Class NpmPathResolver

  • public class NpmPathResolver
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • NpmPathResolver

        public NpmPathResolver​(File explicitNpmExecutable,
                               File explicitNodeExecutable,
                               File explicitNpmrcFile,
                               List<File> additionalNpmrcLocations)
    • Method Detail

      • resolveNpmExecutable

        public File resolveNpmExecutable()
        Finds the npm executable to use.
        Either the explicit npm executable is returned, or - if an explicit node executable is configured - tries to find the npm executable relative to the node executable. Falls back to looking for npm on the user's system using NpmExecutableResolver
        the npm executable to use
        IllegalStateException - if no npm executable could be found
      • resolveNodeExecutable

        public File resolveNodeExecutable()
        Finds the node executable to use.
        Either the explicit node executable is returned, or tries to find the node executable relative to the npm executable found by resolveNpmExecutable().
        the node executable to use
        IllegalStateException - if no node executable could be found
      • resolveNpmrcContent

        public String resolveNpmrcContent()