Class ScheduledEventUserAddEvent

  • public class ScheduledEventUserAddEvent
    extends GuildEvent
    Dispatched when a user has subscribed to a guild scheduled event.

    This event is dispatched by Discord.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScheduledEventUserAddEvent

        public ScheduledEventUserAddEvent​(GatewayDiscordClient gateway,
                                          ShardInfo shardInfo,
                                          long guildId,
                                          long scheduledEventId,
                                          long userId)
    • Method Detail

      • getGuildId

        public Snowflake getGuildId()
        Return the guild ID of the scheduled event.
        a guild snowflake
      • getGuild

        public Mono<Guild> getGuild()
        Return the guild of the scheduled event.
        a Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Guild involved. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
      • getScheduledEventId

        public Snowflake getScheduledEventId()
        Return the scheduled event ID.
        a scheduled event snowflake
      • getScheduledEvent

        public Mono<ScheduledEvent> getScheduledEvent()
        Return the scheduled event.
        a Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the ScheduledEvent involved. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
      • getUserId

        public Snowflake getUserId()
        Return the subscribing user ID.
        a user snowflake
      • getUser

        public Mono<User> getUser()
        Return the subscribing user.
        a Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the User involved. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.
      • getMember

        public Mono<Member> getMember()
        Return the subscribing guild Member.
        a Mono where, upon successful completion, emits the Member involved. If an error is received, it is emitted through the Mono.