Class WS281x

    • Constructor Detail

      • WS281x

        public WS281x​(int gpioNum,
                      int brightness,
                      int numPixels)
        gpioNum - GPIO pin to use to drive the LEDs.
        brightness - Brightness level (0..255).
        numPixels - The number of pixels connected.
      • WS281x

        public WS281x​(int frequency,
                      int dmaNum,
                      int gpioNum,
                      int brightness,
                      int numPixels,
                      StripType stripType)
        frequency - Communication frequency, 800,000 or 400,000.
        dmaNum - DMA number.
        gpioNum - GPIO pin to use to drive the LEDs.
        brightness - Brightness level (0..255).
        numPixels - The number of pixels connected.
        stripType - Strip type
      • WS281x

        public WS281x​(int frequency,
                      int dmaNum,
                      int gpioNum,
                      int brightness,
                      int numPixels,
                      StripType stripType,
                      int channel)
        frequency - Communication frequency, 800,000 or 400,000.
        dmaNum - DMA number.
        gpioNum - GPIO pin to use to drive the LEDs.
        brightness - Brightness level (0..255).
        numPixels - The number of pixels connected.
        stripType - Strip type
        channel - PWM channel