Class InviteCreateEvent

  • public class InviteCreateEvent
    extends Event
    Dispatched when a new invite to a channel is created.

    This event is dispatched by Discord.

    See Also:
    Invite Create
    • Method Detail

      • getGuildId

        public Optional<Snowflake> getGuildId()
        Gets the Snowflake ID of the Guild involved in the event, if present.
        The ID of the guild involved, if present.
      • getGuild

        public Mono<Guild> getGuild()
        Requests to retrieve the Guild that had an invite created in this event.
        A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Guild involved in the event. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
      • getChannelId

        public Snowflake getChannelId()
        Gets the Snowflake ID of the channel the invite is for.
        The ID of the channel involved.
      • getCode

        public String getCode()
        Gets the invite code (unique ID).
        The invite code (unique ID).
      • getInviter

        public Optional<User> getInviter()
        Gets the user that created the invite, if present.
        The user that created the invite, if present.
      • getUses

        public int getUses()
        Gets the number of times this invite has been used (always will be 0).
        The number of times this invite has been used (always will be 0).
      • getMaxUses

        public int getMaxUses()
        Gets the max number of times this invite can be used.
        The max number of times this invite can be used.
      • getMaxAge

        public int getMaxAge()
        Gets how long the invite is valid for (in seconds).
        How long the invite is valid for (in seconds).
      • isTemporary

        public boolean isTemporary()
        Gets whether this invite only grants temporary membership.
        true if this invite only grants temporary membership
      • getCreation

        public Instant getCreation()
        Gets when this invite was created.
        When this invite was created.
      • getExpiration

        public Optional<Instant> getExpiration()
        Gets the instant this invite expires, if possible.
        The instant this invite expires, if possible.
      • getInvite

        public Mono<Invite> getInvite()
        Requests to retrieve the invite Created.
        A Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Invite. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.