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acknowledge() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.RestInteraction
Build an interaction handler that will acknowledge this request, displaying a loading state.
acknowledgeEphemeral() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.RestInteraction
Build an interaction handler that will acknowledge this request, displaying a loading state only for the invoking user.
add(K, V) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
Add a value to the list of values under the given key.
ADD_REACTIONS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for the addition of reactions to messages.
addAll(Multimap<K, V>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
Add all values from the given Multimap to the current ones.
addAll(K, Collection<? extends V>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
Add multiple values to the list of values under the given key.
addFile(String, InputStream) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.MultipartRequest
addFiles(List<Tuple2<String, InputStream>>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.MultipartRequest
addGroupDMRecipient(long, long, GroupAddRecipientRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
addGroupDMRecipient(Snowflake, GroupAddRecipientRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
addGuildMember(long, long, GuildMemberAddRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
addGuildMemberRole(long, long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
addMember(Snowflake, GuildMemberAddRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
addMemberRole(Snowflake, Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
addPinnedMessage(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
addPinnedMessage(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to pin a message in this channel.
ADMINISTRATOR - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows all permissions and bypasses channel permission overwrites.
after(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
after(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
all() - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Returns a PermissionSet containing all permissions.
allowedMentions - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
AllowedMentions - Class in discord4j.rest.util
A class for holding the allowed_mentions object with an built-in factory for default values.
AllowedMentions.Builder - Class in discord4j.rest.util
A builder for creating AllowedMentions objects.
AllowedMentions.Type - Enum in discord4j.rest.util
An allowed mentions type, grouped into role mentions, user mentions and everyone mentions (includes @everyone and @here).
allowRole(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Builder
Add a role to the allowed roles list.
allowRole(Snowflake...) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Builder
Add roles to the allowed roles list.
allowUser(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Builder
Add a user to the allowed users list.
allowUser(Snowflake...) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Builder
Add users to the allowed users list.
and(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical AND of this permission set with the other permission set.
andNot(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical AND NOT of this permission set with the other permission set.
any() - Static method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouteMatcher
Create a new RouteMatcher that returns true for every request.
anySetter(String, Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.json.response.ErrorResponse
APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE_RESULT - discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
Respond to an autocomplete interaction with suggested choices
APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS_BULK_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
APPLICATION_INFO_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns the bot's OAuth2 application info.
ApplicationCommandDefinition - Interface in discord4j.rest.interaction
Represents an application command that can be tested against incoming interactions and to build a response sequence.
ApplicationService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
ApplicationService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
apply(Flux<Throwable>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.RateLimitRetryOperator
apply(HttpClientResponse) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.request.RateLimitStrategy
Apply this function to a HttpClientResponse to obtain a Duration representing a delay due to rate limiting.
apply(HttpClientResponse) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.ResponseHeaderStrategy
asEnumSet() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Gets this PermissionSet as an EnumSet.
asRestMember() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionMember
Return a REST operations handler for this interaction member.
ATTACH_FILES - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for uploading images and files.
AUDIT_LOG_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns an audit log object for the guild.
AuditLogService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
AuditLogService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.AuditLogService


backedByProcessor(Supplier<FluxProcessor<Object, Object>>, FluxSink.OverflowStrategy) - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.request.RequestQueueFactory
BAN_MEMBERS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows banning members.
BASE_URL - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
The base URL for all API requests.
before() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
beginGuildPrune(long, Multimap<String, Object>, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
beginGuildPrune(long, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
beginGuildPrune(Integer, Boolean, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
BISMARK - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color bismark .
BLACK - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color black .
blocks(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.poly1305
BLUE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color blue .
body(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Set the given synchronous Object as the body for the request.
bodyToMono(Class<T>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientResponse
Read the response body and extract it to a single object according to the responseType given.
bodyToMono(Class<T>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebResponse
Read the response body and extract it to a single object according to the responseType given.
box(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
box(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
box(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
Box(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
Box(byte[], byte[], long) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
boxzerobytesLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
boxzerobytesLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
BROWN - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color brown .
BucketGlobalRateLimiter - Class in discord4j.rest.request
An implementation of GlobalRateLimiter that uses a RateLimitOperator coordinate requests, injecting an additional delay if a source trips the limiter early through BucketGlobalRateLimiter.rateLimitFor(Duration).
BucketKey - Class in discord4j.rest.request
Used to access the appropriate RequestStream according to the bucket that requests for the stream fall into.
buffering() - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.request.RequestQueueFactory
Returns a factory of RequestQueue with default parameters capable of buffering requests up to a reasonable capacity, then applying a delay on overflowing requests.
build() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.ExchangeStrategies.Builder
build() - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionHandlerSpec
Produce an interaction handler function to be used in a method such as Interactions.onGlobalCommand(ApplicationCommandRequest, Function) and will route to the appropriate guild or direct message interaction handler.
build() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Create a client capable of connecting to Discord REST API using a DefaultRouter that is capable of working in monolithic environments.
build() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Builder
Build the AllowedMentions object
build(Function<O, Router>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Create a client capable of connecting to Discord REST API using a custom Router factory.
builder() - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions
Create a builder for this AllowedMentions class.
builder(AllowedMentions) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions
Copy an existing AllowedMentions object to a new builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.http.ExchangeStrategies.Builder
buildReactorNettyHandler(RestClient) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Create a Reactor Netty HttpServer handler to be applied to a single route using a method like HttpServer.route(Consumer).
buildReactorNettyHandler(RestClient, InteractionValidator) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Create a Reactor Netty HttpServer handler to be applied to a single route using a method like HttpServer.route(Consumer).
bulkDelete(Publisher<Snowflake>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to bulk delete the supplied message IDs.
bulkDeleteMessages(long, BulkDeleteRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
bulkModifyApplicationCommandPermissions(long, long, List<PartialGuildApplicationCommandPermissionsData>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
bulkOverwriteGlobalApplicationCommand(long, List<ApplicationCommandRequest>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
bulkOverwriteGuildApplicationCommand(long, long, List<ApplicationCommandRequest>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService


