantirJavaFormatStep
Get default formatter version
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtLintStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.markdown.FlexmarkStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.markdown.FreshMarkStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.python.BlackStep
defaultVersion() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.scala.ScalaFmtStep
defaultVersionDiktat() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.DiktatStep
defaultYearDelimiter() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
DELIMITER_EXPR - Static variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.cpp.CppDefaults
Default delimiter expression shall cover most valid and common starts of C/C++ declarations and definitions.
didNotConverge() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell.DirtyState
DiktatStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin
Wraps up diktat as a FormatterStep.
DIVERGE - com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell.Type
DROPBOX - com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.Style


encoding - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
encoding(Charset) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter.Builder
EndWithNewlineStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
EqualityBasedOnSerialization() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.NoLambda.EqualityBasedOnSerialization
equals(Object) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.LazyForwardingEquality
equals(Object) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.NoLambda.EqualityBasedOnSerialization
exceptionPolicy(FormatExceptionPolicy) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter.Builder
excludePath(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatExceptionPolicyStrict
Adds a relative path to exclude.
excludeStep(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatExceptionPolicyStrict
Adds a step name to exclude.
exec(byte[], String...) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner
Creates a process with the given arguments, the given byte array is written to stdin immediately.
exec(byte[], List<String>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner
Creates a process with the given arguments, the given byte array is written to stdin immediately.
exec(String...) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner
Creates a process with the given arguments.
exec(List<String>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner
Creates a process with the given arguments.
exitCode() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner.Result
exitNotZero() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner.Result
Returns true if the exit code was not zero.
expandEmptyElements - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg


failOnlyOnError() - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatExceptionPolicy
A policy which rethrows subclasses of Error and logs other kinds of Exception.
file() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Returns the file which was tested.
files() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Returns all of the files in this signature, throwing an exception if there are more or less than 1 file.
FileSignature - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Computes a signature for any needed files.
filterByContentPattern(String) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep
Returns a new FormatterStep which will only apply its changes to files which pass the given filter.
filterByFile(SerializableFileFilter) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep
Returns a new FormatterStep which will only apply its changes to files which pass the given filter.
fixCantFind(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ForeignExe
Use {version} anywhere you would like to inject the actual version string.
fixWrongVersion(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ForeignExe
Use {version} or {versionFound} anywhere you would like to inject the actual version strings.
FLAG_SET_LICENSE_HEADER_YEARS_FROM_GIT_HISTORY() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
FlexmarkStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.markdown
A step for flexmark-java.
ForeignExe - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Finds a foreign executable and checks its version.
ForeignExe() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.ForeignExe
forGroovy() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.ImportOrderStep
forJava() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.java.ImportOrderStep
format(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.sql.dbeaver.SQLTokenizedFormatter
format(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.sql.DBeaverSQLFormatter
format(String, File) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep
Returns a formatted version of the given content.
format(String, File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep.Strict
format(String, String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierRestService
format(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsFmtRestService
format(State, String, File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep.Strict
Implements the formatting function strictly in terms of the input data and the result of LazyForwardingEquality.calculateState().
FormatExceptionPolicy - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
A policy for handling exceptions in the format.
FormatExceptionPolicyStrict - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
A policy for handling exceptions in the format.
FormatExceptionPolicyStrict() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatExceptionPolicyStrict
Formatter - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Formatter which performs the full formatting.
Formatter.Builder - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
FormatterFunc - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
A Function<String, String> which can throw an exception.
FormatterFunc.Closeable - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
Function<String, String> and BiFunction<String, File, String> whose implementation requires a resource which should be released when the function is no longer needed.
FormatterFunc.Closeable.ResourceFunc<T extends AutoCloseable> - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
FormatterFunc.Closeable.ResourceFuncNeedsFile<T extends AutoCloseable> - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
FormatterFunc.NeedsFile - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
FormatterProperties - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Utility manages settings of formatter configured by properties.
FormatterStep - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
An implementation of this class specifies a single step in a formatting process.
FormatterStep.Strict<State extends Serializable> - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Implements a FormatterStep in a strict way which guarantees correct and lazy implementation of up-to-date checks.
forNameIgnoreCase(String) - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsConfigFileType
FreshMarkStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.markdown
A step for FreshMark.
from(File...) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterProperties
Import settings from a sequence of files (file import is the given order)
from(Iterable<File>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterProperties
Import settings from a sequence of files (file import is the given order)
from(String, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.JarState
Provisions the given maven coordinate and its transitive dependencies.
from(Collection<String>, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.JarState
Provisions the given maven coordinates and their transitive dependencies.


get() - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx.Supplier
get(ThrowingEx.Supplier<T>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx
Gets the given value, rethrowing any exceptions as runtime exceptions.
getClassLoader() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.JarState
Returns a classloader containing the only jars in this JarState.
getClassLoader(Serializable) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.JarState
Returns a classloader containing the only jars in this JarState.
getEncoding() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
getEndingFor(File) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding.Policy
Returns the line ending appropriate for the given file.
getExceptionPolicy() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
getLineEndingsPolicy() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
getMavenCoordinates() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.JarState
Returns unmodifiable view on sorted Maven coordinates
getName() - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep
The name of the step, for debugging purposes.
getName() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
getOnlyFile() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Returns the only file in this signature, throwing an exception if there are more or less than 1 file.
getOptions() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierConfig
getPrettierConfigPath() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierConfig
getProperties() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterProperties
Returns the accumulated Properties
getRecommendedFormatterVersion() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Jvm.Support
getRootDir() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
getSteps() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
GIT_ATTRIBUTES - com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
Uses the same line endings as Git, using .gitattributes and the core.eol property.
GOOGLE - com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.Style
GoogleJavaFormatStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.java
Wraps up google-java-format as a FormatterStep.
GsonStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.json.gson
GsonStep() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.json.gson.GsonStep


handleError(Throwable, FormatterStep, String) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatExceptionPolicy
Called for every error in the formatter.
handleError(Throwable, FormatterStep, String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatExceptionPolicyStrict
hashCode() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
hashCode() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.LazyForwardingEquality
hashCode() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.NoLambda.EqualityBasedOnSerialization
headerDelimiter(ThrowingEx.Supplier<String>, String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
headerDelimiter(String, String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep


ImportOrderStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.java
in() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair
includes() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4.Antlr4Defaults
indentBlankLines - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
indentSchemaLocation - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
IndentStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
Simple step which checks for consistent indentation characters.
IndentStep.Type - Enum in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
Internal - Annotation Type in com.diffplug.spotless.annotations
Signifies that a public API is actually an implementation detail, and should be treated as if it were private.
isClean() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell.DirtyState
isClean() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Returns the DirtyState which corresponds to isClean().
isClean(File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter
Returns true iff the given file's formatting is up-to-date.
isResolvable() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Any result which doesn't diverge can be resolved.
isUnix(File) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding.Policy
Returns true iff this file has unix line endings.


JarState - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Grabs a jar and its dependencies from maven, and makes it easy to access the collection in a classloader.
JsonSimpleStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.json
Simple JSON formatter which reformats the file according to the org.json library's default pretty-printing, but has no ability to customise more than the indentation size.
Jsr223Step - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
Jvm - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Java virtual machine helper
Jvm() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.Jvm
Jvm.Support<V> - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Utility to map constraints of formatter to this JVM


keepBlankLines - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
KotlinConstants - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin
KOTLINLANG - com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.Style
KtfmtFormattingOptions() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.KtfmtFormattingOptions
KtfmtFormattingOptions(Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.KtfmtFormattingOptions
KtfmtStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin
Wraps up ktfmt as a FormatterStep.
KtfmtStep.KtfmtFormattingOptions - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin
KtfmtStep.Style - Enum in com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin
Used to allow multiple style option through formatting options and since when is each of them available.
KtLintStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin
Wraps up ktlint as a FormatterStep.


