Class RegisterDependenciesTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Comparable<Task>, org.gradle.api.internal.DynamicObjectAware, org.gradle.api.internal.TaskInternal, ExtensionAware, Task, org.gradle.util.Configurable<Task>

    public abstract class RegisterDependenciesTask
    extends DefaultTask
    NOT AN END-USER TASK, DO NOT USE FOR ANYTHING! - When a user asks for a formatter, we need to download the jars for that formatter - Gradle wants us to resolve all our dependencies in the root project - no new dependencies in subprojects - So, whenever a SpotlessTask in a subproject gets configured, we call hookSubprojectTask(SpotlessTask), which makes this task a dependency of the SpotlessTask - When this "registerDependencies" task does its up-to-date check, it queries the task execution graph to see which SpotlessTasks are at risk of being executed, and causes them all to be evaluated safely in the root buildscript.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegisterDependenciesTask

        public RegisterDependenciesTask()
    • Method Detail

      • trivialFunction

        public void trivialFunction()
      • getBuildEventsListenerRegistry

        protected abstract getBuildEventsListenerRegistry()