canRead(Class<?>, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.EmptyReaderStrategy
canRead(Class<?>, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.FallbackReaderStrategy
canRead(Class<?>, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.JacksonReaderStrategy
canRead(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.http.ReaderStrategy
Whether the given object type is supported by this reader.
canWrite(Class<?>, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.EmptyWriterStrategy
canWrite(Class<?>, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.JacksonWriterStrategy
canWrite(Class<?>, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.MultipartWriterStrategy
canWrite(Class<?>, String) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.http.WriterStrategy
Whether the given object type is supported by this writer.
CHANGE_NICKNAME - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for modification of own nickname.
changePosition(int) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
Requests to change this role's position.
channel() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
CHANNEL_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete a guild channel, or close a private message.
CHANNEL_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Get a channel by ID.
CHANNEL_INVITE_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a new invite object for the channel.
CHANNEL_INVITES_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of invite objects (with invite metadata) for the channel.
CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE - discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
Respond to an interaction with a message
CHANNEL_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Update a channels settings.
CHANNEL_MODIFY_PARTIAL - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Update a channels settings.
CHANNEL_PERMISSION_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete a channel permission overwrite for a user or role in a channel.
CHANNEL_PERMISSIONS_EDIT - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Edit the channel permission overwrites for a user or role in a channel.
CHANNEL_WEBHOOK_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a new webhook.
CHANNEL_WEBHOOKS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of channel webhook objects.
ChannelService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
ChannelService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
CINNABAR - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color cinnabar .
clear() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
ClientException - Exception in discord4j.rest.http.client
Exception that contains information about a failed request containing HTTP response data.
ClientException(ClientRequest, HttpClientResponse, ErrorResponse) - Constructor for exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Create a new ClientException with the given HTTP request and response details.
clientFactory - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
ClientRequest - Class in discord4j.rest.http.client
An adapted request definition from an original DiscordWebRequest.
ClientRequest(DiscordWebRequest) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
Create a new ClientRequest from the given request template.
ClientResponse - Class in discord4j.rest.http.client
An HTTP response encapsulating status, headers and accessors to the response body for consumption.
Color - Class in discord4j.rest.util
com.iwebpp.crypto - package com.iwebpp.crypto
CompositeTransformer - Class in discord4j.rest.response
A ResponseFunction that can join multiple ResponseFunction instances.
CompositeTransformer(List<ResponseFunction>) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.response.CompositeTransformer
Config(String, ReactorResources, JacksonResources, ExchangeStrategies, List<ResponseFunction>, GlobalRateLimiter, Router, AllowedMentions) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder.Config
CONNECT - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for joining of a voice channel.
contains(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
containsKey(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
containsValue(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
create() - Static method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Create a new builder to work with Discord Interactions feature.
create() - Static method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketGlobalRateLimiter
Creates a new global rate limiter of 50 requests per second using Schedulers.parallel() to inject delays.
create() - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.request.GlobalRateLimiter
Create a default limiter based off BucketGlobalRateLimiter that can be shared across multiple RestClient for coordinated global rate limit actions.
create() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.request.RequestQueueFactory
Creates a new RequestQueue instance.
create(int, Duration, Scheduler) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketGlobalRateLimiter
Creates a new global rate limiter with the given parameters.
create(RestClient, Snowflake) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Create a RestChannel with the given parameters.
create(RestClient, Snowflake) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Create a RestGuild for a given ID.
create(RestClient, Snowflake) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestUser
Create a RestUser for a given ID.
create(RestClient, Snowflake) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestWebhook
Create a RestWebhook for a given ID.
create(RestClient, Snowflake, Snowflake) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestEmoji
Create a RestEmoji with the given parameters.
create(RestClient, Snowflake, Snowflake) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Create a RestMember with the given parameters.
create(RestClient, Snowflake, Snowflake) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Create a RestMessage with the given parameters.
create(RestClient, Snowflake, Snowflake) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
Create a RestRole for the given parameters.
create(RestClient, String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuildTemplate
Create a RestGuildTemplate with the given code.
create(RestClient, String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestInvite
Create a RestInvite with the given parameters.
create(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Create a RestClient with default options, using the given token for authentication.
CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows creation of instant invites.
createBan(Snowflake, Integer, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
createChannel(ChannelCreateRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Create a new channel object for the guild.
createChannelInvite(long, InviteCreateRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
createCommands(RestClient) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Send a request upon subscription to create or update all application commands definitions stored in this object.
createDM(DMCreateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.UserService
createEmoji(GuildEmojiCreateRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
createException() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientResponse
Create a ClientException based on the contents of this response.
createFollowupMessage(MultipartRequest<? extends WebhookExecuteRequest>) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Create a new followup message using the provided request.
createFollowupMessage(String) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Create a new followup message with the given content.
createFollowupMessageEphemeral(MultipartRequest<WebhookExecuteRequest>) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Create a new ephemeral followup message using the provided request.
createFollowupMessageEphemeral(String) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Create a new ephemeral followup message with the given content.
createFromSink(Function<Sinks.ManySpec, Sinks.Many<Object>>, EmissionStrategy) - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.request.RequestQueueFactory
Returns a factory of RequestQueue backed by a Sinks.Many instance.
createGlobalApplicationCommand(long, ApplicationCommandRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
createGroupDM(GroupDMCreateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.UserService
createGuild(GuildCreateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to create a guild.
createGuild(GuildCreateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
createGuild(TemplateCreateGuildRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuildTemplate
Create a new guild based on this template.
createGuild(String, TemplateCreateGuildRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.TemplateService
createGuildApplicationCommand(long, long, ApplicationCommandRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
createGuildBan(long, long, Map<String, Object>, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
createGuildChannel(long, ChannelCreateRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
createGuildEmoji(long, GuildEmojiCreateRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.EmojiService
createGuildIntegration(long, IntegrationCreateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
createGuildRole(long, RoleCreateRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
createHandler() - Static method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Start building a new interaction handling function, in order to combine guild and direct message handling.
createIntegration(IntegrationCreateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
createInteractionResponse(long, String, InteractionResponseData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.InteractionService
createInvite(InviteCreateRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to create an invite.
createMessage(long, MultipartRequest<MessageCreateRequest>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
createMessage(EmbedData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Wrapper for RestChannel.createMessage(MessageCreateRequest) taking an embed only.
createMessage(MessageCreateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to create a message using a given MessageCreateRequest as body.
createMessage(MultipartRequest<MessageCreateRequest>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to create a message using a given MultipartRequest as body.
createMessage(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Wrapper for RestChannel.createMessage(MessageCreateRequest) taking only message content.
createReaction(long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
createReaction(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Requests to add a reaction on this message.
createResponseHandler(RestInteraction) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.ApplicationCommandDefinition
Return the actual component responsible for maintaining interaction responses.
createRest(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Initialize a new builder with the given token.
createRole(RoleCreateRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
createTemplate(long, TemplateCreateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.TemplateService
createVariableMap(String, Object...) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.RouteUtils
createWebhook(long, WebhookCreateRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
CROSSPOST_MESSAGE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Crosspost a Message into all guilds what follow the news channel indicated.
crypto_box(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_afternm(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_beforenm(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_keypair(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_open(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_box_open_afternm(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_core_hsalsa20(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_core_salsa20(byte[], byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_hash(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_hash(byte[], byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_onetimeauth(byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_onetimeauth_verify(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_onetimeauth_verify(byte[], byte[], int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_scalarmult(byte[], byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_scalarmult_base(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_secretbox(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_secretbox_open(byte[], byte[], int, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_sign(byte[], long, byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_sign_keypair(byte[], byte[], boolean) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_sign_open(byte[], long, byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_stream(byte[], int, long, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_stream_salsa20(byte[], int, long, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_stream_xor(byte[], int, byte[], int, long, byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_verify_16(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
crypto_verify_32(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
CURRENT_USER_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns the user object of the requester's account.
CURRENT_USER_GUILDS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of partial guild objects the current user is a member of.
CURRENT_USER_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify the requester's user account settings.
CYAN - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color cyan .


DARK_GOLDENROD - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color dark goldenrod .
DARK_GRAY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color dark gray .
DEAFEN_MEMBERS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for deafening of members in a voice channel.
DEEP_LILAC - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color deep lilac .
DEEP_SEA - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color deep sea .
deepCopy() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
Clone this Multimap using a deep copy, including each stored value list.
DefaultRouter - Class in discord4j.rest.request
Facilitates the routing of DiscordWebRequest instances to the proper RequestStream according to the bucket in which the request falls.
DefaultRouter(RouterOptions) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.request.DefaultRouter
Create a Discord API bucket-aware Router configured with the given options.
DEFERRED_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE - discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
ACK an interaction and send a response later, the user sees a loading state
DEFERRED_UPDATE_MESSAGE - discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
For components, ACK an interaction and edit the original message later; the user does not see a loading state
delete() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Delete a guild permanently.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to delete this channel while optionally specifying a reason.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestEmoji
Delete this guild emoji.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestInvite
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Requests to delete this message while optionally specifying a reason.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
Requests to delete this role while optionally specifying the reason.
delete(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestWebhook
Delete a webhook permanently.
delete(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
deleteAllReactions() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Requests to remove all the reactions on this message.
deleteAllReactions(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
deleteChannel(long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
deleteChannelPermission(long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
deleteChannelPermission(Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to delete this permission overwrite while optionally specifying a reason.
deleteFollowupMessage(long) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Delete a followup message created under this interaction.
deleteGlobalApplicationCommand(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
deleteGroupDMRecipient(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
deleteGroupDMRecipient(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
deleteGuild(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
deleteGuildApplicationCommand(long, long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
deleteGuildEmoji(long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.EmojiService
deleteGuildIntegration(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
deleteGuildRole(long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
deleteInitialResponse() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Return a Mono that upon subscription, will delete the initial response sent when accepting this interaction.
deleteIntegration(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
deleteInvite(String, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.InviteService
deleteMessage(long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
deleteOwnReaction(long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
deleteOwnReaction(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Requests to remove a reaction from the current user on this message.
deletePinnedMessage(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
deletePinnedMessage(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to unpin a message in this channel.
deleteReaction(long, long, String, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
deleteReactions(long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
deleteReactions(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Requests to remove a specified reaction on this message.
deleteRole(Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
deleteTemplate(long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.TemplateService
deleteUserReaction(String, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Requests to remove a reaction from a specified user on this message.
deleteWebhook(long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
deleteWebhookMessage(long, String, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
deleteWebhookWithToken(long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
detached(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
detached_verify(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
direct(Function<DirectInteraction, InteractionHandler>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionHandlerSpec
Set a direct message (DM) interaction handler function.
direct(Function<DirectInteraction, InteractionHandler>) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Create an interaction handler that only accepts direct message interactions, giving you access to methods specific to DirectInteraction instances.
DirectInteraction - Interface in discord4j.rest.interaction
An RestInteraction originated from a DM channel, available for global commands and users that share a guild with a bot associated with this application.
DiscardedRequestException - Exception in discord4j.rest.request
Thrown when a REST request is discarded because of a queue overflow.
DiscardedRequestException(DiscordWebRequest) - Constructor for exception discord4j.rest.request.DiscardedRequestException
DISCORD_BLACK - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color black that can be used for Discord roles.
DISCORD_WHITE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color white that can be used for Discord embeds.
discord4j.rest - package discord4j.rest
Components used to interact with the Discord REST API.
discord4j.rest.entity - package discord4j.rest.entity
discord4j.rest.http - package discord4j.rest.http
Classes supporting HTTP processes like encoding and decoding data.
discord4j.rest.http.client - package discord4j.rest.http.client
HttpClient abstraction for Discord.
discord4j.rest.interaction - package discord4j.rest.interaction
Components used to work with Discord interactions feature.
discord4j.rest.json.response - package discord4j.rest.json.response
discord4j.rest.request - package discord4j.rest.request
Components to build and route requests to the Discord REST API.
discord4j.rest.response - package discord4j.rest.response
Components to manipulate and transform responses.
discord4j.rest.route - package discord4j.rest.route
Representation of the Discord REST API endpoints.
discord4j.rest.service - package discord4j.rest.service
Mediator components grouping API endpoint functionality.
discord4j.rest.util - package discord4j.rest.util
Utility classes supporting discord4j-rest module components.
DiscordWebClient - Class in discord4j.rest.http.client
Reactor Netty based HTTP client dedicated to Discord REST API requests.
DiscordWebClient(HttpClient, ExchangeStrategies, String, String, List<ResponseFunction>, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.http.client.DiscordWebClient
Create a new DiscordWebClient wrapping HTTP, Discord and encoding/decoding resources.
DiscordWebRequest - Class in discord4j.rest.request
Template encoding all of the needed information to make an HTTP request to Discord.
DiscordWebRequest(Route, Object...) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Create a new DiscordWebRequest template based on a Route and its compiled URI.
DiscordWebResponse - Class in discord4j.rest.request
Contract to handle a Mono of ClientResponse after a network exchange is done.
DiscordWebResponse(Mono<ClientResponse>, ReactorResources) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebResponse


