Class RobotsTags

  • public class RobotsTags
    extends Object
    Normalises the robots instructions provided by the HTML meta tags or the HTTP X-Robots-Tag headers.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RobotsTags

        public RobotsTags​(Metadata metadata,
                          String protocolMDprefix)
        Get the values from the fetch metadata *
      • RobotsTags

        public RobotsTags()
    • Method Detail

      • extractMetaTags

        public void extractMetaTags​(String content)
        Extracts meta tags based on the value of the content attribute *
      • normaliseToMetadata

        public void normaliseToMetadata​(Metadata metadata)
        Adds a normalised representation of the directives in the metadata *
      • isNoIndex

        public boolean isNoIndex()
      • isNoFollow

        public boolean isNoFollow()
      • isNoCache

        public boolean isNoCache()