All Classes and Interfaces

Used to send audio.
Discord does not officially support bots receiving audio.
Default implementation for a VoiceConnectionFactory.
A default implementation for client that is able to connect to Discord Voice Gateway and establish a VoiceConnection capable of sending and receiving audio.
A simple VoiceConnectionRegistry that tracks local VoiceConnection instances.
A receive task that can locally consume audio packets and pass them to an AudioReceiver.
A local implementation of a VoiceReceiveTaskFactory, performing all actions in the same JVM instance.
A send task that can derive packets from an AudioProvider and submit audio packets locally.
A local implementation of a VoiceSendTaskFactory, performing all actions in the same JVM instance.
Opus constants.
A supplier to obtain a channel ID.
Allows for manipulation of an already-established voice connection.
States of a voice connection.
A factory to create VoiceConnection instances using a set of VoiceGatewayOptions.
A centralized registry to hold VoiceConnection instances.
A task to encapsulate actions needed to terminate a voice connection on a given guild.
Marker interface for Discord voice Gateway events.
A set of options required to establish and customize building VoiceConnection instances.
Provides an extra level of configuration for ReactorResources, tailored for the Voice Gateway operations.
A factory to create a task that receives audio packets from a source and processes them through a given AudioReceiver.
A factory to create a task that reads audio packets from an AudioProvider, encodes them and then sends them through a given raw packet sink.
A set of options required to identify a voice server, for identifying.
A listener to derive a potentially new VoiceServerOptions from a VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE gateway event.
A UDP client abstraction dedicated to handling the transport of raw voice packets.
A listener to derive a potentially new session ID from a VOICE_STATE_UPDATE gateway event.
Represents a WebSocket handler specialized for Discord voice gateway operations.