edit(MessageEditRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Requests to edit this message.
edit(RoleModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
Requests to edit this role.
edit(UserModifyRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to edit this client (i.e., modify the current bot user).
editChannelPermissions(long, long, PermissionsEditRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
editChannelPermissions(Snowflake, PermissionsEditRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to edit channel permission overwrites for the given member or role while optionally specifying a reason.
editFollowupMessage(long, WebhookMessageEditRequest, boolean) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Modify the given message by ID using the provided request.
editFollowupMessage(long, MultipartRequest<WebhookMessageEditRequest>) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Modify the given message by ID using the provided request.
editInitialResponse(WebhookMessageEditRequest) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Return a Mono that upon subscription, will modify the initial response sent when accepting this interaction with the given raw request content.
editInitialResponse(MultipartRequest<WebhookMessageEditRequest>) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Return a Mono that upon subscription, will modify the initial response sent when accepting this interaction with the given raw request content.
editMessage(long, long, MultipartRequest<MessageEditRequest>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
EMBED_LINKS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Links sent by users with this permission will be auto-embedded.
emoji(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Return a RestEmoji representation under this guild.
EmojiService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
EmojiService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.EmojiService
emptyIfNotFound() - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.response.ResponseFunction
Transform every HTTP 404 status code into an empty response into an empty sequence, effectively suppressing the ClientException that would be forwarded otherwise.
emptyIfNotFound(RouteMatcher) - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.response.ResponseFunction
Transforms HTTP 404 status codes caused by requests matching the given RouteMatcher into an empty sequence, effectively suppressing the ClientException that would be forwarded otherwise.
emptyOnErrorStatus(RouteMatcher, Integer...) - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.response.ResponseFunction
Transforms the given error status codes caused by requests matching the given RouteMatcher, effectively suppressing the ClientException that would be forwarded otherwise.
emptyOnStatus(int) - Static method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Transformation function that can be used within an operator such as Mono.transform(Function) or Mono.transformDeferred(Function) to turn an error sequence matching the given HTTP status code, into an empty sequence, effectively suppressing the original error.
EmptyReaderStrategy - Class in discord4j.rest.http
Read a response without a body.
EmptyReaderStrategy() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.http.EmptyReaderStrategy
EmptyResponseTransformer - Class in discord4j.rest.response
A ResponseFunction that is able to transform an error sequence with a HTTP 404 status, into an empty sequence.
EmptyResponseTransformer(RouteMatcher, Predicate<Throwable>) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.response.EmptyResponseTransformer
EmptyWriterStrategy - Class in discord4j.rest.http
Write a request without a body.
EmptyWriterStrategy() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.http.EmptyWriterStrategy
ENDEAVOUR - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color endeavour .
entrySet() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestEmoji
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuildTemplate
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestInvite
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestUser
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestWebhook
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketKey
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Image
equals(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
ErrorResponse - Class in discord4j.rest.json.response
ErrorResponse() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.json.response.ErrorResponse
EVERYONE_AND_HERE - discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Type
Control @everyone and @here mentions.
exchange(ClientRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.DiscordWebClient
Exchange a request for a Mono response.
exchange(DiscordWebRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DefaultRouter
exchange(DiscordWebRequest) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.request.Router
Queues a request for execution.
exchange(Router) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Exchange this request through the given Router.
exchangeStrategies - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
ExchangeStrategies - Interface in discord4j.rest.http
Defines the strategies to request and response body conversion.
ExchangeStrategies.Builder - Class in discord4j.rest.http
A mutable builder for creating an ExchangeStrategies
executeWebhook(long, String, boolean, MultipartRequest<? extends WebhookExecuteRequest>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
Executes the specified webhook.
expand(String, Object...) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.RouteUtils
expandQuery(String, Multimap<String, Object>) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.RouteUtils


FallbackReaderStrategy - Class in discord4j.rest.http
Read a response as a String as a catch-all, unless the given response type is ErrorResponse, in which case it will attempt to store the response into the ErrorResponse body field.
FallbackReaderStrategy() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.http.FallbackReaderStrategy
findHandler(InteractionData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Find the first handler that matches the given InteractionData.
finish(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.poly1305
follow(NewsChannelFollowRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Requests to follow this channel.
FOLLOW_NEWS_CHANNEL - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Follow a News Channel to send messages to a target channel.
followNewsChannel(long, NewsChannelFollowRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
FollowupInteractionHandler - Class in discord4j.rest.interaction
An interaction handler that can have an additional asynchronous sequence for followup actions using FollowupInteractionHandler.withFollowup(Function).
forEachElement(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
Performs the given action for each element, meaning once per each K-V entry in this Multimap, until all entries have been processed or the action throws an exception.


