Interface InteractionData

  • @Immutable
    public interface InteractionData
    • Method Detail

      • builder

        static discord4j.discordjson.json.ImmutableInteractionData.Builder builder()
      • id

        String id()
        id of the interaction
      • type

        int type()
        the type of the interaction
      • guildId

        discord4j.discordjson.possible.Possible<String> guildId()
        the guild it was sent from
      • channelId

        discord4j.discordjson.possible.Possible<String> channelId()
        the channel it was sent from
      • member

        discord4j.discordjson.possible.Possible<MemberData> member()
        guild member data for the invoking user
      • user

        discord4j.discordjson.possible.Possible<UserData> user()
        user object for the invoking user, if invoked in a DM
      • token

        String token()
        a continuation token for respoding to the interaction
      • version

        int version()
        read-only property, always 1