LazyForwardingEquality<T extends Serializable> - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Implements equality, hashcode, and serialization entirely in terms of lazily-computed state.
LazyForwardingEquality() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.LazyForwardingEquality
LICENSE_HEADER_DELIMITER - Static variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KotlinConstants
licenseHeaderDelimiter() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4.Antlr4Defaults
LicenseHeaderStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
Prefixes a license header before the package statement.
LicenseHeaderStep.YearMode - Enum in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
LineEnding - Enum in com.diffplug.spotless
Represents the line endings which should be written by the tool.
LineEnding.Policy - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
A policy for line endings which can vary based on the specific file being requested.
lineEndingsPolicy(LineEnding.Policy) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter.Builder
lineSeparator - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg


MAC_CLASSIC - com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
machineIsWin() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Returns true if this JVM is running on a windows machine.
misbehaved() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Returns true iff the formatter misbehaved in any way (did not converge after a single iteration).


name() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.cpp.ClangFormatStep
name() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.python.BlackStep
NAME - Static variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.antlr4.Antlr4FormatterStep
NAME - Static variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierFormatterStep
NAME - Static variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsFmtFormatterStep
NAME - Static variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomStep
nameAndVersion(String, String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ForeignExe
The name of the executable, used by "where" (win) and "which" (unix).
named(String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair
The two steps will be named <name>In and <name>Out.
NativeCmdStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
nativeIsWin() - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
Using the system-native line endings to detect the windows operating system has turned out to be unreliable. Use FileSignature.machineIsWin() instead.
needsFile(FormatterFunc.NeedsFile) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc
Ideally, formatters don't need the underlying file.
NoLambda - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
Marker interface to prevent lambda implementations of single-method interfaces that require serializability.
NoLambda.EqualityBasedOnSerialization - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
An implementation of NoLambda in which equality is based on the serialized representation of itself.
NpmPathResolver - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
NpmPathResolver(File, File, File...) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.NpmPathResolver
nrOfIndentSpace - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg


of(AutoCloseable, FormatterFunc) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.Closeable
of(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.SimpleJsonWriter
of(T, FormatterFunc.Closeable.ResourceFunc<T>) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.Closeable
Creates a FormatterFunc.Closeable which uses the given resource to execute the format function.
of(T, FormatterFunc.Closeable.ResourceFuncNeedsFile<T>) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.Closeable
Creates a FormatterFunc.Closeable which uses the given resource to execute the file-dependent format function.
ofDangerous(AutoCloseable, FormatterFunc) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterFunc.Closeable
Dangerous way to create a FormatterFunc.Closeable from an AutoCloseable and a function.
openClose(String, String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair.Builder
Defines the opening and closing markers.
out() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair


PaddedCell - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Models the result of applying a Formatter on a given File while characterizing various failure modes (slow convergence, cycles, and divergence).
PaddedCell.DirtyState - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
The clean/dirty state of a single file.
PaddedCell.Type - Enum in com.diffplug.spotless
The kind of result.
PalantirJavaFormatStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.java
Wraps up palantir-java-format fork of google-java-format as a FormatterStep.
pathNativeToUnix(String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Transforms a native path to a unix one.
pathToExe(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ForeignExe
Path to the executable.
pathUnixToNative(String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Transforms a unix path to a native one.
PipeStepPair - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
PipeStepPair.Builder - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
PLATFORM_NATIVE - com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
\n on unix systems, \r\n on windows systems.
predefinedSortOrder - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
PRESERVE - com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep.YearMode
PrettierConfig - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
PrettierConfig(File, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierConfig
PrettierFormatterStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
PrettierFormatterStep() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierFormatterStep
PrettierRestService - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
ProcessRunner - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Shelling out to a process is harder than it ought to be in Java.
ProcessRunner() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner
ProcessRunner.Result - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Provisioner - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
Many spotless steps require third-party libraries, but we want to keep Spotless' dependencies minimal.
provisionWithTransitives(boolean, String...) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.Provisioner
Given a set of Maven coordinates, returns a set of jars which include all of the specified coordinates and optionally their transitive dependencies.
provisionWithTransitives(boolean, Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.Provisioner
Given a set of Maven coordinates, returns a set of jars which include all of the specified coordinates and optionally their transitive dependencies.