GATEWAY_BOT_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns an object with the same information as Get Gateway, plus a shards key, containing the recommended number of shards to connect with (as an integer).
GATEWAY_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns an object with a single valid WSS URL, which the client can use as a basis for Connecting.
GatewayService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
GatewayService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.GatewayService
get(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
get(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
getAllowedMentions() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder.Config
getAllowedMentions() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestResources
Return the configured AllowedMentions, if present.
getApplicationCommandPermissions(long, long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
getApplicationId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
getApplicationInfo() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the application info.
getApplicationService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Application resource.
getAuditLog(long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.AuditLogService
getAuditLogService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Audit Log resource.
getBan(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getBans() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getBlue() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
Returns the blue value for this color, as an integer in the range 0-255.
getBody() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
Return the body to encode while processing this request.
getBody() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientResponse
Return the body of this response as a Mono of ByteBuf.
getBody() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Return the body of this request, if present.
getChannel(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
getChannelById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the channel represented by the supplied ID.
getChannelId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Returns the ID of the channel this message belongs to.
getChannelId() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.RestInteraction
Return the channel ID where this interaction was created.
getChannelInvites(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
getChannels() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Return a Flux of guild channels.
getChannelService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Channel resource.
getChannelWebhooks(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
getCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuildTemplate
Gets the code of this template.
getCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestInvite
Gets the invite code.
getCommandInteractionData() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.RestInteraction
Return the raw application command interaction data from this interaction.
getCompleteUri() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Return the compiled URI of this request.
getCreateRequest() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.MultipartRequest
getCurrentApplicationInfo() - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
getCurrentUser() - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.UserService
getCurrentUserGuilds(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.UserService
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Retrieve this channel's data upon subscription.
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestEmoji
Retrieve this guild emoji's data upon subscription.
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Retrieve this guild's data upon subscription.
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuildTemplate
Retrieve this template's data upon subscription.
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestInvite
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Requests to retrieve the Member's MemberData
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Retrieve this messages' data upon subscription.
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
Retrieve this role's data upon subscription.
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestUser
Retrieve this user's data upon subscription.
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestWebhook
Retrieve this webhook's data upon subscription.
getData() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.RestInteraction
Return the raw data for this interaction.
getData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Image
Gets the raw data of the image.
getData(Boolean) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Retrieve this guild's data upon subscription.
getDataUri() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Image
Gets a data URI for this image.
getDefaultHeaders() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.DiscordWebClient
Return the default headers used in every request.
getDescription() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
getDescription() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
getDiscordBaseUrl() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouterOptions
Returns the base url of the Discord API.
getDiscordRequest() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
Return the original request template.
getEmojis() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getEmojiService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Guild Emoji resource.
getErrorResponse() - Method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Return the HTTP response body in the form of a Discord ErrorResponse, if present.
getExchangeStrategies() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.DiscordWebClient
Return the strategy used for request and response conversion.
getExchangeStrategies() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouterOptions
Returns the currently configured ExchangeStrategies.
getExchangeStrategies() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder.Config
getExtension() - Method in enum discord4j.rest.util.Image.Format
Gets the file extension associated with this format.
getFields() - Method in class discord4j.rest.json.response.ErrorResponse
getFiles() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.MultipartRequest
getFormat() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Image
Gets the format of the image.
getGateway() - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GatewayService
getGatewayBot() - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GatewayService
getGatewayService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Gateway resource.
getGlobalApplicationCommand(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
getGlobalApplicationCommands(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
getGlobalRateLimiter() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouterOptions
Returns the currently configured GlobalRateLimiter.
getGlobalRateLimiter() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder.Config
getGreen() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
Returns the green value for this color, as an integer in the range 0-255.
getGuild(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuild(long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildApplicationCommand(long, long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
getGuildApplicationCommandPermissions(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
getGuildApplicationCommands(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
getGuildBan(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildBans(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the guild represented by the supplied ID.
getGuildChannels(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildEmoji(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.EmojiService
getGuildEmojiById(Snowflake, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the guild emoji represented by the supplied IDs.
getGuildEmojis(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.EmojiService
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestEmoji
Returns the ID of the guild this emoji belongs to.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Returns the ID of the guild this member belongs to.
getGuildId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
Returns the ID of the guild this role belongs to.
getGuildId() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.GuildInteraction
Return the guild ID where this interaction was created.
getGuildId() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionMember
Return the guild ID where this interaction was created.
getGuildIntegrations(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildInvites(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildMember(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildMembers(long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildPreview(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildPruneCount(long, Multimap<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildPruneCount(long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildRoles(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuilds() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the guilds the current client is in.
getGuildService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Guild resource.
getGuildVoiceRegions(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getGuildWebhooks(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
getGuildWidget(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
getHash() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Image
Gets the Base64-encoded data of the image.
getHeaders() - Method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Return the HttpHeaders from the error response.
getHeaders() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
Return the headers of this request.
getHeaders() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Return the request headers, if present.
getHighestRole() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Requests to retrieve the member's highest guild role.
getHttpClient() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.DiscordWebClient
Return the underlying Reactor Netty HTTP client.
getHttpResponse() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientResponse
Return the underlying HttpClientResponse from where you can access the response headers, status and context.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Returns the ID of this channel.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestEmoji
Returns the ID of this emoji.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Returns the ID of this guild.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Returns the ID of this member.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Returns the ID of this message.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
Returns the ID of this role.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestUser
Returns the ID of this user.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestWebhook
Returns the ID of this webhook.
getId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
Return this request's ID for correlation.
getId() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.RestInteraction
Return the ID for this interaction.
getInitialResponse() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionResponse
Return a Mono that upon subscription, will retrieve the initial response sent when accepting this interaction.
getIntegrations() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getInteractionMember() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.GuildInteraction
Return this interaction member.
getInteractionService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Interaction resource.
getInvite(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve an invite.
getInvite(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.InviteService
getInvites() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to retrieve this channel's invites.
getInvites() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getInviteService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Invite resource.
getJacksonResources() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder.Config
getJacksonResources() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestResources
Return Jackson resources to transform objects.
getJsonPayload() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.MultipartRequest
getMajorParam(String, String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.RouteUtils
getMember(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getMemberById(Snowflake, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the member represented by the supplied IDs.
getMemberData() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionMember
Return the raw member data that created this interaction.
getMembers() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getMessage(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
getMessageById(Snowflake, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the message represented by the supplied IDs.
getMessages(long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
getMessagesAfter(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to retrieve all messages after the specified ID.
getMessagesBefore(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to retrieve all messages before the specified ID.
getMethod() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
Return the HTTP method.
getMethod() - Method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
Return the HTTP method for this route.
getNonce() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
getNonce() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
getPermissions() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionMember
Return the effective permission set for this interaction member.
getPinnedMessages() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to retrieve all the pinned messages for this channel.
getPinnedMessages(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
getPreview() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getPrivateChannel() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestUser
Requests to retrieve the private channel (DM) to this user.
getPruneCount(Integer) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair
getQueryParams() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Return the query parameters saved in this request, if present.
getRaw() - Method in enum discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Type
getRawValue() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Gets the raw value for this PermissionSet.
getReactions(long, long, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
getReactorResources() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouterOptions
Returns the currently configured ReactorResources.
getReactorResources() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder.Config
getReactorResources() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestResources
Return Reactor resources to establish connections and schedule tasks.
getRed() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
Returns the red value for this color, as an integer in the range 0-255.
getRegions() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getRegions() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the voice regions that are available.
getRemaining() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketGlobalRateLimiter
getRemaining() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.request.GlobalRateLimiter
Returns the Duration remaining until the current global rate limit is completed.
getRequest() - Method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Return the ClientRequest encapsulating a Discord API request.
getRequest() - Method in exception discord4j.rest.request.DiscardedRequestException
getRequestQueueFactory() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouterOptions
Returns the RequestQueueFactory to use for creating RequestQueue instances.
getResponse() - Method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Return the HttpClientResponse encapsulating a low-level Discord API response.
getResponseTransformers() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouterOptions
Returns the list of ResponseFunction transformations that can be applied to every response.
getResponseTransformers() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder.Config
getRestMessage(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Create a RestMessage entity for a given ID under this channel.
getRestResources() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Obtain the RestResources associated with this RestClient.
getRGB() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
Returns the RGB value for this color.
getRoleById(Snowflake, Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the role represented by the supplied IDs.
getRoles() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getRoles() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionMember
Return the role set for this interaction member.
getRoute() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
Return the API endpoint targeted by this request.
getRoute() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Return the API endpoint targeted by this request.
getRouter() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder.Config
getRouter() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestResources
Return the Router tied to this resources object.
getRouter() - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.RestService
getSecretKey() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair
getSecretKey() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair
getSelf() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the bot user.
getSelfId() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestResources
Gets the bot user's ID.
getSelfMember() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getSelfMember(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the bot user, represented as a member of the guild of the supplied ID
getStatus() - Method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Return the HttpResponseStatus with information related to the HTTP error.
getTemplate(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve an template.
getTemplate(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.TemplateService
getTemplates() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getTemplates(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.TemplateService
getTemplateService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Template resource.
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouterOptions
Returns the currently configured token.
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder.Config
getToken() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestResources
Return the bot token used to authenticate requests.
getUriTemplate() - Method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
Return the URI template that defines this route.
getUrl() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
Return the request URL.
getUser(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.UserService
getUserById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the user represented by the supplied ID.
getUserConnections() - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.UserService
getUserData() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.DirectInteraction
Return the raw user data that created this interaction.
getUserId() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionMember
Return the user ID who created this interaction.
getUserService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the User resource.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
Gets the underlying value as represented by Discord.
getValue() - Method in enum discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Gets the permission's value.
getVoiceRegions() - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.VoiceService
getVoiceService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Voice Region resource.
getWebhook(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
getWebhookById(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the webhook represented by the supplied ID.
getWebhookMessage(long, String, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
getWebhooks() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
getWebhooks() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
getWebhookService() - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Access a low-level representation of the API endpoints for the Webhook resource.
getWebhookWithToken(long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
getWidget() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
GIF - discord4j.rest.util.Image.Format
Represents the Graphics Interchange Format format.
GLOBAL_APPLICATION_COMMAND_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GLOBAL_APPLICATION_COMMAND_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GLOBAL_APPLICATION_COMMAND_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GLOBAL_APPLICATION_COMMANDS_BULK_OVERWRITE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GLOBAL_APPLICATION_COMMANDS_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GLOBAL_APPLICATION_COMMANDS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
globalRateLimiter - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
GlobalRateLimiter - Interface in discord4j.rest.request
Used to prevent requests from being sent while the bot is globally rate limited.
GRAY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color gray .
GRAY_CHATEAU - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color gray chateau .
GREEN - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color green .
GROUP_DM_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a new group DM channel with multiple users.
GROUP_DM_RECIPIENT_ADD - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token.
GROUP_DM_RECIPIENT_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Removes a recipient from a Group DM.
groupElementLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult
guild() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestEmoji
Return this emoji's parent RestGuild.
guild() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Create a RestGuild with data from this Member.
guild() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
Return the guild tied to this role as a REST operations handle.
guild(Function<GuildInteraction, InteractionHandler>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionHandlerSpec
Set a guild interaction handler function.
guild(Function<GuildInteraction, InteractionHandler>) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Create an interaction handler that only accepts guild interactions, giving you access to methods specific to GuildInteraction instances.
GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMAND_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMAND_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMAND_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMAND_PERMISSIONS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMANDS_BULK_OVERWRITE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMANDS_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GUILD_APPLICATION_COMMANDS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
GUILD_BAN_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a guild ban, and optionally delete previous messages sent by the banned user.
GUILD_BAN_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a ban object for the given user or a 404 not found if the ban cannot be found.
GUILD_BAN_REMOVE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Remove the ban for a user.
GUILD_BANS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of ban objects for the users banned from this guild.
GUILD_CHANNEL_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a new channel object for the guild.
GUILD_CHANNEL_POSITIONS_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify the positions of a set of role objects for the guild.
GUILD_CHANNELS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of guild channel objects.
GUILD_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a new guild.
GUILD_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete a guild permanently.
GUILD_EMOJI_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a new emoji for the guild.
GUILD_EMOJI_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete the given emoji.
GUILD_EMOJI_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns an emoji object for the given guild and emoji IDs.
GUILD_EMOJI_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify the given emoji.
GUILD_EMOJIS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of emoji objects for the given guild.
GUILD_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns the guild object for the given id.
GUILD_INTEGRATION_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Attach an integration object from the current user to the guild.
GUILD_INTEGRATION_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete the attached integration object for the guild.
GUILD_INTEGRATION_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify the behavior and settings of a integration object for the guild.
GUILD_INTEGRATION_SYNC - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Sync an integration.
GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of integration objects for the guild.
GUILD_INVITES_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of invite objects (with invite metadata) for the guild.
GUILD_LEAVE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Leave a guild.
GUILD_MEMBER_ADD - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Adds a user to the guild, provided you have a valid oauth2 access token for the user with the guilds.join scope.
GUILD_MEMBER_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a guild member object for the specified user.
GUILD_MEMBER_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify attributes of a guild member.
GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Remove a member from a guild.
GUILD_MEMBER_ROLE_ADD - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Adds a role to a guild member.
GUILD_MEMBER_ROLE_REMOVE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Removes a role from a guild member.
GUILD_MEMBERS_LIST - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of guild member objects that are members of the guild.
GUILD_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify a guild's settings.
GUILD_PREVIEW_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns the guild preview object.
GUILD_PRUNE_BEGIN - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Begin a prune operation.
GUILD_PRUNE_COUNT_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns an object with one 'pruned' key indicating the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation.
GUILD_ROLE_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a new role for the guild.
GUILD_ROLE_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete a guild role.
GUILD_ROLE_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify a guild role.
GUILD_ROLE_POSITIONS_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify the positions of a set of role objects for the guild.
GUILD_ROLES_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of role objects for the guild.
GUILD_TEMPLATE_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Creates a template for the guild.
GUILD_TEMPLATE_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Deletes the template.
GUILD_TEMPLATE_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Get a template.
GUILD_TEMPLATE_LIST_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns an array of template objects.
GUILD_TEMPLATE_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modifies the template's metadata.
GUILD_TEMPLATE_SYNC - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Syncs the template to the guild's current state.
GUILD_VOICE_REGIONS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of voice region objects for the guild.
GUILD_WEBHOOKS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of guild webhook objects.
GUILD_WIDGET_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns the guild widget object.
GUILD_WIDGET_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify a guild widget object for the guild.
GuildInteraction - Interface in discord4j.rest.interaction
An RestInteraction originated from a guild, giving access to specific guild ID and interaction member data.
GuildService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
GuildService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService


Hash() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Hash
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestEmoji
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuildTemplate
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestInvite
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestRole
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestUser
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestWebhook
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketKey
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Image
hashCode() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
hasHigherRoles(Collection<Snowflake>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Requests to determine if the position of this member's highest role is greater than the highest position of the provided roles.
hashLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Hash
header(String, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Adds the given key and value to the headers of this request.
hexDecode(String) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
hexEncodeToString(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
HOKI - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color hoki .


Image - Class in discord4j.rest.util
Represents a Discord image.
Image.Format - Enum in discord4j.rest.util
The format of an image.
incrNonce() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
incrNonce() - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
INTERACTION_RESPONSE_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
InteractionHandler - Interface in discord4j.rest.interaction
An interaction handler is responsible for providing an initial response and followup for incoming interactions.
InteractionHandlerSpec - Class in discord4j.rest.interaction
An immutable builder for creating an RestInteraction handler function, capable of handling guild and direct message interactions.
InteractionMember - Interface in discord4j.rest.interaction
A member that initiated a specific interaction.
InteractionResponse - Interface in discord4j.rest.interaction
A handler for common operations related to an interaction followup response.
InteractionResponseType - Enum in discord4j.rest.util
Interactions - Class in discord4j.rest.interaction
An entry point to build and process Discord interactions.
Interactions.ReactorNettyServerHandler - Interface in discord4j.rest.interaction
An alias for a Reactor Netty server route.
InteractionService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
InteractionService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.InteractionService
InteractionValidator - Interface in discord4j.rest.interaction
Implement to validate interactions
INVITE_ACCEPT - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Accept an invite.
INVITE_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete an invite.
INVITE_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns an invite object for the given code.
InviteService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
InviteService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.InviteService
isEmpty() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
isHigher(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Requests to determine if this member is nigher in the role hierarchy than the member as represented by the supplied ID or signal IllegalArgumentException if the member as represented by the supplied ID is in a different guild than this member.
isHigher(RestMember) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Requests to determine if this member is higher in the role hierarchy than the provided member or signal IllegalArgumentException if the provided member is in a different guild than this member.
isRetryContextStatusCode(int) - Static method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Predicate helper to further classify a ClientException, while creating a Retry factory, depending on the underlying HTTP status code.
isRetryContextStatusCode(Integer...) - Static method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Predicate helper to further classify a ClientException, while creating a Retry factory, depending on the underlying HTTP status code.
isStatusCode(int) - Static method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Predicate helper to further classify a ClientException depending on the underlying HTTP status code.
isStatusCode(Integer...) - Static method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Predicate helper to further classify a ClientException depending on the underlying HTTP status code.
iterator() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet


jackson(ObjectMapper) - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.http.ExchangeStrategies
Return an ExchangeStrategies using the defaults for processing JSON requests using Jackson.
JacksonReaderStrategy<T> - Class in discord4j.rest.http
Read a response into JSON and convert to an Object of type <Res> using Jackson.
JacksonReaderStrategy(ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.http.JacksonReaderStrategy
jacksonResources - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
JacksonWriterStrategy - Class in discord4j.rest.http
Write to a request from an Object to a JSON String using Jackson.
JacksonWriterStrategy(ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.http.JacksonWriterStrategy
JAZZBERRY_JAM - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color jazzberry jam .
JPEG - discord4j.rest.util.Image.Format
Represents the Joint Photographic Experts Group format.


KEY_REQUEST_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.http.client.DiscordWebClient
keyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
keyPair() - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
keyPair() - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
KeyPair() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair
KeyPair() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair
keyPair_fromSecretKey(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
keyPair_fromSecretKey(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
keyPair_fromSeed(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
keySet() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
KICK_MEMBERS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows kicking members.


leaveGuild(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.UserService
LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color light gray .
LIGHT_SEA_GREEN - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color light sea green .