regex(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair.Builder
Defines the pipe via regex.
regex(Pattern) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.PipeStepPair.Builder
Defines the pipe via regex.
RemoveUnusedImportsStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.java
Uses google-java-format, but only to remove unused imports.
ReplaceRegexStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
ReplaceStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
resolveConfig(File, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierRestService
resolveNpmExecutable() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.NpmPathResolver
resolveNpmrcContent() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.NpmPathResolver
Result(List<String>, int, byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner.Result
ReturnValuesAreNonnullByDefault - Annotation Type in com.diffplug.spotless.annotations
rootDir(Path) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter.Builder
run() - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx.Runnable
run(ThrowingEx.Runnable) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx
Runs the given runnable, rethrowing any exceptions as runtime exceptions.


ScalaFmtStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.scala
Wraps up scalafmt as a FormatterStep.
SerializableFileFilter - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
A file filter with full support for serialization.
SET_FROM_GIT - com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep.YearMode
setBlockIndent(int) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.KtfmtFormattingOptions
setContinuationIndent(int) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.KtfmtFormattingOptions
setMaxWidth(int) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.KtfmtFormattingOptions
setRemoveUnusedImport(boolean) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.KtfmtFormattingOptions
shell(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner
Executes the given shell command (using cmd on windows and sh on unix).
shellWinUnix(String, String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner
Executes the given shell command (using cmd on windows and sh on unix).
shutdown() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.PrettierRestService
shutdown() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsFmtRestService
signAsList(File...) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Creates file signature whereas order of the files remains unchanged.
signAsList(Iterable<File>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Creates file signature whereas order of the files remains unchanged.
signAsSet(File...) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Creates file signature whereas order of the files remains unchanged.
signAsSet(Iterable<File>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Creates file signature insensitive to the order of the files.
SimpleJsonWriter - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
SimpleJsonWriter() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.SimpleJsonWriter
skipFilesNamed(String...) - Static method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.SerializableFileFilter
Creates a FileFilter which will accept all files except files with the given name(s).
sortDependencies - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
sortDependencyExclusions - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
sortExecutions - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
sortModules - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
sortOrderFile - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
sortPlugins - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
SortPomCfg - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.pom
SortPomCfg() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
SortPomStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.pom
sortProperties - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
SPACE - com.diffplug.spotless.generic.IndentStep.Type
spaceBeforeCloseEmptyElement - Variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.pom.SortPomCfg
SpotlessCache - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Spotless' global cache.
SpotlessCache() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.SpotlessCache
spotlessSetLicenseHeaderYearsFromGitHistory - Static variable in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
SQLTokenizedFormatter - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.sql.dbeaver
**Warning:** Use this class at your own risk.
SQLTokenizedFormatter(DBeaverSQLFormatterConfiguration) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.sql.dbeaver.SQLTokenizedFormatter
state() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.LazyForwardingEquality
Returns the underlying state, possibly triggering a call to {LazyForwardingEquality.calculateState().
State(String, Map<String, String>, File, NpmPathResolver, TypedTsFmtConfigFile, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsFmtFormatterStep.State
stdErr() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner.Result
stdOut() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner.Result
steps() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Returns the steps it takes to get to the result.
steps(List<FormatterStep>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Formatter.Builder
str() - Method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
Returns the standard line ending for this policy.
Strict() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.FormatterStep.Strict
subpath(String, String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.FileSignature
Asserts that child is a subpath of root.
suggestLaterVersionOnError(V, FormatterFunc) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Jvm.Support
Suggest to use a different formatter version if formatting fails
support(String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Jvm
Creates a map of JVM requirements for a formatter