MAGENTA - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color magenta .
makeBoxNonce() - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
makeSecretBoxNonce() - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
MANAGE_CHANNELS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows management and editing of channels.
MANAGE_EMOJIS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows management and editing of emojis.
MANAGE_GUILD - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows management and editing of the guild.
MANAGE_MESSAGES - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for deletion of other users messages.
MANAGE_NICKNAMES - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for modification of other users nicknames.
MANAGE_ROLES - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows management and editing of roles.
MANAGE_WEBHOOKS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows management and editing of webhooks.
matches(DiscordWebRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouteMatcher
Tests this matcher against the given DiscordWebRequest.
MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color medium sea green .
member(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Return a RestMember representation under this guild.
MENTION_EVERYONE - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for using the @everyone tag to notify all users in a channel, and the @here tag to notify all online users in a channel.
message(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Return a RestMessage belonging to this channel.
MESSAGE_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Post a message to a guild text or DM channel.
MESSAGE_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete a message.
MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete multiple messages in a single request.
MESSAGE_EDIT - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Edit a previously sent message.
MESSAGE_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a specific message in the channel.
MESSAGE_SUPPRESS_EMBEDS - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Enable/disable suppression of embeds on a Message.
MESSAGES_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns the messages for a channel.
MESSAGES_PINNED_ADD - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Pin a message in a channel.
MESSAGES_PINNED_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete a pinned message in a channel.
MESSAGES_PINNED_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns all pinned messages in the channel as an array of message objects.
MODAL - discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
Response to a supported interaction with a modal
MODERATE_MEMBERS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for timing out users to prevent them from sending or reacting to messages in chat and threads, and from speaking in voice and stage channels.
modify(ChannelModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to edit this text channel using a given ChannelModifyRequest as body and optionally, a reason.
modify(GuildEmojiModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestEmoji
Modify this guild emoji.
modify(GuildModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Modify a guild's settings.
modify(WebhookModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestWebhook
Modify a webhook.
modifyApplicationCommandPermissions(long, long, long, ApplicationCommandPermissionsRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
modifyChannel(long, ChannelModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
modifyChannelPositions(List<PositionModifyRequest>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
modifyCurrentUser(UserModifyRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.UserService
modifyGlobalApplicationCommand(long, long, ApplicationCommandRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
modifyGuild(long, GuildModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyGuildApplicationCommand(long, long, long, ApplicationCommandRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ApplicationService
modifyGuildChannelPositions(long, PositionModifyRequest[]) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyGuildEmoji(long, long, GuildEmojiModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.EmojiService
modifyGuildIntegration(long, long, IntegrationModifyRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyGuildMember(long, long, GuildMemberModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyGuildRole(long, long, RoleModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyGuildRolePositions(long, PositionModifyRequest[]) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyGuildWidget(long, GuildWidgetModifyRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyIntegration(Snowflake, IntegrationModifyRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
modifyMember(Snowflake, GuildMemberModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
modifyOthersVoiceState(long, long, UpdateUserVoiceStateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyOwnNickname(long, NicknameModifyData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyOwnNickname(NicknameModifyData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
modifyRole(Snowflake, RoleModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
modifyRolePositions(List<PositionModifyRequest>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
modifySelfVoiceState(long, UpdateCurrentUserVoiceStateRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
modifyTemplate(long, String, TemplateModifyRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.TemplateService
modifyWebhook(long, WebhookModifyRequest, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
modifyWebhookMessage(long, String, String, WebhookMessageEditRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
modifyWebhookMessage(long, String, String, MultipartRequest<WebhookMessageEditRequest>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
modifyWebhookWithToken(long, String, WebhookModifyWithTokenRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
modifyWidget(GuildWidgetModifyRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
mono() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebResponse
Return the underlying Mono of ClientResponse.
MOON_YELLOW - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color moon yellow .
MOVE_MEMBERS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for moving of members between voice channels.
Multimap<K,​V> - Class in discord4j.rest.util
A simple multi-valued map that wraps a LinkedHashMap with LinkedList to store multiple values.
Multimap() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
Create an empty Multimap.
Multimap(int) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
Create an empty Multimap with a given initial capacity.
MultipartRequest<T> - Class in discord4j.rest.util
MultipartWriterStrategy - Class in discord4j.rest.http
Write to a request from a Consumer<HttpClientRequest.Form> using reactor-netty's HttpClient.RequestSender.sendForm(java.util.function.BiConsumer).
MultipartWriterStrategy(ObjectMapper) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.http.MultipartWriterStrategy
mutate() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions
Copy this AllowedMentions object to a new builder.
MUTE_MEMBERS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for muting members in a voice channel.


newRequest(Object...) - Method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
Prepare a request, expanding this route template URI with the given parameters.
NICKNAME_MODIFY_OWN - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modifies the nickname of the current user in a guild.
nonceLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
nonceLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
none() - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Returns a PermissionSet containing no permissions.
not() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical NOT of this permission set.


of(float, float, float) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
Initializes a new instance of Color using the specified red, green, and blue values, which must be given as floats in the range of 0.0F-1.0F.
of(int) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
Initializes a new instance of Color using the specified RGB value.
of(int) - Static method in enum discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
Gets the type of an interaction response.
of(int, int, int) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
Initializes a new instance of Color using the specified red, green, and blue values, which must be given as integers in the range of 0-255.
of(long) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Returns a PermissionSet containing all the permissions represented by the raw value.
of(DiscordWebRequest) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketKey
of(Permission...) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Returns a PermissionSet containing all the supplied permissions.
of(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Returns a PermissionSet containing all the permissions represented by the raw value.
of(String, String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketKey
ofRaw(byte[], Image.Format) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.Image
Constructs an Image utilizing raw image data.
ofRequest(T) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.MultipartRequest
ofRequestAndFiles(T, List<Tuple2<String, InputStream>>) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.MultipartRequest
ofUrl(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.Image
Constructs an Image using the resource at the given url.
onClientResponse(ResponseFunction) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Sets a new API response behavior to the supporting Router, allowing cross-cutting behavior across all requests made by it.
onCommand(Snowflake, Function<RestInteraction, InteractionHandler>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Add an application command handler that will match a command by the given Snowflake id.
onCommand(String, Function<RestInteraction, InteractionHandler>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Add an application command handler that will match a command by the given name.
onGlobalCommand(ApplicationCommandRequest, Function<RestInteraction, InteractionHandler>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Use an application command definition to also add a handler associated with it.
onGuildCommand(ApplicationCommandRequest, Snowflake, Function<GuildInteraction, InteractionHandler>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.Interactions
Use an application command definition to also add a handler associated with it.
onInteractionResponse(InteractionResponse) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.FollowupInteractionHandler
onInteractionResponse(InteractionResponse) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionHandler
Return a reactive sequence to work with an interaction token after an initial response has been sent.
open(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
open(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
open(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
open(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
open_after(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
open_after(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
optionalHeader(String, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Adds the given key and value to the headers of this request if and only if value is not null.
optionsModifier - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
or(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical OR of this permission set with the other permission set.
ORANGE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color orange .
orderRoles(Flux<RoleData>) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.OrderUtil
Sorts roles according to visual ordering in Discord.
OrderUtil - Class in discord4j.rest.util
A utility class for the sorting of RestRole.
OrderUtil() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.util.OrderUtil
OTHERS_VOICE_STATE_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Updates another user's voice state.
overheadLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
overheadLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox


paginateAfter(Function<Map<String, Object>, Flux<T>>, ToLongFunction<T>, long, int) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.PaginationUtil
paginateBefore(Function<Map<String, Object>, Flux<T>>, ToLongFunction<T>, long, int) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.PaginationUtil
PaginationUtil - Class in discord4j.rest.util
PaginationUtil() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.util.PaginationUtil
parseType(AllowedMentions.Type) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Builder
Add a type to the allowed parsed types list.
parseType(AllowedMentions.Type...) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Builder
Add types to the allowed parsed types list.
patch(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
Permission - Enum in discord4j.rest.util
Permissions are a way to limit and grant certain abilities to users.
PermissionSet - Class in discord4j.rest.util
An immutable, specialized Set<Permission>.
PINK - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color pink .
PNG - discord4j.rest.util.Image.Format
Represents the Portable Network Graphics format.
poly1305(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.poly1305
PONG - discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
ACK a Ping
post(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
PRIORITY_SPEAKER - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for using priority speaker in a voice channel.
publicKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
publicKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
publish() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMessage
Requests to publish (crosspost) this message if the channel is of type 'news'.
publishMessage(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
push(T) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.request.RequestQueue
Pushes a new request to the queue.
put(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
put(K, List<V>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends List<V>>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap


query(Multimap<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Add the given names and values as request query parameters.
query(String, Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Add the given name and value as a request query parameter.
query(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
Adds the given names and values as request query parameters.


randombytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
randombytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
randombytes(int) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
rateLimitFor(Duration) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketGlobalRateLimiter
rateLimitFor(Duration) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.request.GlobalRateLimiter
Sets a new rate limit that will be applied to every operation performed using GlobalRateLimiter.withLimiter(Publisher).
RateLimitRetryOperator - Class in discord4j.rest.request
The retry function used for reading and completing HTTP requests.
RateLimitRetryOperator(Scheduler) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.request.RateLimitRetryOperator
RateLimitStrategy - Interface in discord4j.rest.request
A mapper between a HttpClientResponse and a Duration representing a delay due to rate limiting.
REACTION_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a reaction for the message.
REACTION_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Deletes all the reactions for a given emoji on a message.
REACTION_DELETE_OWN - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete a reaction the current user has made for the message.
REACTION_DELETE_USER - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Deletes another user's reaction.
REACTIONS_DELETE_ALL - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Deletes all reactions on a message.
REACTIONS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Get a list of users that reacted with this emoji.
reactorResources - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
read(Mono<ByteBuf>, Class<Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.FallbackReaderStrategy
read(Mono<ByteBuf>, Class<Void>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.EmptyReaderStrategy
read(Mono<ByteBuf>, Class<T>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.JacksonReaderStrategy
read(Mono<ByteBuf>, Class<T>) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.http.ReaderStrategy
Read from the input message and encode to a single object.
READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for reading of message history.
readers() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.http.ExchangeStrategies
Retrieve the list of reader strategies to convert a response body.
readerStrategy(ReaderStrategy<?>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.ExchangeStrategies.Builder
Add a new reader strategy for response body conversion.
ReaderStrategy<T> - Interface in discord4j.rest.http
Strategy for reading from a HttpClientResponse and decoding the stream of bytes to an Object of type <Res>.
RED - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color red .
remove(Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
removeGuildBan(long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
removeGuildBan(Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
removeGuildMember(long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
removeGuildMember(Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
removeGuildMemberRole(long, long, long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
removeMemberRole(Snowflake, Snowflake, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
repliedUser(boolean) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Builder
Set whether to mention the author of the message being replied to.
reply(InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackData) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.RestInteraction
Build an interaction handler that will produce a reply using the contents of the supplied callback data to the interaction member.
reply(String) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.RestInteraction
Build an interaction handler that will produce a text reply to the interaction member.
replyEphemeral(String) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.RestInteraction
Build an interaction handler that will produce a text reply only to the interaction member.
REQUEST_TO_SPEAK - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for requesting to speak in stage channels.
RequestQueue<T> - Interface in discord4j.rest.request
Abstraction for a REST request queue.
requestQueueFactory - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
RequestQueueFactory - Interface in discord4j.rest.request
Factory to create RequestQueue instances.
requests() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.request.RequestQueue
Exposes a Flux that continuously emits requests available in queue.
requiresMfa() - Method in enum discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Gets whether the permission requires the owner account to use multi-factor authentication when used on a guild that has server-side MFA enabled.
response() - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.FollowupInteractionHandler
response() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionHandler
Return the response to be sent to Discord on interaction create.
ResponseFunction - Interface in discord4j.rest.response
A transformation function used while processing DiscordWebRequest objects.
ResponseHeaderStrategy - Class in discord4j.rest.request
ResponseHeaderStrategy() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.request.ResponseHeaderStrategy
responseTransformers - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
restBuilder(String) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Obtain a RestClientBuilder able to create RestClient instances, using the given token for authentication.
restChannel(ChannelData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the channel represented by the supplied ChannelData.
RestChannel - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Represents a guild or DM channel within Discord.
RestClient - Class in discord4j.rest
An aggregation of all Discord REST API resources available.
RestClient(RestResources) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Create a new RestClient using the given Router as connector to perform requests.
RestClientBuilder<C,​O extends RouterOptions> - Class in discord4j.rest
Builder suited for creating a RestClient.
RestClientBuilder(RestClientBuilder<?, ?>, Function<RestClientBuilder.Config, C>, Function<RouterOptions, O>) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
RestClientBuilder(String, Function<RestClientBuilder.Config, C>, Function<RouterOptions, O>) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
RestClientBuilder.Config - Class in discord4j.rest
RestEmoji - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Represents a guild emoji entity in Discord.
restGuild(GuildData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the guild represented by the supplied GuildData.
RestGuild - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Represents a guild entity in Discord.
restGuildEmoji(Snowflake, EmojiData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the guild emoji represented by the supplied ID and EmojiData.
RestGuildTemplate - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Represents a guild template entity in Discord.
RestInteraction - Interface in discord4j.rest.interaction
A single interaction coming from Discord.
RestInvite - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Represents a code that can be used to add a user to a guild.
restMember(Snowflake, MemberData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the member represented by the supplied ID and MemberData
RestMember - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Represents a user (bot or normal) that is member of a specific guild.
restMessage(MessageData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the message represented by the supplied MessageData.
RestMessage - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Represents a message within Discord.
RestResources - Class in discord4j.rest
A set of resources required for key Discord4J features like entity manipulation and API communication.
RestResources(String, ReactorResources, JacksonResources, Router, AllowedMentions) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.RestResources
Create a RestResources instance with the given resources.
restRole(Snowflake, RoleData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the role represented by the supplied ID and RoleData.
RestRole - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Roles represent a set of permissions, unique per guild, attached to a group of users.
RestService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
RestService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.RestService
restUser(UserData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the user represented by the supplied UserData.
RestUser - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Represents a user (bot or normal) entity in Discord.
restWebhook(WebhookData) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the webhook represented by the supplied WebhookData.
RestWebhook - Class in discord4j.rest.entity
Represents a webhook entity in Discord.
ResumingTransformer - Class in discord4j.rest.response
A ResponseFunction that is able to transform an error sequence into a custom response.
ResumingTransformer(RouteMatcher, Predicate<Throwable>, Function<Throwable, Mono<?>>) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.response.ResumingTransformer
RetryingTransformer - Class in discord4j.rest.response
A ResponseFunction that is able to transform an error sequence into a retrying one.
RetryingTransformer(RouteMatcher, Retry<?>) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.response.RetryingTransformer
retryOnceOnErrorStatus(RouteMatcher, Integer...) - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.response.ResponseFunction
Applies a retry strategy to retry once with a fixed backoff of 1 second to the given error status codes caused by requests matching the given RouteMatcher, effectively suppressing the ClientException that would be forwarded otherwise.
retryOnceOnErrorStatus(Integer...) - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.response.ResponseFunction
Applies a retry strategy to retry once with a fixed backoff of 1 second to the given error status codes caused by any request, effectively suppressing the ClientException that would be forwarded otherwise.
retryOnceOnStatus(int) - Static method in exception discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientException
Transformation function that can be used within an operator such as Mono.transform(Function) or Mono.transformDeferred(Function) to apply a retrying strategy in case of an error matching the given HTTP status code.
retryWhen(RouteMatcher, Retry<?>) - Static method in interface discord4j.rest.response.ResponseFunction
Applies a custom retry strategy to the requests matching the given RouteMatcher, effectively suppressing the ClientException that would be forwarded otherwise.
role(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
Return a RestRole representation under this guild.
ROLE - discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Type
Control role mentions.
ROLE_ORDER - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.OrderUtil
The ordering of Discord roles.
route(Route) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouteMatcher
Create a new RouteMatcher that matches any request made for the given Route.
route(Route, Predicate<Map<String, String>>) - Static method in class discord4j.rest.request.RouteMatcher
Create a new RouteMatcher that matches every request made for the given Route that also match a given Predicate of URI variables.
Route - Class in discord4j.rest.route
Provides a mapping between a Discord API endpoint and its response type.
RouteMatcher - Class in discord4j.rest.request
A predicate that can match a given DiscordWebRequest.
RouteMatcher(DiscordWebRequest, Predicate<Map<String, String>>) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.request.RouteMatcher
Router - Interface in discord4j.rest.request
Represents a connector executing DiscordWebRequest objects against the Discord REST API.
RouterOptions - Class in discord4j.rest.request
Options used to control the behavior of a Router.
RouterOptions(String, ReactorResources, ExchangeStrategies, List<ResponseFunction>, GlobalRateLimiter, RequestQueueFactory, String) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.request.RouterOptions
Routes - Class in discord4j.rest.route
A collection of Route object definitions.
Routes() - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
RouteUtils - Class in discord4j.rest.util
RUBY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color ruby .
RUST - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color rust .


scalarLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult
ScalarMult() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult
scalseMult(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult
scalseMult_base(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult
SEA_GREEN - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color sea green .
SEARCH_GUILD_MEMBERS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of guild member objects whose username or nickname starts with a provided string.
searchGuildMembers(long, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
searchMembers(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
SecretBox(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
SecretBox(byte[], long) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
secretKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
secretKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
seedLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
SELF_VOICE_STATE_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Updates the current user's voice state.
selfRestMember(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClient
Requests to retrieve the bot member from the guild of the supplied ID
SEND_MESSAGES - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for sending messages in a channel.
SEND_TTS_MESSAGES - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for sending of /tts messages.
set(K, V) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
Set a value under the given key, replacing any existing single or multiple values.
setAll(Map<K, V>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
Set multiple values under the given key, replacing any existing single or multiple values.
setDefaultAllowedMentions(AllowedMentions) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Sets the AllowedMentions object that can limit the mentioned target entities that are notified upon message created by this client.
setExchangeStrategies(ExchangeStrategies) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Set the strategies to use when reading or writing HTTP request and response body entities.
setExtraOptions(Function<? super O, O2>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Add a configuration for Router implementation-specific cases, changing the type of the current RouterOptions object passed to the Router factory in build methods.
setGlobalRateLimiter(GlobalRateLimiter) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Define the GlobalRateLimiter to be applied while configuring the Router for a client.
setJacksonResources(JacksonResources) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Set a new JacksonResources to this builder, dedicated to provide an ObjectMapper for serialization and deserialization of data.
setNonce(long) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
setNonce(long) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
setReactorResources(ReactorResources) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Set a new ReactorResources dedicated to set up a connection pool, an event pool, as well as the supporting HttpClient used for making rest requests and maintaining gateway connections.
setRequestQueueFactory(RequestQueueFactory) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Sets the RequestQueueFactory that will provide RequestQueue instances for the router.
setToken(String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
Change the token stored in this builder.
sha512(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Hash
sha512(String) - Static method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Hash
sharedKeyLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
sign(byte[]) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
sign(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
sign(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
Signature(byte[], byte[]) - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
signatureLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Signature
size() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
size() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
skipBody() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientResponse
Consume and release the response body then return and empty Mono.
skipBody() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebResponse
Consume and release the response body then return and empty Mono.
SPEAK - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for speaking in a voice channel.
STREAM - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for Stream in voice channel.
SUBMARINE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color submarine .
subtract(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
SUMMER_SKY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color summer sky .
suppressAll() - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions
Create an AllowedMentions object that will suppress all mentions.
suppressEmbeds(long, long, SuppressEmbedsRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
suppressEveryone() - Static method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions
Create an AllowedMentions object that will suppress @everyone and @here mentions.
syncGuildIntegration(long, long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.GuildService
syncIntegration(Snowflake) - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestGuild
syncTemplate(long, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.TemplateService


TAHITI_GOLD - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color tahiti gold .
TEMPLATE_GUILD_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a new guild from template.
TemplateService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
TemplateService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.TemplateService
test(ApplicationCommandInteractionData) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.ApplicationCommandDefinition
Match whether the incoming interaction can be handled by this command.
toData() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions
Map this AllowedMentions object to a AllowedMentionsData JSON
token - Variable in class discord4j.rest.RestClientBuilder
toString() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientRequest
toString() - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.client.ClientResponse
toString() - Method in class discord4j.rest.json.response.ErrorResponse
toString() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketKey
toString() - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.DiscordWebRequest
toString() - Method in class discord4j.rest.route.Route
toString() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
toString() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Image
toString() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
transform(DiscordWebRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.response.CompositeTransformer
transform(DiscordWebRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.response.EmptyResponseTransformer
transform(DiscordWebRequest) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.response.ResponseFunction
Transform a Mono pipeline using the given DiscordWebRequest as hint for parameterization of the resulting transformation.
transform(DiscordWebRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.response.ResumingTransformer
transform(DiscordWebRequest) - Method in class discord4j.rest.response.RetryingTransformer
triggerTypingIndicator(long) - Method in class discord4j.rest.service.ChannelService
TweetNaclFast - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast() - Constructor for class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast
TweetNaclFast.Box - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.Hash - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.poly1305 - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.ScalarMult - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.SecretBox - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.Signature - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFast.Signature.KeyPair - Class in com.iwebpp.crypto
TweetNaclFastInteractionValidator - Class in discord4j.rest.interaction
TweetNaclFastInteractionValidator(String) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.interaction.TweetNaclFastInteractionValidator
type() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestChannel
Request to trigger the typing indicator in this channel.
TYPING_INDICATOR_TRIGGER - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Post a typing indicator for the specified channel.


UNKNOWN - discord4j.rest.util.Image.Format
Unknown image format.
UNKNOWN - discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
Unknown type
update(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.poly1305
UPDATE_MESSAGE - discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
For components, edit the message the component was attached to
USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows the usage of custom emojis from other servers.
USE_SLASH_COMMANDS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows members to use slash commands in text channels.
USE_VAD - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for using voice-activity-detection in a voice channel.
user() - Method in class discord4j.rest.entity.RestMember
Create a RestUser with daa from this Member.
USER - discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Type
Control user mentions.
USER_CONNECTIONS_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a list of connection objects.
USER_DM_CREATE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Create a new DM channel with a user.
USER_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns a user object for a given user ID.
UserService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
UserService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.UserService


validateSignature(String, String, String) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.interaction.InteractionValidator
See https://discord.com/developers/docs/interactions/slash-commands#security-and-authorization
validateSignature(String, String, String) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.TweetNaclFastInteractionValidator
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.rest.util.Image.Format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.rest.util.AllowedMentions.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.rest.util.Image.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.rest.util.InteractionResponseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.Multimap
values() - Static method in enum discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VIEW_AUDIT_LOG - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for viewing of audit logs.
VIEW_CHANNEL - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows guild members to view a channel, which includes reading messages in text channels.
VIEW_GUILD_INSIGHTS - discord4j.rest.util.Permission
Allows for viewing guild insights.
VIVID_VIOLET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color vivid violet .
VOICE_REGION_LIST - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns an array of voice region objects that can be used when creating servers.
VoiceService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
VoiceService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.VoiceService


WEB_P - discord4j.rest.util.Image.Format
Represents the WebP format.
WEBHOOK_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Delete a webhook permanently.
WEBHOOK_EXECUTE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
This endpoint supports both JSON and form data bodies.
WEBHOOK_EXECUTE_GITHUB - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
WEBHOOK_EXECUTE_SLACK - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
WEBHOOK_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Returns the new webhook object for the given id.
WEBHOOK_MESSAGE_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
WEBHOOK_MESSAGE_EDIT - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
WEBHOOK_MESSAGE_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
WEBHOOK_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Modify a webhook.
WEBHOOK_TOKEN_DELETE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Same as above, except this call does not require authentication.
WEBHOOK_TOKEN_GET - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Same as Routes.WEBHOOK_GET, except this call does not require authentication and returns no user in the webhook object.
WEBHOOK_TOKEN_MODIFY - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.route.Routes
Same as Routes.WEBHOOK_MODIFY, except this call does not require authentication and returns no user in the webhook object.
WebhookService - Class in discord4j.rest.service
WebhookService(Router) - Constructor for class discord4j.rest.service.WebhookService
WHITE - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color white .
withFollowup(Function<InteractionResponse, Publisher<?>>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.interaction.FollowupInteractionHandler
Create an interaction handler that can have additional behavior after an interaction is acknowledged.
withLimiter(Publisher<T>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.request.BucketGlobalRateLimiter
withLimiter(Publisher<T>) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.request.GlobalRateLimiter
Provides a scope to perform reactive operations under this global rate limiter.
write(HttpClient.RequestSender, MultipartRequest<?>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.MultipartWriterStrategy
write(HttpClient.RequestSender, Object) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.JacksonWriterStrategy
write(HttpClient.RequestSender, Void) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.EmptyWriterStrategy
write(HttpClient.RequestSender, R) - Method in interface discord4j.rest.http.WriterStrategy
Write a given object to the output message.
writers() - Method in interface discord4j.rest.http.ExchangeStrategies
Retrieve the list of writer strategies to convert a request body.
writerStrategy(WriterStrategy<?>) - Method in class discord4j.rest.http.ExchangeStrategies.Builder
Add a new writer strategy for request body conversion.
WriterStrategy<R> - Interface in discord4j.rest.http
Strategy for encoding an object of type <Req> and writing the encoded stream of bytes to an HttpClientRequest.


xor(PermissionSet) - Method in class discord4j.rest.util.PermissionSet
Performs a logical XOR of this permission set with the other permission set.


YELLOW - Static variable in class discord4j.rest.util.Color
The color yellow .


zerobytesLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.Box
zerobytesLength - Static variable in class com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast.SecretBox
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