TAB - com.diffplug.spotless.generic.IndentStep.Type
ThrowingEx - Class in com.diffplug.spotless
Basic functional interfaces which throw exception, along with static helper methods for calling them.
ThrowingEx.BiFunction<T1,​T2,​R> - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
A bi-function that can throw any exception.
ThrowingEx.Function<T,​R> - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
A function that can throw any exception.
ThrowingEx.Runnable - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
A runnable that can throw any exception.
ThrowingEx.Supplier<T> - Interface in com.diffplug.spotless
A supplier that can throw any exception.
ThrowingEx.WrappedAsRuntimeException - Exception in com.diffplug.spotless
A RuntimeException specifically for the purpose of wrapping non-runtime Exceptions as RuntimeExceptions.
toBytes() - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.FormatExceptionPolicy
Returns a byte array representation of everything inside this FormatExceptionPolicy.
toBytes() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.LazyForwardingEquality
toBytes() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.NoLambda.EqualityBasedOnSerialization
toBytes() - Method in interface com.diffplug.spotless.NoLambda
Returns a byte array representation of everything inside this SerializableFileFilter.
toString() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Jvm.Support
toString() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.SimpleJsonWriter
toString() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ProcessRunner.Result
toUnix(String) - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
Returns a string with exclusively unix line endings.
TrimTrailingWhitespaceStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.generic
TSCONFIG - com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsConfigFileType
TsConfigFileType - Enum in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
TSFMT - com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsConfigFileType
TsFmtFormatterStep - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
TsFmtFormatterStep() - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsFmtFormatterStep
TsFmtFormatterStep.State - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
TsFmtRestService - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
TSLINT - com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsConfigFileType
type() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Returns the type of the result (either PaddedCell.Type.CONVERGE, PaddedCell.Type.CYCLE, or PaddedCell.Type.DIVERGE).
TypedTsFmtConfigFile - Class in com.diffplug.spotless.npm
TypedTsFmtConfigFile(TsConfigFileType, File) - Constructor for class com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TypedTsFmtConfigFile


UNIX - com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
unlazy(Object) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.LazyForwardingEquality
Ensures that the lazy state has been evaluated.
unsupportedJvmFilesFilter() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
unwrapCause(Throwable) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx
Utility method for rethrowing an exception's cause with as few wrappers as possible.
UPDATE_TO_TODAY - com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep.YearMode
userMessage() - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell
Returns a string which describes this result.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.generic.IndentStep.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep.YearMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.Style
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsConfigFileType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.generic.IndentStep.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep.YearMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.kotlin.KtfmtStep.Style
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsConfigFileType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version() - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.Jvm
versionFlag(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ForeignExe
The flag which causes the exe to print its version (defaults to --version).
versionRegex(Pattern) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ForeignExe
A regex which can parse the version out of the output of the ForeignExe.versionFlag(String) command (defaults to version (\\S*))
VSCODE - com.diffplug.spotless.npm.TsConfigFileType


WINDOWS - com.diffplug.spotless.LineEnding
withContentPattern(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
withDelimiter(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
withHeaderLazy(ThrowingEx.Supplier<String>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
withHeaderString(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
withName(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
withoutTransitives(Collection<String>, Provisioner) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.JarState
Provisions the given maven coordinates without their transitive dependencies.
withPathToExe(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.cpp.ClangFormatStep
withPathToExe(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.python.BlackStep
withStyle(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.cpp.ClangFormatStep
withVersion(String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.cpp.ClangFormatStep
withVersion(String) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.python.BlackStep
withYearMode(LicenseHeaderStep.YearMode) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
withYearModeLazy(Supplier<LicenseHeaderStep.YearMode>) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
withYearSeparator(String) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.generic.LicenseHeaderStep
wrap(ThrowingEx.Function<T, R>) - Static method in class com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx
Wraps the given ThrowingEx.Function as a standard Function, rethrowing any exceptions as runtime exceptions.
WrappedAsRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.diffplug.spotless.ThrowingEx.WrappedAsRuntimeException
writeCanonicalTo(File) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell.DirtyState
writeCanonicalTo(OutputStream) - Method in class com.diffplug.spotless.PaddedCell.DirtyState
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